I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 400 Destroyed

Chapter 400 Destroyed

A brilliant burst of lightning surged forth, casting its dazzling illumination across the expanse. This lightning extended until it met the billowing clouds above, infusing the colorful chaotic clouds with its power.

The clouds transformed, no longer merely vibrant but now resembling the harbinger of a tempest, brimming with ominous rumbles and dazzling streaks of lightning.

However, the dazzling display of lightning was ended short. Emerging from the radiant aftermath, the form of the Lightning Dragon was seen, its majestic presence revealed once the brilliance had waned.


Svaros who was still in the air looked confused, amazed, and scared at the same time. Previously he was a Dragon with the power of fire but now suddenly the Dragon had changed to have the power of lightning.

'What really happened?'

Dragon-Erend stared at Svaros with blue eyes filled with tendrils of lightning. His entire body was enveloped in bluish-white lightning that was whipping around furiously.

Suddenly, the lightning all over Dragon-Erend's body flashed again. It looks like a flash that appears before lightning strikes. He moved after the lightning appeared. Due to its speed, Dragon-Erend seemed to move along with the lightning.

In the blink of an eye, Dragon-Erend was already in front of Svaros. Dark blood splashed into the air almost instantly after Dragon-Erend's claws slashed through Svaros' chest.

'Too fast!'

Svaros only realized that he had been hit by an attack a moment later when he felt pain. Svaros immediately put up a fight. He spat out a white frost cloud towards Dragon-Erend.

However, Dragon-Erend managed to dodge backward with almost the speed of light. He then unleashed a bolt of lightning from his claw towards Svaros.

The bolt of lightning hit Svaros but the God of Fallen Beast still managed to cross his arms that were covered in the frontal chest armor. Yet, because of that attack, he was still knocked back a few meters and staggered.

Svaros gritted his teeth and stared at Dragon-Erend with eyes full of rage. He somehow has a new power and that is lightning, his weakness.

Right now the most reasonable thing for him to do was step back and ask Isadora or Ozynk for help. However, his desire to destroy Dragon-Erend, coupled with the rage that he had been too resistant to and also the arrival of Dragon-Erend who was right before his eyes made Svaros abandon that option immediately.

He was in his domain anyway, so Svaros felt that his power would be stronger than that of the Dragonborn.

"GRAAAAHHH!!!" Svaros roared, he charged back toward Dragon-Erend with incredible ferocity. He also awakened all the scattered bones around.josei

The bones started to move and turned into monsters made of skeletons. There are dozens of them in number and all of them are directly charged towards Dragon-Erend with the same ferocity as their master.

However, despite seeing that sight Dragon-Erend didn't seem daunted or doubtful. He also charged Svaros and his army of skeleton monsters.

They engage in an extraordinary battle after clashing against each other. Dragon-Erend was surrounded from all sides by the army of skeleton monsters. He unleashed lightning from his body to all sides, preventing their attacks from connecting. Several of the skeleton monsters were disintegrated again due to being struck by the lightning.

At that moment Svaros suddenly lunged from behind the waves of monsters and immediately grabbed Dragon-Erend by his neck. Dragon-Erend who was still busy dealing with his monsters finally caught off guard. Yet he didn't look worried. Svaros could even see the grin created on his Dragon's face, making Svaros feel a chill run down his spine.

Dragon-Erend opened his mouth and let out a powerful burst of lightning. From this close, the spray hit Svaros directly in the face. The bone armor that covered Svaros's face still protected him from the excessive damage but the attack was so strong that the armor finally shattered.

The lightning hit his face and then threw Svaros backward. He toppled and bounced several times before finally stopping and lying face down on the sand. Half of his face had been destroyed by the lightning.

Dragon-Erend wanted to immediately take care of him, but before he arrived at the place where Svaros fell, the skeleton monsters again surrounded him from all sides. Dragon-Erend was forced to take care of them first before he could kill Svaros.

'It won't take long, Svaros,' thought Dragon-Erend with the grin still on the Dragon's face.


