I Reincarnated As A Stick

Chapter 402

Chapter 402: Next Moves

A few days before Aurus headed out of seclusion to increase the comprehension level of his Epiphany even further, multiple things were happening throughout the continent of Maerr-viki, specifically the Seraph Kingdom.

Amidst the numerous towns under the jurisdiction of the Seraph Kingdom, there was one town that was located in a place that was biased towards the element of Wind, its name being Verdant Breeze Town.

Inside the town, Argentum, Felix, Eleanor, Rosalia, and Helios had just concluded their talk regarding the next plan for the town. In fact, Felix and the others could not believe what they had heard Argentum say at the end of the conversation. Although they had a feeling that he would be able to do it, they were still appalled.

A real-time information network that updated every minute!

To them, an information network of that caliber would cost them a Rank 8 Mana Stone at the very least, which was far rarer than Rank 7 Mana Stones. At the very least, Rank 7 Mana Stones were constantly in auction every month. As for Rank 8 Mana Stones? One would already be lucky enough to see one in auction every half year or so.

Nevertheless, Argentum assured them that he would have a way to pay it off, hastily heading out of town to head into the Origin Pantheon once more. Of course, since a short time had only passed in the outside world, the same could be said in the Origin Pantheon, just extended to about a couple of hours or so.josei


Surprised that Argentum had appeared inside the Origin Pantheon yet again after leaving just a while ago, Cardis could not help but head to where Argentum was and ask, “Why are you here back again so soon, Argentum?”

“I’m going to need your help once again this time around, Cardis,” Argentum replied as a wry smile appeared on his face. “Could you take me to where Torvas is again? This time, though, don’t hold back.”

Sensing the urgent tone in Argentum’s voice as he asked him for a favor, Cardis solemnly nodded as he tightly gripped on Argentum’s hand, dashing out of the entrance pantheon like there was no tomorrow, heading back to the Origin Dens once more as they arrived in front of Torvas’s house not even half an hour later.

As they arrived at his house, Argentum did not tell Cardis to leave anymore. Instead, he even went ahead and obliged him to join him as he said, “The thing I have to talk with Torvas isn’t related to what we talked anymore. Also, I might also need your help on this one.”

“As long as it’s something I can actually do, then there’s no problem,” Cardis replied, recalling how Argentum was able to make him win a lot of Rank 9 Mana Stones in the past. With him gaining such a staggering amount of Mana Stones in such a short time, it wasn’t surprising to know that Cardis felt indebted to Argentum.

Fortunately, after knocking on the door for a bit, Torvas opened the door, slightly surprised that Aurus had come back.

“You’re back again so soon, Argentum,” he could not help but say. “Can I help you with anything?”

With a wry smile, Argentum replied, “It seems I have to take you up on the offer you told me before I left.”

In response, Torvas raised his eyebrows before letting out a chuckle, saying, “Is that so? Then, there’s no need for me to entertain you in my humble abode. Just tell me what you’re using it for.”

Cardis, who had no clue what the two were talking about, could not help but ask, “What’s this conversation about?”

“Oh. Torvas just told me before I left that I could ask him for financial help if I needed it, so here I am,” Argentum replied as he looked at Cardis. “Speaking of which, I might also need your financial help in the future, though I’m not certain.”

“So that’s all, huh,” Cardis said in response, nodding soon after. “Well, you did allow me to win a ton of Rank 9 Mana Stones back then, so I don’t mind helping you out on financial stuff as well.”

“Glad to hear,” Argentum said in response as he lightly smiled. “Though, for now, Torvas’s help is more than enough.”

“Speaking of which, I’m going to create a real-time information network that allows me to be updated every single minute,” he said soon after, redirecting his words to Torvas. In response to his statement, Torvas went silent for a bit before asking, “Is there a reason as to why you’re making one?”

“I’m keeping track of a certain being called The Great Calamity,” Argentum replied. “According to the information I have, he’s on a rampage, going about destroying towns and villages.”

“So, you’re based in the Maerr-viki Continent?” Cardis could not help but say. “Well, I used to be from there, so I still keep myself up to date with the news there. To think that you’re making an information network just to be updated of The Great Calamity’s next moves…is there a reason as to why?”

“I’m the leader of a town, so I have to make sure my citizens are safe,” Argentum said in response, slightly surprised to hear such a reason from someone like him. Nevertheless, that reason was more than enough for Torvas to not feel any regret in helping him out, giving him a Rank 9 Mana Stone as he said, “A Rank 9 Mana Stone is more than enough for you to create a real-time information network with your specifications. As for the remaining money from it, you don’t need to pay it back. Just invest it in your town.”

Hearing those words, Argentum made a promise in his mind to repay Torvas back as he thanked him not long after. After that, Argentum then asked Cardis to bring him back to the entrance pantheon as every second counted if one were to involve themselves in someone like The Great Calamity. Fortunately, Cardis had an idea of what Argentum was feeling, so he did not hesitate to show a bit of his mastery over the element of Origin as they were able to arrive back at the entrance pantheon within minutes.

