I Reincarnated As A Stick

Chapter 345

Chapter 345: The Final Element

XXXX Continent, Inferno Plains, inside the Flame Spirit Inheritance.

A few days have gone by since Rosalia dropped by the Flame Spirit Inheritance to give Argentum the items he had requested from her to procure. Of course, the items were none other than the items he needed to concoct the Heaven’s Wind Potion, the final type of potion he needed in order to achieve the True Element level on all four elements. Although he only asked one set of items from Rosalia that would allow him to concoct around 10 or so flasks, the amount he had obtained was surprisingly more than that, being around five to six sets or so, which he was naturally thankful for.

At this moment, Argentum was still sitting cross-legged at the center of Eleanor’s room as he continued to increase his understanding of the Fire element to the True Element level. Currently, a large mass of Fire energy particles surrounded him, with him acting as the center of orbit. Every once in a while, the path these particles took would change into that of an ellipse, or sometimes, it would change into an erratic pattern. Nevertheless, after a while, it would still return to that of a perfect circular orbit.

So far, he had already consumed 50 flasks, with the sun shining down on everyone gradually arriving at the peak. With the fact that each flask’s effect lasted for 2 hours, that meant that Argentum had been continuously increasing his understanding of the Fire element for over 4 days now.

Fortunately, just like the saying ‘Many a mickle makes a muckle’ went, a qualitative change had finally occurred around Argentum, with the Fire energy particles surrounding him a while ago turning into an ardent field that covered every nook and cranny of the room he was in. Not long after, this field had compressed into a tiny ball of fire hovering over his head, gradually increasing its heat as the color of the flame changed, with the heat exuded by the small ball of flame at the end of it being akin to the sun.

Soon after, this ball of fire exploded, turning into thousands of small wisps of fire, though there was no sound accompanying it at all. Not only that, but the color of the wisps had turned gray as they gradually fell to the floor. As each wisp touched the floor, the temperature of the room gradually decreased from its smoldering hot temperature quite some time ago, eventually returning the temperature in the room back to normal.

It was at this point that Argentum had finally opened his eyes, standing up with an aura of glee surrounding him as he said to himself, “I’ve finally done it. I’ve finally achieved [True Fire Affinity].”josei


Coincidentally, at the very instant he was finished saying those words, a notification sound resounded throughout his mind, prompting him to open it up, even though the wording of the system remained the same.

‘[Animate Fire Affinity] has been upgraded to [True Fire Affinity]. Due to the inherent limits brought about by the upgraded skill, [True Fire Affinity] has replaced [Animate Fire Affinity] while regressing down to C-grade Mortal level.’

‘Thanks to [True Fire Affinity], [Fire Resistance] has been upgraded to [True Fire Resistance], regressing down to C-grade Mortal level.’

‘Due to the user understanding more of the Fire element thanks to [True Fire Affinity], all active Fire-based skills and spells have been considered as incredibly inferior, prompting the system to fuse the multiple skills as one with the help of [True Fire Affinity].’

‘The active skill [Sage’s Fire Magic] has been created. Due to the properties of the skill, the user is now able to create their own Fire-based skills and spells, using this skill as a basis. Improving the grade and level of the skill would allow the user to craft more complex and powerful spells.’

Without hesitation, he dismissed the notification screen in his mind as he went ahead and opened up the description of [Sage’s Fire Magic], namely the innate spell portion of it. Just like the other variants he had obtained so far, a domain-type spell was the first innate spell he had obtained. Though, after identifying the innate spell that came along with this new skill, he could not help but say, “Well, I guess that makes sense.”


[Field of Muspelheim]

MP Cost: 25% of the user’s MP gauge, 5% of the user’s MP gauge for each additional 3 seconds of effect

Understanding the intrinsic properties of Fire, the sage of fire is now able to borrow the power of the realm of fire from another plane. This spell allows the sage of fire to create a domain mimicking the effect of the foreign realm of fire, boosting the offensive abilities of those that the sage deems as its allies, turning them into warriors that could forge ahead without fear.

When the user casts the spell for the first time, the duration of the spell would last for 30 seconds. Any extension of this duration would gradually consume the user’s MP, with a small percentage of the user’s MP being consumed for every additional 3 seconds.

> Effect: Attack +50%, damage dealt +20%

> Duration: 30 seconds / dependent on the user’s MP regeneration rate

Note: All spells from the [Sage’s Fire Magic] skill, may it be crafted or innate, would show twice as much power inside this skill.


Naturally, with the addition of this innate spell, he could not help but think about a scenario wherein he could cast all three domains at once. Of course, having the effects of all three domains stack on top of each other would more or less make his abilities become that of a god inside the domain, though he could not help but lament the fact that the extremely potent offensive buffs he obtained from the previous Fire-based magic skill he had was now gone.

“Of course, I could still create a spell that boosts my offensive properties, but I’m only limited to one now…” Argentum muttered to himself, though a thought soon surfaced in his mind as he remembered the fact that he still had a massive amount of Earth-based skills from the Desecrated Inheritance.

Remembering how the system told him that it was up to him if he were to fuse the skills to [Sage’s Earth Magic] or not, he decided that it was better to fuse those skills now than never, given how he did not have too much use for them. Of course, if he needed a certain skill for a certain moment, then he would just use the spell creation module to create one, even if it meant he would be trading power for flexibility.

Commanding the system to fuse all of the skills he had obtained from the Desecrated Inheritance into [Sage’s Earth Magic], a notification sound soon accompanied a notification that appeared in his mind. Reading through it, he could not help but feel slightly confused since the notification contained something vague.