Meanwhile, inside the now-ruined castle, Eccar is standing on a pile of fallen pillars. He stared at Rikard who was panting hard beneath him. Blood filled Rikard's face and he had lost his left hand.

Eccar grinned knowing that his opponent's life would not be long. But on the other hand, he was also surprised and happy because he knew that Erend had other powers besides his fire power. He could feel the change in Erend's strength without even looking at him.

Now Eccar's mind was on Erend. Rikard, who became his opponent, was no longer worthy of his attention. In Eccar's eyes, he is already dead.

Eccar had not seen a Dragonborn in a very long time. Precisely when he finally chose to be sealed in the Chaos Realm and hunted as many creatures that lived in this place. So he was so happy when he saw Erend's presence.

However, his happiness multiplies when he finds out that Erend actually has more than one dragon power.

'Maybe...he is The King.'

That is indeed a possibility that is still far from the truth. Erend has one mark of The King, he can wield more than one power.

However, to get there still needs a lot of evidence. It was too fast to conclude that yet, Eccar hoped that Erend was indeed The King because he liked him.

While Eccar's mind was distracted by Erend, Rikard darted towards him.

"HYAAAHH!!!" Rikard shouted desperately at the top of his lungs. He realized that he could not beat Eccar. Meanwhile, the battle outside didn't feel good either after Rikard felt a wave of another surge of power that wasn't from Svaros.

So Rikard struggled with his last remaining energy to deliver his best attack on Eccar.

Rikard's body was enveloped in a dark blue and red light. His blood that kept pouring out from his wounds mixed into that aura. The light then flowed towards the bone spear and enveloped the weapon.

Eccar could clearly see that his enemy was about to issue his strongest attack. Yet, even though he knew that, Eccar didn't look threatened. Instead, he grinned with a satisfied expression.

"There you go. Come on! Give me something worth fighting!" Eccar shouted, an expression of excitement that was almost close to madness covering his face.

Gripping his spear tightly, Rikard shot towards Eccar. His teeth gritted, and then he screamed.


Eccar approached him while casting his Magic to strengthen his body.


The two of them clashed with each other causing a loud booming sound and a spreading Magic shockwave to destroy the castle walls.


Svaros who was on the ground with a gash on his face turned when he heard a loud boom. What he saw made him even more on the edge of despair.

The castle walls were broken and collapsed by a force from within. Svaros knew that it was the result of Rikard and the Erend's friend fighting.

Svaros already knew he couldn't win now. However, he was too proud to admit his defeat.

Half of his face is now destroyed by Dragon-Erend's attack. He couldn't heal his wound quickly enough because he had used too much Magic energy. Svaros thought this would be enough to kill Dragon-Erend, but he couldn't be too far from reality.

The last monster's skeleton finally fell and disintegrated under Dragon-Erend's lightning-clad claws. The bones that followed it were burnt and even melted a bit.

After that Dragon-Erend walked towards Svaros. Svaros who saw that immediately jumped to his feet and put up another fight.

However, before he could give the Dragon-Erend attack, he immediately strangled his neck and then sent lightning through his hand.

Svaros strained as his whole body was struck by lightning. He let out a scream full of pain.

"Tell me, Svaros. Where is my family!" Dragon-Erend asked with his Dragon voice booming like thunder.

Even though he was already on the verge of death, Svaros still didn't look like he wanted to give up. He stared at Dragon-Erend with his one remaining eye. The eyes stared full of burning rage instead of fear.

Seeing that, Dragon-Erend immediately tore Svaros' head to pieces with his lightning-covered claws. He didn't finish there. Dragon-Erend then tore Svaros' body into small pieces of flesh that scattered on the sand.

[Urgent Quest Completed! ]

[Rewards: 1,000 Exp. ]

[You Leveled Up! ]

[You Leveled Up! ]

As soon as he saw the notification, Dragon-Erend felt sure that Svaros was dead. Even though he hadn't gotten a clue about his mother and sister, at least now he had dealt with something that was bothering him.

However, right after that notification a voice entered his head.

'Erend! Is that you?!'

It was Arty's voice.


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