I Reincarnated As A Stick

Chapter 87

Chapter 87: New Features

Within the Celestial Plane.

For these past few days, Kurohana was focused on strengthening her grasp over the law of reincarnation as she noticed that Aurus was going through a massive grind in his skills. Kurohana, seeing this, decided to grind her skills and stuff as well as she did not really want to watch Aurus grind…although she was fine with watching Aurus’ mundane life.


All of a sudden, a ringing sound resounded through Kurohana’s ears, which prompted her to open her eyes that were closed all this time.

“Eh? Something interesting happened to Aurus?” This was the first thing to come out of Kurohana’s mouth. Why? This was because she created a miniature Artifux [1] that would attend to the orb, alerting her in the case that something happened to Aurus.

She stood up from where she sat cross-legged, circulating the parts of the law of reincarnation she just learned through pondering and assimilated it into her body before hovering towards the orb, where indeed, something interesting happened to Aurus.josei

She snapped her fingers, creating a chair out of the white material that covered her surroundings and sat down on it, looking at the change that happened to Aurus with full enthusiasm, only to frown in the end.

Within the orb that allowed her to view Aurus’ life, she was currently looking at a green cocoon that nurtured and reinforced a half corporeal branch that was in this case, Aurus.

She could not help but click her tongue after seeing this. “Tsk. To think that the change that happened to him was him actually evolving. Why can’t he be used as a weapon material after he reached the peak of A-grade?”

To be honest, although living for hundreds of millions of years, Kurohana was someone who was impatient, wanting to get things she wanted in the shortest timeframe she could. This was a stark contrast to her profession, being a craftswoman, which needed intense patience and perseverance for a great work to be produced.

Realizing that her other side was coming out, she took in a few deep breaths before muttering to herself as a consolation, “Then again, if he’s used as a weapon material as an S-grade Inanimate, it would give me a weapon that’s possibly a grade higher than what could be crafted when he could be used as a material as an A-grade being.”

Gradually, her thoughts became jumbled and let out a long sigh, looking at the orb where Aurus’ future body laid. She looked at it for a bit then got a spark of inspiration, which made the corners of her mouth curve up as she knew that the idea in her mind was feasible.

“I can still afford to wait for a year or so, that’s the maximum time I’ll allot for Aurus to become a weapon,” Kurohana lightly said to herself as she waved her hands in the air, in front of the orb, releasing her mastery over the law of reincarnation to its limit.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

A few seconds later, the sound of wind breezing could be faintly heard throughout the white space as a few strands of golden energy formed in midair, before charging straight towards the orb as the cocoon’s aura slightly intensified. To an outsider, no one would notice this difference at all.

After doing what she did, she could not help but pant as she muttered, “Haa…haa…controlling a part of a stronger law than yours is definitely…taxing.”

Not long after, she could not help but chuckle.

“Then again, this would hasten Aurus’ fate a bit.”

“Congratulations Aurus for reaching S-grade, I hope you’ll like the gift I gave you before you become my weapon.”


Erudinia, XXXX Continent, Tempest Cliff, Tempest Branch Alliance Base, Sparring Tower, inside a certain secluded room.

After waking up from his evolutionary process, the first thing Aurus did was to look at his surroundings. Realizing that he was still in the same place, Aurus could not help but inwardly let out a sigh of relief.

“Hah… I’m officially an S-grade being,” Aurus said to himself. He then looked at his new body from a third person’s perspective, which slightly surprised him.

“Eh? I look more like a wooden human than a branch? Wait… don’t I look extremely smooth?” This was the first thing that came to Aurus’ mind after looking at his new body. When he peered at his body from a close standpoint, he could see that his body was truly wooden…well made out of Animas that were previously made from wood.

But when he looked from afar, it seemed that Aurus’ body was made from one piece of marble, or a material that was extremely smooth. It was at this moment that he realized something, he could peer into the internal makeup of each and every Anima of his body, which was something he could not do before his evolution.

“Open status screen,” Aurus commanded, taking a quick look at his status screen before closing it, confirming something that was on his mind. “Yep, my synchronization rate has increased by 20% once more.”

After doing that, a question formed in his head regarding his body. “Can I move the ‘limbs’ on this body of mine? Or is it something aesthetic?”

Hence, he looked at his right upper limb and willed it to move upwards.


“Woah, it can actually move.” Aurus’ right upper limb moved upwards, albeit in a stiff manner due to him being an Inanimate…well, False Animate. He then tried to move his other limbs, in which they moved accordingly as well. After that, he tried to move his head and other parts of his wooden body, only for it to fail.

