I Reincarnated As A Stick

Chapter 314

Chapter 314: The Next Step

XXXX Continent, Telmerann Province, inside the Arcenon family household.

“Always make sure that your allies don’t die under his schemes, okay?” An expression of genuine concern could be seen on Iridescia’s face as he did not want his son to suffer the same fate as the princes did. While listening to his mother’s words, Vanadir could not help but feel his heart being warmed up as he assured her, saying, “Don’t worry, mom. Unlike the others, I know what I’m doing.”

“Also, I’d suggest you don’t call Arshe my brother, mom,” he continued as a slightly infuriated expression could be seen on his face. “At most, I would consider him as my half-brother, and that would be pushing it. After everything he has done so far before the war of the throne even officially starts, how could I consider him as someone related to me?”

Listening to the words her son uttered, Iridescia could not help but let out a light sigh as she replied, “I know how tyrannical your third eldest brother has been acting these past few weeks, but the blood of your father is still flowing inside him. Even if you don’t consider him as your brother, always make sure to be incredibly vigilant whenever you’re around him.”

“Why would I not be vigilant?” The Ninth Prince let out a grim laugh, only to notice the slightly sad expression on his mother’s face, prompting him to let out a long sigh. Scratching his head, he then told her, “Seriously, mom. You don’t have to worry about me. With the strength father’s blood imbued in me and the brains you gave me, how would I not be prepared for those kinds of nefarious acts?”

“Plus, the team composition I have in mind would allow them to leave any incident involving him unscathed,” he continued to speak before pretending to be sad as he said, “But I guess my mother doesn’t believe in me that much. I guess I’ll just…”

“Don’t you pull off that stuff in front of me, you twerp!” Iridescia could not help but laugh at Vanadir’s expression as she lovingly rubbed her son’s head. Embracing her son once more, she then told her, “Of course, I believe in you, my son. Where would my pride as a mother go if I didn’t believe in you?”

Although Vanadir wanted his mom to stop hugging her, he had to admit inwardly that the feeling of being loved was not bad. Eventually, the two of them stopped hugging after a few minutes, allowing him to tell his mom, “I’ll make sure to visit you every once in a while, mom. For now, I still have other stuff to do, so I’ll have to leave for now.”

In response, Iridescia nodded as she replied, “Alright, son. May the heavens help you out in your preparations before the war for the throne.”

Vanadir nodded at his mother’s words with a light smile before making his way to the door to leave the room, leaving her alone. After hearing the clamor that occurred outside after Vanadir’s absence gradually disappear that, Iridescia sat back down on her chair before turning it around to look at the scenery she could see from her room.

Chuckling as she reminisced some old memories, she then muttered to herself, “Zeldrion, it seems that we’ve truly given birth to a great child. I’m sure you have high hopes for him as well, but due to your status as king, you can’t show favoritism.”

“Don’t you worry about a thing, dear.”

“I’m sure he’ll take up your mantle.”

While Vanadir’s mother was left to her own devices, Vanadir, on the other hand, headed to where Dane and Valentia were waiting for him, noticing that the two of them were getting along quite well. With a light smile plastered on his face, he looked at the two and said, “I see the two of you have been getting along.”

“I’m just as surprised as you, Vanadir,” Valentia said in response to his words as she looked at Dane with an expression of slight surprise. “Who knew that us two would have a lot in common?”

“The same could be said for me as well, Miss Valentia,” Dane let out a light chuckle as he responded to her question. “I was surprised to know that most of her interests overlap with mine. I feel like our team is going to become a splendid one with her around, Your Highness.”

“Is that so?” Vanadir laughed in response to Dane’s words as he said, “That’s good.”

“In any case, let’s head back to the capital,” he continued as he looked at the two of them. With the two of them nodding in response to his words, he then focused his vision onto Dane as he said, “You know what to do, Dane.”

“I got it, Your Highness,” Dane chuckled as he replied before conjuring a magic circle that easily enveloped the three of them. Not long after, the three of them had disappeared from the corridors found inside the Arcenon family household, slowly making their way back to the capital.


XXXX Continent, Seraph Kingdom.

“Haah…haah…” At the very instant the three of them had arrived outside the gates of the royal palace, Dane could not help but gasp for air as he mustered all of the energy inside his body to conjure a rift, allowing a few mana stones to drop onto his hands as he absorbed the mana from them. On the other hand, Valentia looked at Dane with a slightly concerned expression before asking Vanadir, “Will he be alright?”

“He’s used to it, though I’d rather have him take rests every time we teleport,” Vanadir said in response to Valentia’s question. He then looked at Dane and asked, “How long will it take you to get back to your peak condition, Dane?”

“Around…five minutes…Your Highness,” Dane said amidst the panting, focusing all of his attention on siphoning the mana contained inside the mana stones he held. Feeling that there was a reason why the Ninth Prince asked him that question, he went ahead and asked him, “Is there a reason…as to why you asked that, Your Highness?”

“I’ll answer your question later, Dane.” Surprisingly, Vanadir did not answer Dane’s question as he made his way to the palace gates, exuding the aura that was bestowed unto him before he left the palace as he told the guards, “I’ll be taking Valentia Corinne Arcenon, a noble under the Arcenon family, under my care.”

