I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 111 Mass Evolution (6)

Chapter 111 Mass Evolution (6)

With a flash of light I was back in front of Darwin, the eight tails behind me swishing back and forth in excitement.

All pretenses of professionalism were put to the side as I smiled, "Darwin, my Lord, I love you"

I had promised to myself that after I returned I would say that, and I kept true to that promise, the words that once felt so heavy to even think about in my head fell off of my tongue with no problems.

Darwin's eyes opened a tiny bit but before he could exclaim his shock I rushed at him, nearly teleporting to his position. With a tiny flex of my will I was straddling him, my legs wrapped around his torso as I rained kisses down on his chest.

However our positions were soon reversed as Darwin flipped me over and stole my lips. I could have resisted but why would I. I wanted him to take control, to make me his.

"Ahem" A coughing noise was heard in the room as we were separated in an instant.

Looking at us with a glare was Melia, a blush forming on her face as she looked at Darwin's lips. I returned her glare, sending an instinctual bit of foxfire at her, however it was dispelled soon after. My eyes narrowed as I still could not hurt Melia, not while we were inside here.

However, as if to add insult to injury, Darwin who was sitting next to me was teleported into Melia's lap where she started to pet his head, all the while smirking at me.


"Melia, Tama, stop this," I calmly commanded. Melia who was holding me tight let go thoroughly chastised while Tama who was glaring at said girl instantly stopped, her ears sagging down while her tails did the same.

"You can do this later, for now I need to evolve some things. Follow me" With that command I was off, leaving the house and heading for the research hall where I knew I would find Delta.

So far I had not evolved Delta nor had I evolved any of her inventions or weapons that she had made.

It was my plan to do that and then let Tama and Delta hunt down the Gaul while Melia stayed here for defense. While my heavy hitters in Tama and Delta would be gone I would still have Astraea with her immense speed and Melia with her great control over the territory to fend off any attacks that come.

I reached the research building and without hesitation entered.

What greeted me was dozens of Delta's assistants working on constructing ammunition for the guns that the others wielded. Walking further in I found Rhea working on another blueprint, beside her Delta was helping, pointing out all of the flaws in the blueprint. However, all of their conversation was about things that I could not understand so I ignored it in favor of approaching them.

It would seem that only Delta had sensed us as she had looked up at me for a second then got right back to her work. Rhea on the other hand was too engrossed in her work to notice me.

"Delta, I would like to evolve you, if that is fine." I both ask and declare to Delta.

Without looking up from her work Delta responds.

"That is fine, I doubt Aoif would reject your request to evolve me and that is all that matters."

It was only now that Rhea looked up from her work, looking at me as if I had just appeared from nowhere, which I guess is fair seeing as how she had not noticed my presence.

I ignored her for now though instead I focused on Delta.

"Alright, is there anything you need to prepare? It is most likely that you will be going through combat."

A simple shake of her head was all the answer that I was given.

"Alright" With that I mentally commanded 'Evolve' and evolved her.

A world of tools, of weapons, of research. That is what I saw after the nothingness had receded.

When Darwin had said that he would evolve me I had expected to be sent somewhere that would facilitate my evolution.

From what had been described by Tama and by Alif, they both had been sent to places where they needed to survive, to develop. However, that was not the truth for me. Instead I was sent to a place of research. To a place of infinite weapons.

No matter how far I looked, all I could see was weapons. Of course they were all technological, I would have thought less of this place if it had shown me primitive weapons.

A slight smile appeared on my face as I thought of all the possibilities m, just looking at some of these guns was giving me ideas.

Most of them were like mine, a simple weapon that shot bullets at high speeds but I could tell that was not all. Some of them looked like they were from some far flung future with how, from what I could guess, good they would function in space.

Walking around I touched some of the weapons and to my surprise they weren't corporal. My hand just fell through them.

However when I thought of how I wanted to disassemble them, to find out their inner workings the one I had touched scattered into different parts.

'I could work with this' I thought to myself.

It was after much trying and disassembling of my own gun that I had gotten it to work.

The guns that I was shown worked purely from force, they were purely technological. However my gun was a mix of aether manipulation and technology allowing it to be much better than if it was purely mechanical.

But the gun that I was studying, the inner workings of it were so advanced that it made the gun that I held seem like a stick in comparison.

To remedy this gap o had started to research the gun, making adjustments to my own, every fix that I implemented seeming to make it even more efficient.

Where before the gun that I held could only shoot when I formed a bullet out of aether now I could feed it any material and it would transmute it into a bullet.

Of course this wasn't how the original guns worked but it was my solution. The original one made use of some technology that I could not decipher to transmute the atoms of one material into another. Effectively doing what I did but without aether to facilitate it.

However my gun still did not shoot with the force that my projections had shown the gun that I was researching could, something I would need to remedy. No matter the time that it took.

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