I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 182 Interlude

Chapter 182 Interlude: The Mole King PTII

Darkness, it was all around me. A void of nothingness surrounding my being as I was transported to somewhere. It was both an eternity and not one. I could feel yet I couldn't, I could see yet there was nothing around me. It was a strange world of contradictions.

Though that world soon disappeared as light consumed my vision.

I found myself teleported to a desert oasis, the land around me was filled with vegetation yet further and further then out was sand.

All around me my subordinates piper up, the moles looking around curiously as they took in their new surroundings.

Though that didn't last for long as soon after we arrived a hostile voice was heard from the vegetation.

"You!" The voice yelled, it was a wonder that I hadn't noticed the voice earlier but even still it posed no threat to me.

The surrounding moles had gathered around, their bodies protectively covering mine however they parted when with a wave of my hand I walked forward. From the feel of this person there was no conceivable way that he would be able to harm me.

Though just as a precaution I spoke. "Reveal yourself" With all the authority that my ability allowed me I commanded him to reveal himself. After a drain on my reserves that was insignificant compared to the total he finally stood from the bushes.

I was expecting some sort of alien creature, one that was like those Gaul's or Elves but I was not expecting for another human to actually appear.

It was the first time that I would have interacted with another human since the beginning of this whole ordeal. Well not the first if you count that crazy undead but I didn't. It's in the name, undead, I don't count that maddening conversation as one with another human.

I shook my head, the thoughts drifting from me as I focused my full attention on the person in front of me. She looked plain but dirty, her once brunette hair marred by sand, skin that most likely had received the highest of skincare was now covered in filth and even more sand. Her eyes were her most intriguing feature though, those brown eyes filled with determination, one to live on and survive no matter the cost.

I watched on as she cautiously stepped into my line of sight of her own will as the rest of her body was revealed. The vegetation that had covered her was pushed away to reveal tattered clothes and a haggard body. One that hadn't eaten in long, at the very least a couple of weeks judging by how emaciated she looked.

"Who…?" Her hoarse voice asked, I hadn't noticed before as when she had tried to order me her voice was strong, hardened with emotions. It was enough that I couldn't discern the gender just by voice but now her voice felt small. Almost broken.

"Shin" I quietly answered. My hand reached out towards her body, a handshake. One which she reciprocated. A quiet whisper almost akin to the buzzing of an insect was my answer as she gave me her own name. "Lily"

"Well Lily," I smile down at her, her petite body small under mine, "Do you want to live like a queen"

"Wha-" Her face turned bright red, a face of confusion appearing soon after.

I sensed this and before she could get any angrier I de-escalated the situation, "AH," Loudly I interrupted. The sudden rise in volume caught her attention.

"I didn't mean it like that. No, what I meant was if you wanted to join me."

Lily seemed skeptical but eventually she caved in, her eyes roaming my body and the luxurious clothes that adorned them. A nod of affirmation was given and I smiled.

My first interaction with another human being may have gone bad in the beginning but I was able to navigate it. Honestly it was relieving that I hadn't lost my touch since being immersed in mole culture.

"You… ok" Lily slowly said, her voice hoarse as if she hadn't drank anything in weeks.

"Yes, but when was the last time that you drank anything?" I ask, half curious and half trying to pry an answer so I had an excuse to give her some.

"When did we get summoned?" She asked to my question and I couldn't help but be flummoxed by that answer. It had been at least three weeks or even a whole month. There was no way that she would have survived for this long let alone talk.

"Water" I commanded suddenly and like a divine rain from the sky, it appeared. I had it gather into a ball and slowly let Lily sip at it.

"Better" I asked, my concern showing through.

Lily nodded her head, a blissful expression on her face as she gulped down mouthful after mouthful of water.


I sat down in the vegetation, idle thoughts running through my head as Lily sat near me. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was even which indicated that she was asleep however I couldn't help but feel as if she wasn't or at least was half asleep.

Though those weren't my only thoughts, the one that burned bright in my mind was how this vegetation survived if there was nothing to feed them. Of course they got food from the sun via photosynthesis but what about water. How did they get that. It was a mystery that I didn't know, one I wasn't comfortable leaving alone. There could be multiple answers but I needed to know if I was to establish a territory around here.

'A territory… shit I don't have a token do I?'

It was at that moment that the system announced its presence, a helpful screen appearing in my vision.

[As compensation for being kicked from your territory, you have been granted a territory token]

Just as it had when I had first had one given to me, it appeared in a bright flash of light. One bright enough to wake Lily from her sleep.

"What was that?" She questioned, her hands rubbing her eyes that were still bleary from sleep.

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