I Reincarnated As A Stick

Chapter 290

Chapter 290: Custom Magic


As he commanded the system to identify the latest skill that had been given to him, a small holographic screen soon appeared in front of his field of vision. Surprisingly, even though the screen had already appeared in front of him, his mind was occupied with another thing, prompting him to put the identification of his latest skill aside as he felt that this thought he had was of higher importance.

“Surely, that holder in ISE would also have something like this, right?” Argentum muttered the question that was on his mind, rummaging through Aurus’s memories to find out if his speculations were correct. Unfortunately for him, Aurus’s memories did not disclose as to whether the holder of the tome in his previous life had such a skill on hand as the holder did not share that information on the forums at all. 

Letting out a slightly defeated sigh, he cheered himself up by thinking to himself that the other skills would also transform into the same type of skill he currently had…which made him let out a longer sigh of defeat as he thought about the amount of effort he put in into grinding all of those skills.

“I should stop thinking about these kinds of depressive thoughts,” Argentum said to himself not long after as he closed his sense of vision for a bit to regain his composure. After taking in a deep breath, he opened his sense of vision once more to take a glance at the small holographic screen, which he had ignored a while ago, to read the description of [Sage’s Water Magic]. Fortunately, it did not take long for Argentum to read through all of the contents of his screen. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for his current expression as his aura was that of shock and disbelief…which lasted for quite a long time.

It took him a few minutes to snap out of his daze as he could only mutter a single word.



[Sage’s Water Magic]

Grade: Mortal (C)

Once one transcends the normal understanding and perception of those well-versed in the element of Water, one becomes a sage of water that understands and utilizes the intrinsic properties of water to their benefit. One could say that once one becomes a sage of water, the element of Water shall now be under their will, allowing them to form it into their desired purpose and shape.

This skill allows the user to create their own spells and skills that fall under two types: Blessed Water spells and True Water spells. This skill also allows the user to gain access to destructive Water magic far beyond their current existence level at the cost of a large amount of mana being consumed.

Note: Due to the difference in the intrinsic level of the skill and the user’s current existence level, the speed at which the user could comprehend the higher levels of the skill has been halved.

> Innate Spells: 1

> Blessed Water Spells: 0/1

> True Water Spells: 0/3

> All Water-based skills and spells shall have their damage be increased by 100%

> All Water-based skills and spells shall have their MP cost be reduced by 15%


“Truly broken…” Argentum said a few seconds later as he read through the contents of the screen one more time. At this moment, he let out a sigh of awe as he thought up of the multiple possibilities this skill contained from its creation section alone. Of course, he also took note as to how the Water-based skills and spells would have their damage output increased while the cost to conjure them was decreased, making him think that the passive features of the skill were quite similar to that of the Flame Incarnation skill he got from Eleanor, but without the transformation part.

After making sure that he fully understood the description of the skill, he then focused his attention on the three types of spells that the skill had to offer to him, which were Innate Spells, Blessed Water Spells, and True Water Spells. He could not help but notice that on the latter two, there was a limit on the number of spells. Although he found it a bit odd that such an overbearing skill would have limits imposed on these kinds of things, it was understandable since the skill was still of a low grade.

“Then again, would the number of spells I could create increase once I evolve the skill to the next grade?” Argentum asked himself as he pondered over the three types of spells a bit more, his aura gradually transforming into that of slight nervousness. Only after telling himself that there was no point thinking about it did he calm down, allowing him to command the system to bring up the list of Innate Spells he currently had access to…which was just one.



Innate Spell List:

[Niflheim Horizon]


It did not take long for the system to respond to his command as a screen appeared in his mind this time, which was naturally accompanied by a notification sound. After the screen had popped up in his mind, he could not help but focus on the name of the spell for a bit as he mulled over it. It was after a minute or so did he stop mulling as an aura of slight confusion covered him while he asked himself, “Why would a spell be named after something from Norse mythology?”

Unfortunately, he did not come to a conclusion as to why, prompting him to place the question at the back of his head with a light sigh as he commanded the system to identify the properties of the spell. Soon, a small holographic screen appeared in front of his field of vision, which he then read through its contents, only to be left radiating an aura that was part in disbelief and part in awe.



[Niflheim Horizon]

MP Cost: 30% of the user’s MP gauge

Understanding the intrinsic properties of the element of Water, the sage of water now has access to the realm of water in another plane. This spell allows the user to create a domain that emulates the realm of water from another plane, freezing those that the user considers as his enemies while giving them a debuff that removes all of the defense they had.

Depending on the amount of MP consumed per cast, the effectiveness of the domain’s effects may vary. The user may opt to cast the spell multiple times to achieve a greater debuffing effect, but the user should always be aware that there’s a chance for the spell to backfire if cast too many times in a short amount of time, casting the freezing and defense-removing effect on the user instead of the enemies.

> Duration: 10 minutes

Note: All spells from the [Sage’s Water Magic] skill, may it be crafted or innate, would show twice as much power inside this domain.


