I Reincarnated As A Stick

Chapter 65

Chapter 65: Owner of the Inheritance


Not a long time has passed after Aurus left the world where the creator of the inheritance he partook in, Evinkell, was located. It was only a few seconds or so before he appeared in the center of the ever familiar green jade hall that he grew to feel like it was home, albeit only clearing the inheritance in a span of few hours or so.

But as he appeared in the center of the hall, he felt that the hall around him was familiar while at the same time not. He felt that he could peer beyonds the confines of the green jade hall and look at every nook and cranny within the inheritance. He also had a feeling that he understood the layout of the inheritance at the instant he appeared within the center of this green jade hall.


Just as he was trying to get used to this odd feeling, a notification screen in front of his field of vision. “Weird. What would cause the system to open a notification scre—”

At the instant he skimmed through the information written on the holographic screen, his mutters came to an abrupt halt due to absolute disbelief.

‘The owner of the [Tempest Cliff Inheritance], Kevin, has passed the inheritance’s rights of ownership to the user.’

‘Congratulations! User is the first Inanimate to own a building of such caliber, thus granting the user the moniker of [First Building Owner], a title which would be stuck with the User forever.’

‘The [Tempest Cliff Inheritance] is now under your full control.’

“Eh? Evinkell actually passed the rights onto me? And his name is actually Kevin and not Evinkell?” Aurus’ thoughts were in a disarray at the moment due to the shock that the information written on the screen gave him.

Him! An owner of a building! Well…inheritance, but a building nonetheless!

Even if he tried to recall through his memories the time when Inanimates gained ownership over buildings that wield such power, there was none at all! Only Animates had the powers to do so!

So for Aurus to own an inheritance was basically adding wings to a strong tiger already! Why, you may ask?

For inheritances also strengthen the player’s stats, just like ally skills! Not only that, they provide special uses at special times, depending on how the owner uses it.

It took a while for Aurus to calm his emotions down and accept the fact that he was the prestigious owner of the inheritance he cleared. It was truly an ethereal feeling.

Just as when he was figuring out what to do next, a voice resounded throughout the green jade hall. Aurus listened to it intently and was surprised that it was not the disembodied voice from before, but rather, from the previous owner and creator of the inheritance, Evinkell!

Or should he be called Kevin?josei

“So Aurus, how does it feel being the owner of the inheritance?” A laughter followed after Evinkell finished saying that.

“It feels extremely weir—” Aurus was about to answer Evinkell’s question, only to be disrupted by Evinkell himself. “Don’t bother answering my questions since I can’t really hear you anyway.”

“Nonetheless, I’ll tell you the basics of operating this inheritance.”

Evinkell lightly coughed, which was heard throughout the entire hall. He then sucked in a bit of cold air before explaining, “First off, you can view the attempts of other people that are clearing the inheritance, no matter where you are in the world of Erudinia.”

“This inheritance can also serve as a hidden fortress for such a strong Inanimate like you. I believe it will serve a good use when your current body faces perilous danger in the future.”

“Other than that, there is the skill vault within the inheritance and the Life and Will fountain, which allows you to grow stronger without leaving this place if you ever so desired.” Evinkell chuckled not long after saying this.

“Eh?” Aurus was at a loss for words. “Evinkell also knew about Life and Will points? How much does he know?”

Coincidentally, Evinkell continued to talk after Aurus’ question, as if he was replying to it. “Basically that’s it. If you have any other questions, just reach out to me through the skill and I’ll try to answer as fast as I can.”

“Oh, and also, here’s your reward for clearing the final trial,” Evinkell continued to talk as a notification sound resounded throughout the green jade hall, startling Aurus a bit.

“I think that’s all I have to say. See you when you have a human Spirit Clone!”


And with a gust of wind passing through the green jade hall, Evinkell’s voice could no longer be heard as a screen popped up in front of Aurus’ field of vision, accompanied by a notification sound that Aurus heard not long ago.


‘The skill [Blessing of the Tempest] has been obtained.’

As he skimmed over the string of words written on the holographic screen, Aurus could not help but squeal in joy.

He finally got one of the skills he wanted!

Not long after that, he realized that his emotions were too exaggerated as he sarcastically laughed at himself while his rationality and logicality took over his body. “What am I here squealing for? I have access to the inheritance’s skill vault. I’m sure the other skill I want is in there.”

Just because he got the skill that he wanted, he almost forgot the fact that he owned the inheritance where all of the skills he could possibly want were there…assuming that Evinkell has a large collection of techniques in there.

“I’ll just ask him later when Herellia is done,” Aurus muttered to himself as he finally became accustomed to the feeling of seeing through everything within the inheritance.

“I wonder how Herellia is doing?” Aurus decided that the first thing he would do was to check up on Herellia’s progress in clearing the trial. From Evinkell’s words a while ago in his world, Herellia was not far from clearing the whole trial given to her by the inheritance.

Aurus closed his sense of vision and felt a connection on the back of his head, as if it was a string tugging on the back of his nonexistent brain. He had a strong feeling that this was the connection he had with the Tempest Cliff Inheritance.

He then commanded inwardly, “Show me a screen of Herellia’s progress.”


Not long after saying this order, Aurus felt a gust of wind pass through the front of his body. He then opened his eyes to see what made that gust of wind, only for him to see a screen wherein Herellia could be seen hiding behind a rock, hiding from an enemy that surpassed her strength.

“Hoh…it seems like the inheritance supports the system’s mechanics,” Aurus could not help but say as he noticed the similarities between the screen he saw whenever he commanded the system and the screen he was currently looking at.

“I’m surprised Herellia is still alive at this point.” Aurus looked at Herellia’s current state and saw that the red engravings that covered her body were in utter disarray while viscous red fluid trickled from the small cuts all over her body.

Although Aurus was somewhat used to the blood, the fact that Herellia’s body was almost slathered in blood made Aurus shudder inwardly for a bit.

As he continued to watch Herellia, he noticed a green haze that covered her body as the red engravings gradually organized themselves while the cuts on her body began mending themselves as well.

“Well, what do you know. She actually got the healing skill I wanted.” Aurus was surprised for a bit, but knew that he would be able to obtain that skill as well, and other skills on top of that.

Since Herellia had the healing skill, Aurus could not help but let out a sigh of relief as the screen in front of his field of vision disappeared.

“I think I still have some time before Herellia finishes, I should check the skill vault and grab the healing skill.” Aurus then turned his body to face a specific wall of the green jade hall he was in and inwardly commanded, “Open the pathway to the skill vault.”


Not long after giving this command, the green jade hall slightly rumbled as a passage formed on the wall Aurus was facing, leading to a long corridor that would possibly lead to the inheritance’s skill vault.

“Let’s not delay this any further then.”

With the simple activation of the [Gale Hover] spell, Aurus entered the pathway to the skill vault, wondering what skills he could learn at the end of the corridor.

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