Although the guards couldn’t care less as to what Vanadir did since they were more supportive of the Third Prince, they still opened the gates for him as they knew they still had to do their job. With the gates leading to the insides of the palace now open, Vanadir gestured Valentia and Dane to come closer to him as they made their way into the palace, heading to the pavilion where the Ninth Prince usually stayed.

“Why didn’t you tell me you have a gorgeous looking house under your name, Vanadir?” Valentia could not help but click her tongue and ask as the three of them stood in front of Vanadir’s pavilion. With a light smile, Vanadir replied, “You never bothered to ask.”

After that, the three of them headed into the pavilion, with Valentia and Dane sitting down on the chairs in the guest room. At this moment, Dane was still focused on absorbing energy from the mana stones he was holding, leaving Valentia in a slightly bored state. Fortunately, Vanadir was there, which allowed her to ask him, “So, where’s the other cute girl in your team?”

“In the Arcana Tower, practicing her magic,” Vanadir hastily replied as he rummaged through a few shelves to obtain a few cups. Not long after, he looked back at Valentia and asked, “What would you like to drink?”

“Do you have some strawberry juice?” Valentia asked in response to Vanadir’s question, to which the latter nodded as he replied, “Should I add some sugar into it?”

“Nah. Natural’s fine with me,” Valentia hastily replied, prompting the Ninth Prince to subconsciously nod as he poured her a glass of strawberry juice. On the other hand, he poured himself a glass of water, placing in a few ice cubes to keep it cool.

Making his way to where the two of them were, Vanadir then gave the glass of strawberry juice to Valentia as he took a few sips from his glass of cold water. As they allowed their bodies to relax, Vanadir looked at the somewhat relaxed Valentia and said, “Since you’ll be staying with me for now, there are a few guest rooms up on the second floor. Feel free to choose.”

“Got it.” Valentia nodded as she took another sip from her glass. At this moment, Dane was now finished absorbing energy from mana stones, which meant that he was now back to his peak condition. Noticing that the Ninth Prince offered his glass of water to him, Dane thanked him before taking a few gulps of the cool water.

Letting out a sigh of relief after taking those gulps, he looked at Vanadir and asked, “So, Your Highness. Is there a reason as to why you asked that question a while ago?”

Of course, the question that lingered in Dane’s mind was none other than the question regarding his recovery rate for energy. With a nod, Vanadir replied, “Although I’m not sure as to whether Valentia would want to head to the Arcana Tower right now, would it be fine if you teleport her there?”

Hearing Vanadir’s words, Valentia could not help but become ecstatic as she asked, “Really? I can go and see her right now?”

“Of course.” Vanadir lightly smiled as he tossed a badge-like object to her. Receiving it with both hands, Valentia took a look at the object and noticed that the words ‘Seraph Royal Palace’ was engraved on it. Knowing what it meant, Valentia thanked Vanadir, saying, “Thanks for giving me a royal emblem.”

Soon after Vanadir gave Valentia a royal emblem, Dane stood up from his seat and made his way to where Valentia was. He then placed his right palm on her forehead, making Valentia flustered for a bit, only to feel that an engraving was made on her head, which soon disappeared.

Taking his hands off her forehead, he looked at her with a light smile and said, “With the mark I engraved you, you now have access up to the 40th floor of the Arcana Tower, which is equivalent to my authority inside the tower. That’s more than enough for you to meet my student.”

At this moment, Valentia could not help but feel her heart warming up as she said thanks to Dane. Soon after, a light blush appeared on her cheeks as the expression on her face was that of hesitation. Eventually, the hesitation on her face disappeared as she looked at Dane and asked him, “Is it fine if you take me to your student right now?”

“I’d be glad to,” Dane nodded as he replied before looking at the Ninth Prince, who was looking at the two with a smile on his face. He then told him, “I’ll only take a short while, Your Highness,” to which Vanadir responded, “Take your time.”


With a magic circle enveloping both Valentia and Dane, the two of them soon disappeared from Vanadir’s sight. While the two of them were gone, Vanadir took sips from his glass of water from time to time as he thought about the things he still had to do in preparation for the war for the throne.

By the time Dane was back from shuttling Valentia to the Arcana Tower, the glass of water Vanadir was drinking from was now empty. Holding an empty glass, Vanadir looked at the newly arrived Dane and asked, “How did it go?”

“Erea was ecstatic to hear that Valentia joined your team, Your Highness,” Dane hastily replied to his words before asking, “So, what’s next on the agenda, Your Highness?”

“Since we were successful in pulling my cousin from the Arcenon family into my team, I feel like we have some good luck on us,” Vanadir responded in a roundabout manner, prompting Dane to ask, “What do you mean by that, Your Highness?”

“What I’m saying is that…” Vanadir grinned as he placed the empty glass he was holding on the table in front of him. He then stood up and placed his hand on Dane’s shoulder before saying.josei

“Let’s try our luck and pull in that guy from the Astelia family.”

“…do you mean like…right now, Your Highness?”


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