I Reincarnated As A Stick

Chapter 119

Chapter 119: Intense Shock

Within the inheritance of Area 52.

“Inheritor, here is your 10th and final instruction,” the voice from the inheritance resounded while Aurus was regaining his mental energy, as well as his mental composure.

Thankfully, he was able to regain enough to clearly hear the voice, putting his mind at full capacity. “Let’s start the final question!”

As if the inheritance was answering Aurus’ request, the voice from the inheritance replied with, “In this instruction, you will have to choose 10 blocks from the 440 total blocks available to you in order to finish the trial.”

At that instant…

Aurus’ mind went blank.

“…” He was utterly speechless. Of course, he knew that for every consecutive instruction, the amount of the blocks he had to choose, as well as the total amount of blocks he could choose from increased after every instruction. That was why his mental energy was sapped dry after clearing the 9th question.

But right now, he had barely recovered enough mental energy to understand what the voice was saying. Out of rage, he muttered, “Fuck my life.”

Not long after that, Aurus started to scream and vent his anger by saying some very mean words that should not be stated because it would definitely hurt people. Then again, this novel has shown some curse words, so think curse words, but on the level of cursing the inheritance creator’s ancestor’s ancestor’s ancestor.

After venting out all of his anger, he started to breathe deeply and steadily, gradually regaining his usual composure as he let his mental energy reach its peak before starting to tackle this final instruction.

He looked at the amount of blocks he could choose from in order to move before letting out a sigh.

“Ahhh fuck it. Let’s get this over with.”

And with that, the 10th and final instruction…question, ah whatever works in this case, by the inheritance now comes to a start.

“Listen carefully to my words, inheritor, for I’ll say it just once.” As usual, the voice reminded Aurus to listen attentively to every word it said.

“For your 10th and final instruction, you are an archaeologist that has discovered a special trap in a certain tomb. It seems that this trap consists of large blocks where one wrong move can lead to imminent death at anytime.”

“Thankfully, you were able to recover an artifact before entering the special trap, coincidentally obtaining the knowledge needed to pass through the trap without any problems.”

“The alphabet used on the artifact was a language decoded by linguists multiple years ago already, allowing you to know the writing on the artifact very well. Only six characters could be seen on the artifact, all pertaining to directions.”

“Oh?” Hearing the last statement said by the voice, Aurus’ sense of hearing could not help but perk up, knowing very well that the method to clear the final instruction was in this part.

“The first character looked similar to the letter V, and according to what you learned, it pertained to the direction up. The second character looked like a combination of S and D, pertaining to the direction of down according to what you learned.”

“As for the third and fourth character, the third character was an P with a curve at the end, while the fourth character was a mirrored version. According to the linguists, the third character means left while the fourth means right.”

“As for the fifth and sixth character, they were more abstruse than the first four characters, with the fifth character looking like a mix between X, C, and R. As for the sixth character, it was even worse, being a mix between B, F, K, and Y. As for their meanings, it was just the secondary directions northwest and northeast respectively.”

“The pattern on the artifact was written from top to bottom, using the pattern 5,6,4,3,4,3,2,2,1,1. Of course, changing it for the characters.”

“While looking at it, you know for a fact that your translation was correct as you’ve learned the alphabet on the artifact for many years. But there was a nagging feeling in your mind that something was off.”

“You had a feeling that the artifact was misleading you to follow the pattern on the special trap in order to trap you forever. After pondering over it for a bit, you decided to follow your gut feeling and look at the pattern from another angle.”

“You flipped the artifact, giving you the pattern 1,1,2,2,3,4,3,4,6,5. You think about the pattern for a bit and have doubts as to whether this pattern would allow you to cross the special trap safely as well. In the end, you have two patterns to choose from.”

“Which one will you choose?”

After the voice was finished explaining the situation, Aurus started to ponder on the two patterns given to him.

“The first pattern is 5,6,4,3,4,3,2,2,1,1, while the other one is the reversed version of it,” Aurus muttered as his brain started turning its gears, working on making a solution to this 10th question.

“Substituting the numbers with directions, the first pattern gives me the following order of northwest, northeast, right, left, right, left, down, down, up, and up.”

“Wait a minute…” After hearing himself talk about the directions, a memory so vague to him surfaced in his mind, a memory that contained a special code in multiple games in his previous life that it was considered an easter egg.

“Ain’t this the…” Gradually clearing the memory that surfaced in his mind, Aurus gradually realized the pattern that was given to him by the inheritance.

“The Konami Code!”

The Konami Code was a famous easter egg in his previous life. It could even be considered as a legend due to how popular it was. It went along the lines of up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, then start.josei

Of course, Aurus noticed that the pattern on the artifact was the reversed version of the Konami code, with B and A being swapped for northeast and northwest respectively.

Without hesitation, he discarded the first pattern in his mind, following the second pattern that coincided with the memory that surfaced in his mind.


Hovering off of the ground, Aurus moved two blocks forward, then the same amount in reverse. He then moved to the block to his left, and then to his right, twice. At this point, a great majority of the stone blocks had fallen into the viscous fluid and dissolved, leaving only a handful for Aurus to choose from.

Of course, Aurus did not have to think hard on what blocks he should choose, moving to the block in his front, leaning towards the right, before moving forwards one more time, leaning towards the left this time.


All of a sudden, after finishing the 10 moves, as if Aurus achieved something special, all of the remaining blocks instantly sunk down and dissolved from the viscous fluid, leaving the sole block of stone where Aurus hovered off of.

Seeing that the block of stone he was hovering off of was not dissolved by the viscous fluid, Aurus could not help but let out a sigh of relief and say, “Haah… it’s finally over. The second trial is finally over.”

A few seconds later, the viscous fluid that threatened to dissolve the stone block that Aurus hovered off of gradually retreated, with the stone block Aurus was on gradually expanding in exchange. This continued on for a few minutes, with the big stone room returning back to normal. His vision also returned to normal, with the black fog that was supposed to cover his vision dissipating along with the viscous fluid.

With the big stone room returning back to normal, Aurus could now truly relax, landing on the ground, regaining his mental energy and his mental composure while waiting for the inheritance to tell him his reward.

Eventually, after ten minutes, a monotonous voice started to resound throughout the stone room, announcing Aurus’ reward.

“Inheritor, you have successfully completed the second trial, the Trial of Logic.”

“Conparing you to the other inheritors that have taken the same trial in your past, you are the first one to have completed the trial in such a short amount of time, only taking a little bit over 2 hours.”

“For this, the reward that will be given you is highly boosted than normal. I hope you can put the reward to good use.”


After the monotonous voice was finished speaking, a notification sound resounded throughout his mind, coming from the system alone. He had a feeling that the reward he obtained from the second trial was related to the system after hearing the notification sound, hence he checked the notification log.

At the very instant he was finished reading the notification, Aurus closed the notification screen and stayed silent for a few minutes. It was only after that did he start to make noise.

“What the fuck….”


“What the fuck…”

Now what did Aurus obtain, you may ask?

That would be 300 Genesis Points, enough for him to temper his soul and start investing into the Genesis Tree.

“What in the ever loving fuck.”

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