I Reincarnated as a Shinai

Chapter 140

Chapter 140: Rank Up ( Part 3 )

Reiji decided to check all the notifications he had after completing the advancement ritual.

[ Rank Up Quest – Completed ] 

[ You have offered a total of Five Arcana to the Sword Deity, Albeiron. ] 

[ You received a new rank – Rare ] 

[ You have received a title. ] 

[ Blessed by a Sword Deity – The sword deity had truly set his eyes on you. 

Effect: Other Arcana blessed by the Sword Deity and his allies would feel goodwill towards you. However, any Arcana blessed by the enemy of the Sword Deity may show hostility on you. ] 

"Eh? I don't want that…"

Reiji unconsciously commented after learning about the trouble of being a true blessed by Albeiron.

However, after thinking about it, the reason why he had another life was perhaps due to this deity. 

'I guess it wouldn't be that bad. It's not even a guarantee that they'll show hostility… I'll also have a chance to befriend other blessed Arcana…'

There might be more benefit than detriment from being a blessed.

Reiji mused before he continued checking the notifications.

[ You have received a Free Skill ]

[ Danger Sense Lv 1 ] 

[ The user will be capable of sensing approaching danger including bloodlust that is targeting you. The higher the level the wider the effective range. ] 

[ Upgrade Price: 50 SP ]

This is a very useful skill since he was mostly relying on his eyesight with his current body.

He remembered that there is an expensive Danger Detection skill that he can purchase and he was actually planning to get it. However, this new skill seems to be much better than that. 

[ You have received 10 Skill Points ]

Reiji smiled wryly at the 10 skill points but he was still thankful for having it. 

His 15 SP was now 25… It was better than having less. Especially for having it for emergencies like healing Stella's wound or using Overload. 

Finally, Reiji decided to check all his available missions!

The first thing that he was surprised about was that there are four missions available already!

[ Available Missions ] 

[ Hold On ] 

[ Find someone who can hold you for 3 hours straight without any pause. If you were unhanded even be a second, the timer will restart. 

Reward: 30 SP ] 

"Oh… This is better." 

Reiji realized a huge change in the reward system. Compared to the previous "Hold Missions" that he had, the reward after advancing to Rare-Rank was quite generous.

[ Blood Scent ] 

[ A newly advanced Arcana requires a taste of blood. 

Reward: 1-100 SP ] 

[ The reward will depend on the power contained within the blood. ] 

Reiji was already quite familiar with missions related to blood so he was looking forward to having it again. 

After all, this place isn't as peaceful as his previous world. 

[ Endurance Test ] 

[ A Sentient Arcana must be strong on its own. Have your durability decreased by half. 

Reward: 50 SP ]

[ Mission Requirements: Durability Enhancement, Ice Resistance, Fire Resistance, Corrosion Resistance ] 

"Mhmm… A new mission, huh."

Reiji suddenly noticed that this Endurance Test listed the required Skills before they can be available in his missions list… 

"Just like what I thought, some of my missions will depend on the skills I've purchased with my SP."

It was a good thing since he wouldn't get a mission that would be impossible for him to do. 

When he was alone in the garbage dump, he had an "untouchable" mission.

When he got the Sense Link and Take Over, he had missions like teaching, holding, or something related to combat like having a taste of blood. 

When he learned Sword Kinesis, he had missions that made him use of it like the one that requires him to kill or defeat a beast alone.

And as expected, after he checked the last mission, it was again related to one of his skills. 

[ Fight Under Pressure ] 

[ Use Sword's Will and Eliminate any beasts that could incite fear to your wielder ] 

Progress: 0/3

Reward: 100 SP ] 

[ Mission Requirement: Sword's Will ] 

It was a good thing that Stella wasn't such an unreasonably brave lady and she can still fear the strong Evil Beasts.

"All the rewards are generous…"

Reiji was satisfied with his new missions. 

