I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 194 Rhythm

Chapter 194 Rhythm

I found myself entranced, I watched as the runes were written, erased and used. Every part unique as different properties were drawn out.

One such rune, the one I had seen so many times, had its structure erased to only a fraction of what it was yet still had more power than the original. I could tell that Delta was satisfied with that one as immediately after the success she only spent another two or three minutes on it before moving to the next rune.

On and on again this process repeated. One would be written down, the effects would then be analyzed. Then came the fun part, Delta would run aether through it in hundreds of different ways.

The ones that were inefficient were discarded and the ones that were useful noted. Then she would rewrite the rune with some unknown modifications of her own design.

Then the process would continue until it was made to be only the size of a miniscule letter.

It was so small that it was almost hard to see.

The runes were also extremely simplified, enough that only the purest concept was left. Or at least what I would assume was the purest concept.

For example a rune of fire, one that I had seen blaze into a fury of fire. One that Delta had tinkered with earlier that I was pulled apart at its strings until it became a rune of heat.

That didn't detract from the power, no, it was even more powerful and useful. The spark felt as hot as Tamano's flames.

For the second that it had been manifested I felt as if I would die if I were to approach it but even as wild as it was. It was controlled.

It was a fascinating process how Delta had turned that simple rune into one of such power, a process that I had tried to imitate but was quickly stopped by a glare that Delta sent at me.

I was caught red handed with a paper and ink, copying the very rune that I had talked about. The glare had not only stopped me momentarily but flung the pen away from me.

I had gotten the message. It was why I stopped my attempts.

Another week passed in that manner, Delta would research her runes while I was left to catalog the documents of the room.

After the first day, Delta had given me a translation key and let me loose.

Certain expectations were upon me, I needed to get through every document and categorize the important information into an easy to digest manner.

It wasn't for anyone but me. However in doing this I got practice in picking out important information in seconds. It was a useful skill but oh how boring it was.

At least I had Aoif… who was asleep at the couch again.

She was like some sort of cat right now, sleeping when she wanted to and cuddling with me when she wanted and nothing more.

Of course I could have pushed but I was too busy to do anything more.


My body startled at the noise. It was the first time I had heard Delta's voice the entire week.

My head quickly swiveled over to Delta where she had stood up. Dozens of paper filled with lines of runes burned in her hand as she stood from her seat.

The unerring eye gazed upon us and gestured to follow.

I just obeyed, I had finished with the last of the documents just moments ago. A coincidence, I doubt it.

Once I had caught up Delta led us further into the castle.

Through the hallways we went, the walk taking longer than I would have thought. It was just a testament to how big the castle really was.

On the outside it looked about normal, or as normal as a castle could be but on the inside it was dozens if not hundreds of times bigger with pathways leading everywhere.

It was why we hadn't left, without Delta we would be lost, roaming for hours.

My thoughts were stopped with Delta's fading movement. Looking up from where I had zoned out I saw a normal looking door.

It wasn't anything special but when I took a second look at it I could identify some discrepancies.

For one the door was air tight, enough that it was suspicious. I could not even feel the air on the other side, like it had sealed my senses.


I walked over to the door, my hand reached out to pull on the handle. However my wrist was grabbed and pulled to the side as Delta took the lead.

I looked to the side and saw a glimpse of what Delta had done.

In the moment that I had been pulled to the side she had taken her rifle out and shot a way into the room.

A people, taken from god knows where, was thrown into the room. A myriad of circles were created in the air that then unleashed a barrage of explosions.

Though that was all Delta needed, the rifle in her hand aimed and took the shot.

Every circle was destroyed in one shot before Delta walked in herself.

I followed after and was stunned at what I saw there.

Mountains of gold, gems, and wealth of all kinds. However I couldn't imagine why we were here.

We needed none of this, if anything it was useless to us because we could make as much money as we needed.

Still I followed Delta who seemed to have an objective in this vault.

I watched on as she strode up a throne of gold, a jewel glittering in the grooves of the chair.

It was taken and quickly hidden in her pockets before she turned and walked from the room.

I just followed, there was nothing of interest here.

Though there were some things that had caught my attention. Glittering outfits of decadent quality. Not some th in gi would have worn but it reminded me that we needed actual clothes.

I looked down at my own outfit and saw the wear and test. It was constantly repaired and in its death bed.

The constant battling that I did in it didn't help it's cause. It was why I was gazing at the clothes there.

It had reminded me of my need.



"Do you know where we can find suitable clothes. Ones that won't break in combat?"

Delta just sighed, as if she was waiting for the question before gesturing for both Aoif and I to follow.

We did, hand in hand we followed Delta towards some unknown part of the castle.

I tugged at the clothes, it wasn't as well worn as my other outfit which was why it was slightly uncomfortable.

It was a pair of casual clothes that went well with my simplistic aesthetic.

Though with Aoif, she wore a brilliant dress. One that only seemed to accentuate her features. Before she looked like a warrior goddess that had just come home from battle but now she looked like a queen. An imperial feel to her.

I couldn't help but offer my hand to her, a smile in my lips as I started our little play.

Daintily she placed her own in mine and I pulled her to my side. A mock blush of shyness was on her face as she looked away from me.

I just pulled her face towards my own, shy eyes hiding a playfulness looked into my own.

I leaned my head down and with a closing of my eyes kissed her. A chaste kiss that lasted no longer than a few seconds.

"The draconic core"

A voice broke through our play. One demanding of me the core that I had pocketed much earlier.

I sighed, breaking my embrace of Aoif and reached into my inventory.


A core was taken out and handed to Delta who took it gratefully.

"You two can go back to whatever it was you were doing"

With a dismissive wave Delta left the room. An awkward silence filled the room as both Aoif and I just sat back on the bench that stood at the side of the wall.

The atmosphere was ruined, whether that was purposefully done by Delta or she really was just that impatient. I couldn't tell.

However either way she had broken the atmosphere. Neither Aoif or I were in the mood we were in earlier.

Though I could still appreciate the dress that she had taken for herself.

The veil-like hood that fell over her hair, the half dress that showed her shoulders, even the cloth-like decoration that stood on her stomach.

Everything was just perfect. I couldn't help the smile that appeared in my face nor did I want to stop it.

The atmosphere was restored and again I reached out my hand and took hers into mine.

A music that only Aoif and I could hear appeared in my ears.

I hummed to it, swaying this way and that with Aoif ti the rhythm.

Our eyes were closed as we held each other closely, our bodies swaying to the music.

Occasionally either I or Aoif would pull the other up or down for a kiss.

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