I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 169 A Hostage Situation

Chapter 169 A Hostage Situation


I walked off watching as behind me Aoif and Darwin did the same. When I looked back to watch them I saw as their own forms disappeared in the crowd of people that had taken the space between us in moments. It seemed that despite how empty the streets had been, during the time that we had breakfast the morning commuters had taken the streets. It was filled with hundreds of these people as they moved around, their constant shuffling a convenient veil that Darwin and Aoif had made use of. Although despite that the spies that I had identified were still able to identify and follow after them. However they had split off, two of them to follow Aoif and Darwin and one to follow me.

I watched on subtly as they tried in vain to hide themselves. It was pitiful to be honest, the way that they tried so hard to keep their intentions unknown despite how compromised they were. However I was not able to just dispose of them, that would just set off undue suspicions. However that amusement that I gained from their pitiful attempts was offset by the frustration they gave me. I had wanted to gather information from the kingdom but in order for me to do that I needed them to be indisposed but any way that was currently cycling through my head would put undue suspicions upon us.

It was a hard problem for me to solve, I had never had to use subterfuge like this, usually whenever I had a problem I could solve it by using excessive violence or just making it so that I would not be seen but clearly that was not a solution here. If I just up and killed the spy then they would know within the day which would compromise the date that I had set up for Aoif and Darwin and if I just disappeared then the same problem would appear.

All the while I was thinking to myself so too did I walk through the streets. All around me were restaurants and the early morning commuters going about their ways. I looked around and once again found the spy that followed me.

'That might work' I thought to myself after some time thinking. It was a simple solution that I found to my current problem. Excessive force. I smiled, a small almost imperceptible one as I closed the distance between my target and me. I reached into my pocket and mentally typed out what I needed. A small flash of light burned through my pocket but it was so small that no one would notice unless they were watching intently just as the spy was. Even though the spy was able to perceive that I had done something I did not give him enough time to react. With a burst of aether my legs were put into overdrive which allowed me to accelerate to my maximum speed within nanoseconds. Through masterful use of the force allowed by me I passed by a building, my hand dropped a small object then dashed forward again.

Within the very moment that the light reached his eyes I was upon him. The object that I had produced was entered into a needle and poked into the back of his head.

"Move and you die" I whispered, the spy desperately nodded his head. No doubt his sense of danger was flaring so high now that he may actually piss himself in fear. "Did you feel that prick in the back of your head." I rhetorically asked to which he nodded his own head, afraid of even talking. I could see the imperceptible shiver that he so desperately tried to hide, his training kicked in as it allowed him to keep his calm. That was good for him because at the slightest sign that he called for backup or tipped someone off I would detonate the bomb.

"Good, that was a bomb. Any wrong movement and you die." I looked into his eyes, my green eye staring into his own. "Understand"

Again he nodded. Though this one was a bit less firm, as if he didn't understand the severity of what I had done to him. Luckily for him I had prepared a demonstration. Something to put the fear of god into his mind.

A mental click of a button and the storefront that the spy was looking towards had exploded, countless pedestrians being turned into paste as the explosion turned them to dust.

"All in your head" I punctuated that statement by tapping the part that I had inserted the needle into. Finally I could see the fear that I had wanted. One so great that he wouldn't dare ever disobey an order of mine.

Of course I didn't kill innocent civilians, no, I had carefully picked the exact time that I had wanted to destroy it so that it was full of aristocrats. Something that would draw a lot of attention and divert it from me towards other terrorists. The suspects that they would focus on would draw manpower and attention away from me.

Another smile graced my lips as I thought of the next part of the plan. Truthfully I didn't need to tag the spy with a bomb but if he thought that it was all just to control him then even better. The loyalty I saw in his eyes, even outshadowed by his fear, would be of use to me. When he would go to report back to his superiors I would detonate the bomb while making sure that any important papers were protected and take out the king with it and any important officials.

That would be enough chaos to allow me to fly unfettered in this kingdom which would give me access to everything that they owned. Every document, every secret, and every material.

Now all I needed to do was wait and watch as the dominos tumbled.

"Good, now that you understand we can discuss your role in all of this"

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