I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 115 Mass Evolution (10)

Chapter 115 Mass Evolution (10)

When Delta reappeared before me I could see the disappointment in her eyes and it was all pointed towards me.

However before I could ask what was going on, Rhea dashed towards Delta, a smile on her face as she gave her notebook to her.

It seemed that whatever Delta wanted to talk about to me was more important than her student as instead of addressing her Delta pocketed the notebook and walked to me.

Rhea behind Delta, looked like a kicked puppy, her excitement gone as she followed Delta over to me.

"Evolve me again" Delta demanded, her eyes intensely staring into my own.

I wanted to ask many things, like what had made her so excited to evolve, what she had seen when evolving, what she had done, but those questions could be asked another time.

"O-" Before I could agree and try and evolve Delta again, Rhea cut me off.

"Ca- Can you evolve me too?" With puppy dog eyes Rhea was holding onto Delta's waist for what would seem like reassurance.

Thinking of it, I had not dual evolved anything since I had evolved both Aoif and I. It would be a good experience to dual evolve them and have them note down what had happened. Since the two were obviously going to get some technological evolution it would be good to know what happened for future reference.

Even better if, due to the technological nature of their evolution, they could get videos or at least some pictures.

"Can I?" Rhea asked again, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah… Delta," I turn to Delta after addressing Rhea, "If you are fine with it I would like to test out another facet of my talent, it would allow me to evolve both of you, if you are fine with that?"

For a second Delta contemplated my offer before giving me a nod.

"Good, can you bring back recordings, or at least pictures if you are able to, I would like to know more about my talent and to do that I need data"

The only answer that I got was a nod. Though Delta did come closer, something in hand.

Something was stuck to my shirt, looking down it was a sticker.

"Good job," Delta said in a deadpan voice, giving me a thumbs up.


Looking at both Delta and Rhea they both give me a nod of confirmation.


This time I selected both for dual evolution and instantly they were both overcome by motes of light both disappearing.

It was weird, the times that I had dual evolved with Aoif there was a screen that had popped up asking me of what terrain I would like to evolve in but with Rhea and Delta there was none.

Deciding that this mystery could be solved later, I looked to the screen that had popped up to my side, motioning for Melia who had stepped back during the conversation, to enlarge the screen.

Darkness overtook me immediately after I had nodded my head in affirmation. Next to me I could feel a presence, it wasn't a physical sensation, I knew that. However I still had my prosthetic run its sensors, checking for any presence that it could.

A tiny clicking noise echoed in my ears as my prosthetic started to check for anything around it. Soon enough though it did find something. To my surprise it was Delta, but before I could try and reach out to her, to see if she could do anything about this darkness, I was sent sprawling onto the ground.

I spit out the dirt that had gotten into my mouth from the fall and looked around.

Next to me was Delta who seemed to also be taking in her surroundings, but more than that was the massive dirt hill that we were on. All around us were trees, each one of them being bigger than a world itself.

Looking further down I could see the vast void of space. How we were breathing I did not know but I at least knew, if instinctually, that to succeed in this evolution we would need to cross over to one of those worlds.

It was hard to describe the feeling but it was as if someone was whispering in my ear objectives, what I had to do.

"Delta, do you feel that too"

A nod of her head was all the answer I got.

Again the darkness overtook me, and again I ran my scanners. Next to me was Rhea. That was not a surprise seeing as how Darwin had called this a dual evolution. Though what that entailed however was up for grabs. Soon though my scanner and sensors pinged back more information. Information other than that Rhea was at my side.

Looking at the Data I could see more clearly what this darkness was.

From my best guesses this darkness is a localized wormhole or at least something equivalent. What Darwin's talent actually did was take hold of us and send us through a wormhole to some predetermined realm. The how, I did not know. There was even more though, it seemed that this took immense energy and I was able to pinpoint the source.

Mentally tapping on the Data, I track the energy.josei

My eyes opened in surprise as I saw the end of where the energy came from.

I had expected there to be some internal battery that the talent burned to work but not an entire world. Well world was the best describer that I had of it.

It was more like a world sized container that held so much energy in it that it didn't matter that there was no life there. Usually worlds gather their energy from the beings inhabiting it but this world was so saturated in aether that it did not need to replenish its energy.

From what I could tell, to evolve me a tier 1 existence now that I had undergone my first evolution it took only a fragment of a fragment of energy.

To put that into perspective, I could fill millions of those fragments with only half of my aether reserves.

It would likely take hundreds of trillions of evolutions on the scale of mine to even put a dent into that reserve of his.

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