‘You have fused a total of 832 skills to [Sage’s Earth Magic].’

‘Your connection with the four elements have slightly increased.’

“What does the system mean by connection?” Argentum could not help but ponder as to whether the system was talking about his damage output when using those elements or something else. In the end, he placed this thought at the back of his head as he decided to shift his focus onto the items he had obtained from Rosalia.

Naturally, with Fire, Earth, and Water now reaching the True Element level of understanding, that only left Wind as the only element he had to ascend to the True Element level. Ironically, it was the first element his body had control over, but it was the final element he was going to master.

Knowing very well that he had no prowess or ability in the field of concoction, he used the sigil he conjured to control the inheritance to leave the inheritance, appearing in front of the abandoned building as he set a marker on the system’s map. Not long after, he activated all of the movement speed buffs he had in his arsenal, even going so far as to make three new movement speed buffs through the three [Sage’s Magic] skills he had in order to shorten his travel time.

After making sure that all of the buffs were applied, he then zoomed at the fastest speed he could muster to the Grand Blue Inheritance, aiming to have Felix concoct the Heaven’s Wind Potion for him.

By the time he had arrived at the entrance of the Grand Blue Inheritance, the moon was already affixed to a certain point in the sky, with the numerous stars twinkling every so often to accompany the moon’s faint glow. Of course, Argentum ignored that as he took in a deep breath before channeling a portion of his energy towards a certain point, allowing him to connect to Felix.

“What made you call me, Argentum?” Felix’s voice soon resounded throughout Argentum’s mind, prompting him to respond with his own question, “I need you to do something for me, Felix. Could you help me out?”

“As long as it’s something I can do, then sure,” Felix responded not long after, slightly wondering as to what Argentum would ask from him.

“Well, I don’t know if you can do it or not, but can you concoct Heaven’s Wind Potions for me?” Argentum asked, making Felix stay silent for a bit. Naturally, this brought a hint of nervousness to Argentum, though Felix’s response soon after made him let out a light sigh of relief as Felix replied, “Well, I can concoct those type of potions, no problem. You can give me the recipe, but the items for concoction…”

“I brought enough items to create 5 batches of the stuff. Would that be enough?” Argentum said in response, slightly shocking Felix. Though, Felix did not take long to compose himself as he replied, “Yes, that would be enough. Although I can’t guarantee that I would be able to use all of the items to create the maximum number of flasks per batch, I can still say with confidence that I’d be able to turn 80 to 90% of the items into Heaven’s Wind Potions.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” Argentum said with a light chuckle before asking Felix to allow him to enter the inheritance. Fortunately, it did not take long for Felix to let Argentum in, making him appear in front of him within a matter of seconds.

Seeing how Argentum did not bring anything along with him, Felix could not help but radiate an aura of slight confusion and anger as he said, “Didn’t you tell me you brought enough items for me to concoct 5 batches of the potions?”

In response, Argentum said with a light nod, “Uh-huh.”


Soon after that, multiple small rifts appeared around Argentum, allowing all of the items he had obtained from Rosalia to appear around him. Naturally, this shocked Felix as he did not expect him to have that kind of skill in hand. Of course, he was somewhat curious as to what skill Argentum used to achieve that, even going so far as to have the urge to ask him about it. In the end, he refrained himself from doing so as he used his energy to bring all of the items Argentum summoned in one go as they headed to another part of his inheritance.

After a while, they appeared in front of a large cauldron, the same cauldron Felix used when he was concocting the Heaven’s Water Potion while Argentum was still in the inheritance increasing his understanding over the Water element. With that in mind, he could not help but ask Felix, who was organizing all of the items into neat piles, “Now that I think about it, have you achieved the True Element level yet?”

“Pretty close,” Felix said in response before adding, “Recipe.”

Nodding in response, Argentum then sent the recipe for the Heaven’s Wind Potion through a strand of energy, making sure to be clear with each and every instruction as possible. Receiving the message, Felix closed his sense of vision for a bit as he familiarized himself with the steps, as well as envisioned himself doing it.

After a few minutes or so, Felix opened his sense of vision as he soon sent out multiple tendrils of energy, grabbing all of the materials he needed to concoct a batch of Heaven’s Wind Potions. Surprisingly, since his focus towards each and every step was at the maximum, he was able to successfully concoct a batch, though the number of flasks he had obtained from the batch was around 30% of the maximum, being around 5 flasks.

Of course, Felix then went over the steps he had gone through in his head once more, refining each and every step to a level where he would be able to transform the items into the end product as much as possible. After feeling that he had gone through each step, he then continued on with the next four batches in a row, with each end result getting increasingly better and better.

By the end of it, Felix was able to transform the materials he had obtained from Argentum into 51 flasks, which was less than the amount needed for Argentum to achieve [True Water Affinity], but more than the amount needed for him to achieve [True Fire Affinity].

Commanding the system to keep all of these flasks in his inventory, he then went ahead and thanked Felix for doing such a thing, piquing Felix’s curiosity in the process.

“What are you going to do after leaving the inheritance?” Felix asked.

In response, Argentum let out a light chuckle as he said, “Let’s just say that by the time you meet me again…”

“I won’t be same Argentum you used to know.”


And just like that, Argentum used the control he had over the Grand Blue Inheritance to leave Felix on his own, prompting Felix to mutter to himself with a hint of laughter.

“Acting mysterious in front of me. Pfft.”

“Either way, I hope you achieve Lesser Origin, Argentum.”

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