I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 180 Border

Chapter 180 Border

"I think that we should head towards the next kingdom" I said towards the room, addressing more than just Delta who sat next to me. I addressed Aoif too who was just entering the room, a fresh pair of clothes having been put on.

"What is this about leaving?" Aoif questions as she enters the kitchen fully, her head popping through the wall that separated the kitchen from the rest of the room. I could see the curiosity in her eyes as they looked into my own.

"We've done everything that we needed here, so there isn't any reason for us to stay." I shrug to Aoif who just nodded at the logic. I could feel that she wanted to know more but didn't bother to ask about anything else other than when we would leave.

"When do we leave then?"Aoif asked while she pulled a chair from the other side of the counter towards us.

"Anytime that we want," Delta said from beside me just as the chair was placed on my other side and Aoif sat down. Her head was placed in her hand as the other started to pick at the food that Delta had made for us.

"Then we should leave now, while everyone is distracted by that celebration." Aoif says before she tilted her head. "What is that anyway?" She asked as her hand gestured to the noise and abundance of light coming from the curtains.

I went to respond but before I could even open my mouth to begin an explanation Delta interrupted me and gave Aoif the same explanation almost word to word that she had given me. Seeing that my input wasn't going to be heard, I focused on the food in front of me. My stomach was almost growling with hunger now by this time.

I watched and listened on as Delta gave the explanation to Aoif, my hand reaching down and back up as it fed me the meal that Delta had made. Soon enough Delta had finished her explanation. Coincidentally she had done so at the exact moment that I had finished the last bite of the food.

"Everyone ready" Delta asked, looking at both Aoif and I and seeing that we had both eaten the food that she had made.

I just nod in affirmation as beside me Aoif did the same. Delta, seeing as we were both ready, threw a bag at both of us. I caught it in my hands and looked inside only to find nothing.

"Go pack, take anything you want, the bag should have enough room." Delta explained pointing at the bedroom and all of the clothes, gifts, and everything that was scattered around the floor.

Again I nodded and went to go and pick everything up. The clothes were folded and placed into the bag while the gifts were either eaten if they were some type of food or snack or put away into the bag. Everything else was either left and destroyed or put into the expanded bag.

Soon enough everything that we wanted to keep was packed away, our cloaks were over our bodies and we were ready to go.

I placed the expanded bag at my side and looked towards Aoif and Delta who both were respectfully ready.

I walked through the gate, the guards that were stationed there looking on as we passed. Their eyes were dead, burdened by the boredom that came with not having been allowed to attend the festival and instead have to guard the gate. They looked at us like we were crazy as if it was unthinkable that we would leave while there was this giant festival going on. Even through the helmets that they wore I could see the sense of incredulity that came with us leaving.

Seeing as we were the only ones on the road I could feel where they were coming from, they most likely tried to argue that they didn't need to guard anything but were still stationed. Though that wasn't my problem I still felt a bit bad for them as they were forced to stand her in silence while the noise of the festival reached them.

It wasn't enough to actually help them though, instead I just took one last look at the kingdom that we had stayed in for these last two days. The lights and walls, the street that we had entered in. I looked on at everything before I turned my back, my hand intertwined with Aoif's own as we walked off towards the next kingdom.

After about a half hour of walking we were finally out of sight of the guards who had trailed our walking the whole time. It seemed like their boredom had gotten to them as even if they had better things to do than to watch us leave they still just watched us.

Though now that we were far enough away from their sight we could actually run, the walking that we did was done at a pace that would be believable to the guards that we had left but with them out of sight we could run towards the next kingdom.josei

And that was exactly what we did, with a tensing of our leg muscles we were off. Delta was ahead of us, her own run setting the pace for the rest of the journey.

It took us longer than expected to even get to the halfway point. The whole day of running, crossing almost hundreds of miles at our pace had only gotten us here, to the halfway point or the border of the kingdom's territory.

Along the way we had seen several small villages that seemed to be self-sustaining, with agriculture and everything but now that we were at the halfway point I could see the border. With both sides having their military stationed here. Though they were all on guard it wasn't that hard to give them the slip.

With Delta's help and the speed of our tier we were able to make it through the border with no trouble. No one had even noticed a slight disturbance in the ground around them let alone the border.

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