I Reincarnated As A Stick

Chapter 63

Chapter 63: Will of the Inheritance


After the disembodied voice announced Aurus’ rewards after clearing the third trial, Aurus was greeted with two lines of text on a screen that popped up in front of his field of vision.

‘[Tempestuous Spiritas Glide] has leveled up five times.’

‘Experience +5000’

After reading through the information written on the screen, he looked at his status screen and noticed that he had over 12,000 unused experience points at the moment. He had a feeling that when he evolves to an S-grade Inanimate, he would have no need to kill branches and saplings for experience, but relying on his unused experience points to raise his level to its max instead.

As for his movement skills being upgraded 5 times, Aurus was of course happy, considering the fact that he had the [Gale Hover] spell that boosted his movement speed by 150% and the [Tempest Burst] that doubled his movement speed on top of that.

Not to mention, he also had Fenrir’s ally skill.

“Now that I think about it, what’s the effects of Fenrir’s ally skill right now?” Aurus commanded the system to reveal information on Fenrir’s ally skill, where a screen appeared in front of his field of vision not long after.



[Blessing of the Wind Wolf]

Grade: B (Mortal)

A Wind Wolf, a variant of the common wolf that specializes in speed. Nonetheless, it is still stronger than a normal wolf, with its senses and speed boosted further by the fact that they are blessed by the wind.

> Perception range +20%

> Movement speed +50%

> Attack and Vitality stat +20%


“Holy…” Aurus did not expect such a big jump in terms of effects from evolving Fenrir to B-grade Inanimate. Just because the Wind part of Fenrir was awakened, his movement speed that was previously boosted by 10% with Fenrir’s ally skill…was now being boosted by 50 percent?

He could not help but shudder inwardly at his movement speed in the future when Fenrir evolves into a higher grade, boosting the effects of the ally skill even more, or even when he evolves his movement skill to X-grade Mortal or even Transcendent grade.josei

With the thought of his movement speed being boosted drastically thanks to Fenrir’s ally skill, Aurus took a glimpse at his current movement speed and started to calculate in his mind.

“With [Tempestuous Spiritas Glide] at Level 11, I can currently move at a speed of 350 meters per hour. With Fenrir’s ally skill in effect, that’s boosted to 525 meters per hour. And with [Gale Hover] and [Tempest Burst] activated, I can move at a speed of…”

After calculating his movement speed that took all of those buffs into consideration, Aurus was at a loss for words. From his speed in the second trial that only went as far as 1.55 kilometers per hour, this was now boosted to a maximum speed of 2.62 kilometers per hour. More or less, it was already double his previous maximum speed after activating all of the buffs.

After calculating all of that, he placed it in the back of his mind as he said, “I can already move at a speed of over 500 meters per hour with Fenrir’s ally skill always in effect.”

That was the advantage of having an ally. Even with the ally being hidden from others, their ally skills would still be in effect.

Surprisingly, the disembodied voice resounded throughout the hall after Aurus was finished with his calculation, as if it was now respecting Aurus’ time.

“The fourth and final trial, Will of the Inheritance, shall begin in 30 seconds.”

“The inheritor shall pass through the entrance that would appear inside the green jade hall not long after, and the inheritance shall deem whether the inheritor is truly worthy of the inheritance or not.”

“Eh?” Aurus was quite confused. Aren’t inheritances supposed to be not picky towards the inheritors? This was the first thought that came to Aurus’ mind as he listened to the disembodied voice’s words.

Thinking that he was worthy of the inheritance, he decided that nothing bad would happen to him in the final trial in this inheritance. This was also the only trial left barring his way from getting [Blessing of the Tempest], which would boost his movement speed even further, and [Stick Regeneration], a healing skill he really needed if he were going to fight branches and trees of the higher grade more often.

Seconds passed by without Aurus noticing. Once the 30 seconds were up, the disembodied voice resounded throughout the green jade hall once more as a doorway appeared on one side of the green jade hall, leading to a long corridor.

“The fourth and final trial, Will of the Inheritance, has now begun.”