Based on the rewards that he'll get once he completed them, he would be able to save quickly and get some skills he wanted to have…

"Right, I should have unlocked new skills in my list…" 

He remembered the Guide's words about the skills that he couldn't view before…

He didn't think too much of it during that time, since he was still far from advancing… 

However, now that he had successfully advanced, he can now check the skills he can get…

"Ahh…. Master!"

Stella exclaimed interrupting his thoughts.  josei

Anyway, he barely has any SPs at the moment so he'll just check it later.

"What's wrong?"

"I just remembered this thing that you told me to take… May I know what kind of stone is this?"

Stella brought out the familiar stone and asked her Master about it while they were still quite far from the main group. 

Even with their Sense Link, it is quite difficult to speak with her Master when others were around.

It was challenging for her to listen and talk at the same time as she had to pay attention to either Sir Hendrick or the others….

"Haa~ I thought that you found some problems… Just leave it there for now. That may be something important."

Reiji answered as he remembered that he could only purchase a skill similar to appraisal or identification when he reached the Unique-Rank in the future. 

It may still be far from now but it wasn't something impossible as per the Guide's words. 

"Eh? You're not sure?"

"I only have a vague idea so keep it there for now."

"I understand, Master…" Stella replied as she kept the stone in her bag. 


"Lord Castillo… It seems that the other Elite Tamers used another passage to enter deeper within this cave…"

Hendrick reported to the noble Arcanist so he can get his opinion.

"Another passage? Did you ask what are they looking for?"

"They were looking for a chamber containing a treasure. But they were not aware of what kind of treasure was that… and only their leader knows about it."

"That sounds suspicious… Are you sure they are telling the truth?"

"Mhmm… We used a drug to make them speak so I'm confident about it."

"Haa~ This is getting more troublesome than I expected… I believe you already have an idea about the treasure that they're looking for."

The Arcanists probed the Knight.

"I'm still not sure but it is highly likely related to the rumored bright stone..." Hendrick replied as he looked at the gentleman. The latter should've heard about this as well. 

"I'm guessing that too… Do you know what that bright stone is?"

"There were a lot of rumors about it but the part where it says that it can summon cursed Arcana was interesting… If that was true, then it must be similar to the Arcane Stone used during the Arcana Bestowal Ceremony."

"Ho~ So you've done your research."

"Just a little…" Hendrick smiled seeing how impressed this noble was. 

"Alright… I'm thinking the same thing but this was similarly thought by the other Arcanists before us. However, none of them found any traces of this stone, and many of them who tried looking for it has died or just disappeared without any traces."

Castillo said as he chuckled in the end. There's only bad luck looking for that item.

"That doesn't sound optimistic…" The Knight Captain commented as they decided on their next plans. 

"I've seen several parchments, scrolls, and letters in the pile… Have you found something?"

"Ahh… That's right… We'll be using these letters against the Gre—"

"Mhmm?" Castillo was curious about his sudden silence.

"I'm not sure whether I should be discussing this…"

"Ahh… I get it… So you confirmed my words a while ago?"

The noble Arcanist said as he already hinted to the Knights before about the Native Cao Fruit's scent from the Tamer's body. 

"Sigh~ I'm afraid so… Lord Castillo, do you know what kind of people are they? I only know the Greiner Family due to General Maximilian's exploit and his youngest son's recent status as a holder of a Mythical Rank Arcana… Are they dissatisfied with their current status or something?"

"Haha~ Just consider them a power that even the King has to be wary of. The three generals of our kingdom appear to be balanced but General Maximilian has the strongest army available… So I guess you have to remain anonymous if you'll make a report. And if you're asking whether they are satisfied… I'm not too sure… but the small territory that the King gave may not be enough for them…"

"Ha! Is his army stronger than the Chaos Knights?" 

Hendrick asked after being told to hide his name when making a report.

"Maybe… They're numerous. I heard that they also have the largest assassination squad."

Their conversation about the family didn't take long as they have to follow the remaining tamers ahead. 

The Knight Captain also didn't disclose this information to others except to this 3rd-Class Arcanist as he still wanted to make sure that this is not a tactic by the enemy to create internal conflict.

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