After bidding farewell once more, Argentum then reappeared near the outskirts of Verdant Breeze Town, shocking both Felix and Eleanor after finding out that Argentum now had a Rank 9 Mana Stone in his hands. Hastily contacting Rosalia and Helios to head to the town, the five then had a busy day as they quickly sold off the Rank 9 Mana Stone for a hefty sum as they decided to enhance the defensive barrier protecting the town, thinking that it would be better for it to start at Rank 5 from the get-go and then raise it from there.

Of course, that was all because they now had a lot of money to spend.

Naturally, the real-time information network was also made within that day, with over 15% of the money from the Rank 9 Mana Stone being used to make sure that the information network would not falter at all. And with that, the town continued on with its development plans, with the speed at which it was being done becoming faster thanks to the overabundance of assets.

However, by the time three days passed, a slight change had occurred as Valstra, the secretary under Argentum, hastily headed to where Argentum was as he was notified of a real-time information network they had control over.

Seeing his secretary gasp for air as if he had something urgent to say, Argentum went ahead and asked, “What news have you received?”

“Sir Argentum,” Valstra replied as he caught his breath. “We’ve received reports that The Great Calamity has finally started making a move again.”

“Which part?”

“A city called Nachthexen.”

On the other hand, while Argentum was being updated of his original body’s next move, the higher-ups of Seraph Kingdom were managing the problem differently as the king of Seraph Kingdom and the Supreme Sage of the Arcana Tower were now talking to each other face-to-face. However, rather than take it seriously, the Supreme Sage had an expression of indifference on his face.

“So, what do you need old friend’s help with?” Dalton asked as he looked at the still sitting King Zeldrion. In response, King Zeldrion told Dalton that he could sit down as he asked one of the attendants to bring some refreshments for Dalton to drink. After that, King Zeldrion put on a solemn expression as he told Dalton, “Dalton, we have a problem on our hands that might jeopardize the whole kingdom as we know in the future.”

“And…?” Surprisingly, Dalton couldn’t care less as to what was going on in the outside world. In fact, while he was listening to King Zeldrion start the conversation, he started conjuring another magic circle, seemingly thinking about the spell he was about to devise back in the Arcana Tower. “You’re the strongest person in this kingdom, right? Can’t you take care of it yourself?”

“Of course, I can,” King Zeldrion replied, subconsciously emitting an air of confidence as he said those words. “Other than the Seraph Guardian, I could be considered as one of the strongest people in this kingdom.”

“But here’s the thing, Dalton,” he continued. “According to what my sons just told me, the being known as The Great Calamity will gradually grow stronger with time. Recalling what I’ve read from their letter, last night, that being had only destroyed five villages. Just recently, after talking with my people, I’ve been notified that the being had destroyed ten towns in a row. Who knows how much that being would become a problem as more time passes.”

“Hoh?” This time, Dalton’s interest was piqued. “A being that’s capable of becoming stronger within a short span of time, even going so far as being able to eradicate that many towns in a row.”

“Now that’s quite interesting.” At this point, a light smile with a hint of craziness in it appeared on his face.

“Don’t you dare think of turning that being into a test subject,” King Zeldrion said, knowing how his old friend’s mind worked. “I know you’re always in search of more knowledge, but the safety of the kingdom is in jeopardy here.”

“Yeah. I know, I know. You don’t have to tell me, Zeldrion,” Dalton said in response as he waved his hands. A few seconds, the magic circle he had conjured slightly glowed a faint yellow light, eliciting a genuine smile to appear on his face as he said to himself, “And that’s another spell devised.”

Satisfied that he had devised another spell, Dalton finally placed all of his attention on the matter at hand, asking, “What did your diviners say about the being?”

“According to one of them, the being’s strength will become overwhelming enough to jeopardize the existence of the whole kingdom. Not only that, but one of them told me that there’s a possibility of the entire continent being destroyed under the being’s hands as well,” King Zeldrion replied, prompting Dalton to ponder in silence for a bit.

“So, with all of the information you’ve given me, we have a being on our hands that’s quickly getting stronger, to the point that its potential threat would be enough to jeopardize the existence of the kingdom and the continent itself,” Dalton murmured before asking, “Do we have any idea on the being’s whereabouts at the moment?”

“Unfortunately, no,” King Zeldrion said, letting out a short sigh. “After destroying ten towns at once, no one had been able to track the being’s traces down.”

“We’re working off slightly outdated reports, then,” Dalton said in response before pondering in silence once more. After some time, he then looked at King Zeldrion and said, “Although it’s quite stupid to think of it this way, that being will eventually destroy cities and provinces in the future.”

“With that being said, there’s still a way to make sure that we would be able to pinpoint his location,” he continued, piquing King Zeldrion’s interest as he asked, “And that way is…?”

“Simple.” Dalton grinned as if he was going to tell King Zeldrion something that would blow his mind away.

“Just destroy all of the cities and provinces before he could destroy them.”



“Are you actually serious, Dalton?”

“Well…why wouldn’t I be?”

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