I Reincarnated As A Stick

Chapter 94

Chapter 94: The Power of OS Points

While Kurohana was brought to the Hall of Greater Divinity by Phatia, one of the Immortal Verdict Wielders, to accomplish 3 Seven Star Primordial level missions as her punishment, and in the midst of Aurus fighting against another boss of another experience haven…

Well…even before all of that. Just after Aurus told Horell to tell Herellia about him hunting outside the alliance.

“I will be leaving the alliance,” Horell could finally say these words filled with intense pain to Herellia, who could only stand there dumbfounded at the words spoken by him.

It took a while for Herellia to digest the statement, hastily thinking of it as a joke as she stifly chuckled. “I knew you were serious kind of person, but to think that you can joke like that. C-Come on, Horell, don’t scare me like that out of the blue.” Of course, Herellia had a nagging feeling that something bad was going to happen.

“Since you know me very well Herellia that I do not joke around, why would I joke about me leaving?” Seeing that Herellia just brushed his words off, Horell could only radiate a serious expression as he replied, his body slightly trembling.

This time, Herellia could only become silent as she stared at Horell’s body for a bit, noticing the slight trembling of his body as he tried to maintain a calm façade in front of her. ‘It seems…that there’s reasons to him leaving.’

Letting out a soft sigh, Herellia then asked, “What could possibly be the reason for your leave?”

Hearing from Herellia’s words that she was somewhat accepting his leave, Horell pondered over his words for a bit before replying with, “I can feel that my time to evolving into an Animate is coming close. Of course, we all know how dangerous it is, seeing that the trial Zelefaire went through wreaked havoc onto our base.”

With these words coming out from Horell’s mouth, Herellia could only shudder at the memory of the first and last Animate to ever come out of the Tempest Branch Alliance, Zelefaire.josei

A genius tree of his time, Zelefaire was regarded as one of the sturdiest Pillar level members of the alliance, as he chose the path of becoming a Magnus Fortressi, an extremely rare variant that excelled in defending something until the very end.

And of course, as long as an Inanimate was genius enough to know how to transition into an Animate, they would eventually become one. But for Zelefaire, due to his variant being extremely rare, the ordeal that he had to go through to transition into an Animate was multiple times harder than a normal Inanimate transitioning into an Animate. It was so hard that almost 90% of the base of the Tempest Branch Alliance became ruins.

In the end, due to the damage caused by Zelefaire’s damage, Herellia had no choice but to kick Zelefaire out of the alliance, with Zelefaire understanding Herellia’s train of thought fortunately at that time.

Following that train of thought, Herellia knew that Horell wanted to leave the alliance in order to keep it away from the trial he was going to go through. And with that, she gave a few words of encouragement, telling Horell, “I wish you the very best of luck in becoming an Animate.”

Radiating a slightly happy expression, Horell thanked Herellia with a few words before leaving her alone in the secluded area she usually stayed in. She maintained a cheerful and encouraging expression for a few moments before changing it into a serious one after making sure that Horell had finally left.

“Haah…it seems that any of our members cannot be trusted fully after all.”

“To think that you harbored those motives, even going so far as to ally with the enemy we’ve sworn to kill.”

“All for the sake of greater knowledge huh…”

Let us now go back to the present time, not focusing on Kurohana’s missions, but rather, on Aurus’ current situation.

Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh!

“Sword of Gluttony! Sword of Pride! Sword of Greed!”

“Combine as one!”

“[Sword of Infinite Sin]!”

At the moment, Aurus floated in midair as he was currently fighting against the boss of a place he wanted to go to, but was changed with the Tempest Cliff, the Greater Experience Haven.

As the three swords made out of his Anima fused into one, the energy radiated by the fused sword was increased by a significant amount after being blessed by the energy radiated by Staff No. 1. With that boost, Aurus did not hesitate to fire it towards the boss, making a downwards slash on the body of the boss.


Just like a sharpened knife cutting through tomatoes, the body of the boss was cut in half in an instant, easily dealing devastating damage to the boss wherein it could not even comprehend and perceive the danger the sword brought, or even the fact that it had died under Aurus’ blade.