“Well…my four limbs can move, that alone is enough for me to do things that the others can’t,” Aurus consoled himself as the four moveable limbs did offer him a wider range of freedom.

“But I just can’t seem to get used to it.” Aurus could not help but feel that he was not him due to his body being different. And so, he decided to…



In an instant, Aurus’ humanoid body gradually flattened and rounded out, returning to the look he had as an A-grade, a big branch.

“Ah, that’s better.” Aurus had his mind filled with peace after he morphed back to his previous form. Aurus knew that this form would limit him a lot, but there was still a lot of time, he would get used to his humanoid body sooner or later.

He then decided to look at the notifications that popped up during his evolution, which made him slightly shocked as a lot more features became available to him.


‘[Aurus — Wind Walnut Spiritas (Rare)] has evolved to [Aurus — Tempest Walnut Spiritas Flux (Rare+)].’

‘The resource ‘Flux’ has been unlocked thanks to a specific evolution path.’

‘The passive skill [Flux Vessel] has been created due to the ‘Flux’ resource being unlocked.’

‘The active skills [Flux Enchantment], [Flux Armor Creation], [Flux Weapon Creation], and [Flux Sacrifice] have been obtained thanks to evolution.’

‘The passive skills [Nine Flux Transformation], [Flux Mastery], [Flux Weapon Mastery], [Flux Armor Mastery], and [Spiritas Flux Seed] have been obtained thanks to evolution.’

‘The Flux Equipment system has been unlocked due to having the two prerequisite skills: [Flux Weapon Creation] and [Flux Armor Creation].’

‘When using the humanoid form, the user can use one weapon and four pieces of armor. When using any other form, only weapons can be used.’

‘1 OS Point has been obtained.’

Aurus could not help but close and open his sense of vision a few times at the sheer disbelief he felt after looking at the notifications he received. It took him a while to digest all of the information, ending up becoming extremely gleeful since it gave him greater room for improvement.

“I now have another resource other than Life and Will points, which is Flux,” Aurus muttered to himself. He then looked at the white particles that covered each and every Anima on his body before muttering to himself, “This is Flux, right? This was something I did not have on my body before. I wonder how I can replenish this?”

“I now also have access to the Equipment system…well the Flux Equipment system but still the Equipment system nonetheless.” Aurus’ nonexistent eyes gleamed at the possibilities he had with this system at hand. Within his currently unsealed memories, only a select few had access to the Equipment system, which allowed them to reign over the players who were Inanimates, and excel over the players who were Animates due to their higher leveled weapon mastery skills.

But the thing that made Aurus the most gleeful was the fact that he had obtained another OS Point.

“Open OS.” Aurus commanded the system as he was going to use the OS Point he obtained. He did not care about the fact that he was not going to have any OS Points after this since he was bound to get one once he evolved anyway.



[Existence Evolution OS]

OS Points: 1


Level Up Synchronization (1/10)

Cost to upgrade: 1 OS Point


Artificial Intelligence (0/1)

Cost to upgrade: 1 OS Point


Memory DLC (1/3)

Cost to upgrade: 1 OS Point


“Upgrade [Memory DLC].” Aurus did not hesitate to upgrade this portion of the OS since he knew that he could rely on his memories to hasten his progress in leveling and becoming strong.


‘Are you sure that you want to upgrade [Memory DLC]?’

“Yes.” A firm and crisp reply could be heard from Aurus as he knew what he was doing.


‘[Memory DLC] has been upgraded.’


As if chains that barred his memories from being unsealed were removed, a huge portion of his memories were gradually brought to light as the fog that covered those memories slowly dissipated, stopping at a certain point where only 1/3 of his memories were left sealed.

He closed his eyes and organized the new information he received from his unsealed memories, opening them an hour later with his eyes brimming with determination as his plan to becoming a God-tier existence became more solid.


“Eh?” It was a surprise to Aurus that he would hear a notification sound after doing nothing to the system. Nonetheless, since a notification sound popped up, something happened right?

Aurus called up the notification log, to which a holographic screen appeared in front of his current body as a branch. He read the line that was on the most bottom of the notification log and became confused in an instant.

‘The Soul Enchantment system has been unlocked due to the user’s soul power becoming stronger.’

“Soul Enchantment System?”



[1] Just a refresher, Artifux (plural Artifixes) are artificial beings created by God-tier existences as a sort of helper.

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