Taking in a few deep breaths to calm himself from the description of the spell, Argentum could not help but think that instead of becoming weaker after the Water-based skills and spells had fused as one to create this current skill, he would become stronger as long as he knew how to utilize the features of the skill well. With an excited tone, he muttered to himself, “In other words…as long as I cast this spell before using the other ones, I would basically become a deity of water.”

“At this point, I don’t know who’s more powerful, me or Aurus,” he soon said to himself, letting out a light chortle as he unhesitatingly conjured the spell, muttering the necessary incantations before placing both of his hands on the ground before shouting, “[Niflheim Horizon]!”


In an instant, a great area surrounding him was covered in a layer of cyan-colored ice, exuding an aura of coldness far more intense than the aura from before. Not to mention, while standing on top of what seemed to be a large circle of cyan-colored ice, Argentum felt like his connection with the element of Water had become twice as strong, prompting him to think that the note at the end of the spell was, in fact, true.

He was quite eager to go ahead and test the boost the domain gave to his Water-based skills and spells, but he remembered that he had none, prompting him to let out a slightly disappointed sigh as he opened up the description of [Sage’s Water Magic] again. This time, he focused on the latter two types of spells that the skill offered, wondering what made the Blessed Water spells different from the True Water spells.

With such a question in mind, he obviously went ahead and asked the system about it. It did not take long for the system to respond to his question as a feminine-sounding voice explained the differences between the two in his mind.

“Although both types of spells are up to the discretion of the user as to what their purposes are, the base power of the spells are different,” the system started to explain.

“The base power of True Water spells are highly dependent on the skill grade of [Sage’s Water Magic] before creating one. If [Sage’s Water Magic] is of a low grade, then the formed True Water spell, albeit stronger than normal Water-based spells, would be far weaker a True Water spell formed from a high-leveled [Sage’s Water Magic] skill.”

“On the other hand, Blessed Water spells don’t have that kind of limitation. That’s also the reason why they have the word ‘Blessed’ on them. Whenever [Sage’s Water Magic] levels up, the power of a Blessed Water spell would level up as well. If [Sage’s Water Magic] evolves to a higher grade, then the power of a Blessed Water spell would also evolve to a higher level,” the system continued.

“In fact, there’s a chance for a Blessed Water spell to mutate whenever [Sage’s Water Magic] evolves to a higher grade, allowing it to dish out more power than normally possible,” the system added as its final statement, leaving Argentum at a state of intense elation as he now felt that he had become stronger instead of weaker with [Sage’s Water Magic].

Closing the screens in front of his field of vision, Argentum went ahead and commanded the system that he wanted to create a Blessed Water spell, prompting a slightly intricate screen, which was water-themed in design, to appear in front of his field of vision. On the top portion of the screen, there was a string of words on it that said ‘Please state the purpose of the spell you want to create’.

“Hmm…” Argentum looked at the sentence for a bit and wondered if he had to be incredibly specific on the effect of the spell. It did not take long for Argentum to think of the possibility that he could just go ahead and discard the spell if he was not satisfied with its effects, allowing his frame of mind to be freer when it came to describing the spell.

“But what kind of spell should my first Blessed Water spell be?” Argentum muttered to himself, pondering over the multiple types of skills and spells in his arsenal. He thought over the types of abilities he was lacking in, easily concluding that he did not need any strong offensive spells as he still had [Higher Zephyr Magic] and [Higher Ignis Magic] in his arsenal.

“Speaking of which, I should get the Earth version of these skills,” he said to himself as he went off on a slight tangent. After that, he went back to his previous train of thought, remembering a certain type of skill that would allow his other abilities to benefit from it greatly. He knew without a doubt that without this type of skill, he would not be able to unleash the level of power he showed back at the Grand Blue Inheritance when he was taking Felix’s trials.

Taking in a deep breath beforehand, Argentum went ahead and elaborated on the purpose of the spell he was creating as he said, “The spell has one purpose, and one purpose only. This purpose is to boost all of my abilities to a higher level, allowing me to fight against beings with a higher level of power than me.”


After that, the text on the top portion of the screen had disappeared, being replaced with another string of text about ten seconds later. This new line of text stated ‘Would you like to name the spell yourself, or would you like the system to name it instead?’

Since it was the first Blessed Water spell he would create, Argentum decided to check out the system’s naming capabilities, going ahead with the latter option. A few seconds, the text on the screen was replaced once more. This time, it asked Argentum if he was willing to create the spell at the cost of his entire MP gauge. Due to him casting [Niflheim Horizon] a while ago, he had to wait for his MP gauge to return to its maximum capacity before making a decision. Fortunately, it did not take him long to come to a decision after his mana had returned to its peak condition, though that did not mean that he was not a bit hesitant while doing so. Only when he made sure that the area he was in was devoid of beings did he accept the prompt.


It took around 30 seconds or so for the system to give out a response after consuming all of Argentum’s MP gauge, which was that of a notification sound. Accompanying the notification sound was the emergence of a notification screen, allowing Argentum to read up on the latest skill he had created. It only took a single skim of the notification for Argentum to say, “Well then. The system actually has good naming sense.”

‘The Blessed Water spell [Aqua Imperium Universalis] has been created.’

‘Would you like to identify its properties?’


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