Of course, with every death of an Inanimate, the body of the boss gradually dissipated into thin air, transforming into a bunch of green and red particles that hastily darted towards Aurus’ body, only to be absorbed not long after.


Looking at the notification screen that appeared in front of Aurus’ field of vision, Aurus could not help but radiate a cheerful aura as he muttered to himself, “Alright! Another OS Point! It was definitely worth investing into the [Artificial Intelligence] option of the Existence Evolution System.”

Wait…[Artificial Intelligence]?

Ah, that’s right.

Let us go back to a time before Aurus killed the unnamed boss of the Greater Experience Haven, to the time a few seconds after Aurus killed Arlithos, the Lord of the Lesser Experience Haven.

“Eh? You can get those from bosses?” Aurus could not help but exclaim after seeing that he received an OS Point from just killing Arlithos, the Lord of the Lesser Experience Haven.

After realizing that one could get OS Points from killing bosses of certain grinding places, Aurus started rummaging through his unsealed memories, trying to remember the easy to kill bosses at his current level, which could allow him to improve his system’s OS to its greatest limit.

As he was trying to remember the levels of the bosses, as well as their existence levels, Aurus thought to himself as he had an OS Point to use, ‘You know what? I should use it on upgrading a part of the system that I haven’t upgraded yet.’

Allocating most of his consciousness towards the screen regarding the Existence Evolution System’s OS, he noticed that only [Artificial Intelligence] was the only part of the system that he hadn’t upgraded yet.

With it only needing one point, Aurus did not hesitate to upgrade the part to its maximum level, since its maximum level was one anyway.


At the instant Aurus confirmed his decision, the screen in front of him disappeared not long after as he could hear rumbling sounds occur within the depths of his soul. Thankfully, it was not harming his soul at all, but rather, it could be said that the rumbling sounds made his soul feel like it was undergoing a comfortable massage.

This sensation lasted for a few minutes, with the rumbling sounds stopping midway as a monotonous voice resounded in his mind.

‘[Artificial Intelligence] has been unlocked. With this part unlocked, the user can now do more things with the system.’

‘With this being unlocked, the user now has access to the system’s feature of [Artificial Intelligence], which can be split into two parts: [Artificial Intelligence: Learning Module] and [Artificial Intelligence: Battle Module].’

‘The Learning portion of the feature allows the user to let the system nurture and enhance whatever the user wants to, but only limited to how much the module is upgraded.’

‘As for the Battle portion of the feature, it allows the user to check the power level of the enemy, as well as the least amount of skills needed in order to effectively kill the enemy in front. By upgrading this module, more things related to battling could be done.’

“…” Aurus could only stay speechless after hearing those words come from the system.

Who knew that [Artificial Intelligence] would be the most important part of the system?!

It took him around ten minutes to digest this information, his nonexistent eyes gleaming at the end of it as he muttered to himself, “The Learning module seems to be a way to enhance my skills even without needing to use it. It did say that it would nurture and enhance anything I want, so there’s a chance it might work.”

“But for now, let’s focus on the Battle module.”


With that, he then roamed through the Lesser Experience Haven for a bit, finding a being he could use the module on to get a feel for its features.

It did not take him long though, as a C-grade Inanimate appeared below where he hovered around 30 seconds after his flight.

Looking at the C-grade Inanimate below him, Aurus could not help but ask himself, “Now how do you use the module?”


As if it was an answer to his question, a translucent screen appeared in front of his field of vision, showing him information, which after Aurus looked at twice, seemed to be information regarding the battle power of the being, as well as the most ideal method on killing the being.



Twig [C-Grade Inanimate]

Power Level: Nil

Ideal Killing Method: Rolling over it


“Hmm…what’s power level?” Aurus asked himself about it for a bit before thinking otherwise. “On second thought, never mind. I’ll find it out once I look at it when I fight the bosses. It seems that Nil is the lowest power level?”

“Also, the information I can see is quite little compared to just identifying the being. I should probably upgrade the system once I get more OS Points.”

After testing the Battle module of the system once, Aurus was now satisfied, activating [Gale Hover] to move towards the Greater Experience Haven, which housed the first easy to kill boss on his finally finished list of bosses that were easy to kill in his current level.

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