I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 130 Mass Evolution (25)

Chapter 130 Mass Evolution (25)

Darkness, that was all I could see as my body went through many checks, the new systems being integrated into my consciousness.

Light, the orange hair and shining green eye of my teacher appeared in my vision. A finger reached up to her hair as she pulled a strand of hair out of her eyes sight.

"Guh…" A stabbing pain echoed throughout my skull, my senses going haywire for a second as they recalibrated according to the information packet that had been sent directly into my implant.

My vision fell, replaced by data, it felt almost physical as if I could pluck at the strings of reality and change them according to my will. My hand reached up, the chaotic data that was Delta appearing at the tips of my fingers.

"Gah…" Another groan of pain fell through my lips as my fingers twitched as if they were shocked by thousands of volts of electricity.

'Pain… stop… please' The words were barely through my head before the strange vision that I had found myself viewing had dissipated a normal view reappearing. The stabbing pain gone, replaced by a feeling of numbness.

"heh…" A laugh echoed from my mouth, I could only guess that some drug had been injected into my veins as my vision turned black.

Again my vision returned to me and again the pain appeared, though this instance was slightly less painful. Next to me I could see the blurry orange hair of Delta standing over me worryingly, a green eye staring into mine.

Another bout of pain, this time heavier than the others, appeared not in my head but on my body. It was as if thousands of tons were sitting upon me, my limbs would not move no matter how hard I willed them to.

My arms though, they were still giving out data and so, even though my vision was blurry, I could assess my situation.

From the data that my arms had given me it seemed like a case of paralysis, the signals from my brain were reaching them and they could respond back but the signals were jumbled, tensing the wrong muscles at the wrong times.josei

"Sleep" I heard from above me, a hand sweeping the now long hair that fell into my face out of the way.

I couldn't nod, nor could I say anything in confirmation. The only sound that came from my mouth was a grunt that I hoped Delta had taken as affirmation.

With great difficulty I closed my eyes, the constant stream of information being cut off as I ended all the current processes allowing for my body to fall into a deep sleep.

Looking down at the sleeping form of my apprentice I could not help but think of this as my fault.

Despite the efforts that I had put in to make the surgery go as smoothly as possible it still backfired.

The implant was successfully added but it had unintended consequences. Chief among them was the paralysis that seemed to be lessening as time passed on, though just by seeing how a mere touch by me had indisposed her I had decided to observe and see what her condition would become in a couple days time.

However we were running out of raw materials fast, the living quarters had already been almost completely gutted in favor of extracting the resources that had been used to make them.

Gutting the living quarters had allowed for Rhea to continue living for another few months, if we really pushed it we may be able to make it to the planet before we ran out of supplies but that was up for grabs.

Looking out of the window, I took the eyepatch off of my eye and hurled a ether into it, not caring for the waste.

My other eye closed, the difference in vision that came with my eye being enhanced was dealt with.

A huge planet, most likely hundreds if not thousands of times larger than was possible however even though that was an impossibility, what was even more impossible was the feeling I felt em enacting from it. Even from my perch, zooming in from the jet hundreds of light days away, it still felt like I was watched.

An aura of malevolence tempered by a ray of light pierced the ship and my defenses pushing me down to one knee.

I grit my teeth, my aether flying recklessly out of my body, resisting the pressure of the planet's aura.

Again I woke, but this time my vision was not as blurry as it had been the previous times.

Twisting my neck, I could finally move it a bit. The fingers of my hands twitched as the muscles in my legs failed me again.

"Tch" I clicked my tongue unconsciously, still not being able to lift myself from the bed that I had been stuck in for who knows how long.

[5 days]

Not helpful, arm. Using the measly power in my neck I glared down at my arm that seemed to have gained some sarcasm.

I looked away from the arm and up to Delta and what I saw surprised me.

Sweat poured down Delta's forehead as a kaleidoscope of colors flew from her body combatting some invisible enemy.

I twitched my leg muscles again, desperately wanting to get up but it was of no use, the signals that were sent from my brain to the legs were useless. They had gotten lost in their way.

"Guh" I grit my teeth, enduring the pain that activating that strange vision caused me.

Immediately my once clear vision was blurred,

Replaced with data.

Wisps of data seemed to whip around Delta, lashing out whenever they wanted to with no pattern.

I saw a cloud of data enduring the onslaught the wisps of data inflicted upon her.

I tried to reach out my hand but no such feeling came. Looking down I could see errors, errors in the data of my arm, of my whole body.

Gritting my teeth expecting more pain I start to change the data, the process being purely instinctual.

Slowly, one by one, the errors were processed and fixed.

Feeling was regained in my arms, then my legs,

Then my whole body.

I stood my legs bringing me to the wisps that were attacking my teacher.

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