I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 162 Wyvern's Body

Chapter 162 Wyvern's Body

After Aoif had Delta's rifle taken back she sat on the floor, pouting as if it was going to do anything. I couldn't help but think it was terribly cute, the way that she was pouting. The eyes that were half closed, half glaring, her cheeks that were puffed out. It was all just too cute, I couldn't resist as I sat down next to her, instead of just watching and reveling in Aoif's cuteness I leaned her head into mine and pet her hair. Aoif leaned into my touch and even though the pout didn't disappear, Aoif definitely enjoyed it, her emotions fluctuating from indignance to joy to back to indifference.

"I'm sure that Delta can make another for you when we get back" I whisper to her, my voice echoing in her ears as I try to placate her.

At that I could feel as Aoif's body perked up, her head raised towards Delta as she gives her puppy dog eyes.

"Hah… Yes, I can make you one" Delta nods as Aoif raised her head in triumph. When I looked from Delta to Aoif, I could see the huge smile that Aoif wore and couldn't help the smile that appeared on my own face at the sight. Eventually though I had to get up, not because I didn't want to stay but because we had things to do. Even if we could stay here for an unlimited amount of time, I didn't want to be away from our realm for so long. That's why I got up, to hurry things along.

The first thing that I did was walk myself over to the wyvern's body. Usually I wouldn't loot corpses but right now I had this strange compulsion to do just that. Behind me Aoif and Delta followed though they did it at quite some distance for some reason.

'Maybe they were talking?' I thought to myself. Though I soon shook the thought from my head as I reached the wyvern's stomach, my hand on Memoria as I slashed it open.

Blood and guts flooded out however they didn't touch me as the moment that I had slashed I had jumped on top of the corpse so that I could avoid that very scenario. Delta and Aoif were the same, even though they were behind me when I sliced open the stomach they were both able to dodge the flood of blood and guts by quickly dodging to the sides.

Immediately after their jump to the side both Aoif and Delta were at my side, their steps silent as they landed near me. Though even if they were that silent I knew they were there, I could feel Aoif's presence after all. Even if I couldn't I still had eyes and could see the moment that they had left where they were.

"Are you looking for something?" Aoif asked, her head tilted as she looked over to me.

"Don't know," I replied back, "Just feel like there is something I might want in there." I pointed to the inside of the wyvern, approximately where its core should be.

I looked to my side and saw Aoif nod her head before she went silent, waiting for the wyvern to void all the blood and insides with me.

"That's a lot of blood" I said, amazed at how much blood had been voided from the stomach of this wyvern. It was enough to completely cover the whole chamber that we were in.

"Yeah…" Aoif said as her eyes scanned the chamber with me

"You still going in there?" Aoif asked, her head tilted from where it was to look at me.

"Yeah, something in me is telling me that I need to do this"

"Ok, I'll wait out here. Don't take too long"

"I won't" I replied, my body leaned over to give Aoif a quick peck on the lips before I jumped down.

Blood filled my boots as I sludged through the blood and into the body.

Soon the light that came from the hole that we made disappeared, my body consumed by the wyvern's.

Though that blindness did not last for long as soon after the world went dark I reinforced my eyes. The minuscule amount of light that reached into the body was taken with much more sensitivity by my eyes which allowed for a rudimentary night vision.

Once I could see again I looked around and saw nothing but the innards of the wyvern. However that was just what I could see,

I could feel something in the heart that I wanted.

I trudged through the cavity of the wyvern, closing the distance between me and the heart.

Eventually I was able to make it there, my hands reinforced. I grabbed at the heart with the intention to pierce it.josei


"Huh" I quietly said, confusion filling me. The heart of the wyvern was not breaking. It was like trying to punch metal, even though my fist reinforced should have been enough.

"Guess it can't be helped…" I mumble to myself as my hand reached toward my back to unsheathe Memoria.

With a quick slash the heart's flesh was pierced, the object within falling into my hand.

[Pseudo Draconic Core]

I jumped back on top of the wyvern's body, the core in my hand. As my feet landed back on the wyvern I saw Aoif subtly move closer to me as her eyes wandered about the crystal in my hand. It was a beautiful crystal, the earth like color that it took on was so pure that it seemed as if it was actual earth, not just a crystal in the shape of it. Speaking of the shape, it was a sphere, one that looked like a dead earth, with no oceans, nor grass, just dirt.

"What is that?" I heard Aoif ask as she inspected the crystal in my hand.

"A pseudo draconic core apparently, I don't know what it's used for but it must be something good" I responded, my head raised from where it was to look up to Aoif.

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