I Reincarnated as a Shinai

Chapter 296

Chapter 296: Dark Elves ( 3 )

The Forest Rats who managed to create a hole in their defensive array were dealt with by Szaaz…

Without the Ancient Cursed Arcana, the village would've surely become chaotic and the casualties would increase by several times!

'Master, more Wyverns have come!' Ruthren said as he saw the huge beasts above.

Reiji is now with Ruthren after they have dealt with most of the Gryphons pestering the Half-Imps.

'Haa~ There's no other choice… We have to take this seriously… The village is already unrecognizable. If they still managed to get down here, there would be nothing left…' Reiji sighed as he saw the numerous beasts that were excited to see them.

"Sir Ruthren! We can still activate our barrier to lessen the number of Wyverns who can enter at the same time… However, we're unsure whether it could on for long."

One of the elders of the village approached the Sword Slave. 

It would indeed be a disaster if there would be 10 Wyverns entering the village at the same time…

Since they have control with the array, they could let the 2 or 3 Wyverns in first but they have to deal with them as quickly as possible.

'Tell them it's fine… We'll deal with Wyverns. Just tell them to focus on eliminating the remaining Harpies.'

'Yes, Master.'

Ruthren did as he was told and instructed the elders. 

"Leave everything to me!"

The man finally said before he jumped to the nearest Gryphon coming at him…

He used the beast as a stepping stone before he wave the shinai!

Soon, 80 wooden swords appeared in the sky! It caught everyone's attention as they have never seen anything like this before! 

Even during the previous beast wave, none of them saw this kind of technique from the five guardians!


The Wyverns felt threatened after seeing the sword pointed at them. It may not look sharp but they can feel the immense Spiritual Energy included in each sword floating around the scary-looking man.

This is because Reiji used his Sword Intent and Sword's Will in each sword!

Aside from that, because of numerous weakened beasts around, his Blood Thirst was also activated creating a very dangerous aura around him…

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

It didn't take long before the sword started rushing towards the Wyverns!

They used their wind elemental Arcane Magic to stop or divert the direction of the swords but unfortunately, these swords were too powerful to be affected by their weak magic!

'Eat that!' Reiji exclaimed after seeing the swords get near to the Wyverns…

"Sword Explosion!"

Boom! Boom!

A series of explosions suddenly stopped everyone from their fight!

Reiji just unleased 80 explosions in a single move! The Wyverns were drowned from that explosion!

Even the other smaller flying beasts like bats and eagles were caught in the explosion!

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Multiple bodies or parts of the Evil Beasts dropped on the ground! Most of them even created a powerful impact causing even more damage to the village.

However, this explosion probably surprised every beast within the village as they were temporarily shocked and dizzy…

The Half-Imps who were resistant to a sound attack managed to continue their fight and killed the stunned harpies and gryphons!

This happened so fast the Evil Beasts were unable to react as they were pierced by their spears and swords!

'Master! That was powerful..'

'Yes… Thanks to that, I completed my mission. Anyway, I need to take some rest… I spent all of Spiritual Energy.' Reiji said as they landed near the elders.

'I understand, Master. I will use my sharp sword for now.' 

Ruthren said as he pulled out his main sword to kill the remaining beasts…

This is not the first time that he had seen his master use the Cloning Technique and Sword Explosion. He knows that it costs a lot of energy. Not just the Spiritual one but the Mystical Energy unique to Arcana.

"Everyone! I already killed most of the beasts! Most have been crippled if not dead! Finish them off!"

The sword slave shouted as he led the fight on the ground.

It increased everyone's morale as he charged on the nearest wyverns who seems to be breathing still.


A slash on its head was all it took to end its life. Their skins are tough but with their Magic Weapons crafted by the best Arcanists in the kingdom, they can cut through them without having much trouble.


As Ruthren is enjoying his fight, Reiji heard Szaaz talking to him.

"Master… There are Dark Elves around the village… They are about to climb up… Do you want me to deal with them?"

The Trident Arcana noticed that Reiji spent most of his energy dealing with the Wyverns so he offered his help.

"What?! Dark Elves?" Reiji asked in surprise. He didn't notice them at all!

"That's correct, Master. They are using a very ancient method to hide their presence. However, it's not effective against me."

"I see… About how many are there?"

"Hmm… There are only 30 of them who are planning to climb up. However, I can feel that there are a hundred of them watching the plateau from afar."

"That many? I heard that Dark Elves are good with Curses and Manipulation Magic. Are you going to be fine?"

"That's true. But don't worry, you know that I'm quite good at resisting these kinds of magic. Ahh… Of course, your manipulation magic on me is still the best. They can't be compared to yours." Szaaz quickly changed his tone.

Reiji could only smile at this as he ordered him to ensure the safety of the tunnel first before going out.josei

"Thank you, Master… You won't be disappointed. They are also holding two decent Arcana that you may be interested in. I will bring them back for you."

Szaaz said as he dashed out of the tunnel leaving his wielder. 

It seems that he judged that having a sword slave with him would just burden him in his battle against the Dark Elves.

Reiji could only sigh as he calculated the time he needed to recover.

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