“May I ask the inheritor to pass through the entrance that appeared inside the green jade hall.”

After hearing the disembodied voice’s announcement, Aurus hid Fenrir through the system and activated his [Gale Hover] spell before heading towards the doorway and passing through the long corridor that followed after.

The long corridor only took Aurus around three minutes or so to traverse to the end thanks to Aurus’ newly boosted movement speed, greeting him to a wonderful sight afterwards.

After exiting the long corridor, Aurus saw what was basically a miniature ecosystem within a large hall. From what he could see, the hall he was currently in had a radius that was around three to five times bigger than the green jade hall, with a large river running through the center of it.

At the far end of the hall, a large statue of an old human made out of green jade could be seen, as if it was governing over this large hall.

When Aurus looked at this jade statue, he had a feeling that he was compelled to come closer to the statue, as if that was the mechanics of the fourth trial.

And the mechanics it was.

“Please head towards the jade statue in order to start the final trial,” the disembodied voice resounded throughout the large hall, breaking Aurus’ awe and admiration for the hall.

Then again, it would serve him no purpose to delay his journey towards the jade statue if the fourth trial also counted time into consideration, just like the third illusion world.

With the [Gale Hover] spell lasting only for 2 minutes, Aurus’ journey slowed down halfway, relying on his current movement speed that was boosted by Fenrir’s ally skill.

Nonetheless, it was still fast when compared to other sticks, taking Aurus around 8 minutes or so to traverse around 200 meters of distance. It was also the distance from the long corridor he exited from to the jade statue that was currently in front of him.

From afar, it looked like the jade statue was only around ten meters tall, but when one was now close to the jade statue, one would realize that the statue was actually 3 times bigger than that, imposing a slightly suffocating aura on Aurus.

Aurus stood around ten meters away from the jade statue as he tried to see the features of the jade statue’s face. The statue was of an old human that had wrinkles all over his face, but his eyes exuded magnanimity, wisdom, intelligence, and the power to peer into the near future.

Of course, that was what Aurus felt. For others, it might be different, but one thing was for sure.

For a statue of this man to be erected in this inheritance, it meant that he was the one who created the inheritance that Aurus and Herellia were taking.

While Aurus was engrossed in his examination of the statue’s facial features, a green glow started to emanate from his body, snapping him back to reality from shock.

“Eh…eh?” Aurus was dumbfounded by the current situation. His body was unconsciously glowing a faint green light, which then extended towards the jade statue, as if the green light finally found its father or something.

From then, Aurus’ logical and rational regions in his mind kicked off and decided that he would stay in place and wait for bizarre things to happen. If else, how would the inheritance harm him?

A few seconds later, the green light emanated by Aurus’ body finally connected with the jade statue, instantly teleporting Aurus into a remote world.

“What the f—” Before he could curse his heart out, his traces were gone from the hall, as if nothing happened.


Aurus instantly observed his surroundings and let out a sigh of relief, seeing that there was no twist to this world. His sense of vision was not tampered at all, with the ground being a flat green color and the walls and the ceiling being a flat white color.

“Why am I here?” This was the first question that came to Aurus’ mind. “Is this also part of the final trial?”


While Aurus was engrossed in his thoughts, a silhouette appeared a few meters away from him, shocking him a bit when he finally came back to reality.

“Hello Aurus!” An old yet energetic voice could be heard coming from the silhouette, which put Aurus on guard. He took a look at the silhouette and was instantly shocked as he said to himself, “Eh? Isn’t he…”

At that instant, a memory that was formed a few minutes ago appeared in his mind and confirmed what he was seeing. The silhouette in front of him was actually the jade statue…but humanlike!

“Do you recognize me now, Aurus?” The silhouette that was actually the old human Aurus saw, laughed at Aurus’ vigilant actions.

“Who are you? How do you recognize me?” In these sort of situations, it was normal for someone like Aurus to keep their guard up.

The old human looked at Aurus for a bit before opening his mouth. “I’ll answer your first question for now.”

Clearing his throat, he then said, “I’ll tell you my name later. Anyways, I’m the creator of the inheritance you’re taking.”


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