I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 39 Interlude

Chapter 39 Interlude: Talentless

I was born with no talent. I was an average guy, an average job, an average life.

Though there was nothing to complain about. It was still normal but normal was fine for me, I liked my job, I liked my life, there was no reason to want more.

There were no aspirations I had in life except for a good retirement and maybe a couple of kids and even more grandkids to spoil.

That was until life gave me the middle finger and dropped me into the realm war.josei

At first I was confused but then I just started laughing.

"Heh… hahahahaha"

'how typical a mass isekai and still I was average, still I had no talent.' I thought to myself.

It was at that moment that a part of me something that I had always thought lost reignited, the spark of passion, the flame of ambition lit my mind like a bomb going off.

With renewed ambition I started to think. If the system wants me to conquer the realms, then I'll oblige.

A manic grin appeared on my face,

I'll even do the system one further.

'I'll do you one further system, I'll conquer you, I'll make you kneel!'

Opening up my warehouse I pull out the free summoning token given to all crowns.

With a little flash of light a token appeared in my hand, the one given to us by the system.

Crushing it filled the space in front of me with a steel gray light.

A large gray mole.

"Tch" I clicked my tongue.

A mole, even thinking now it would not help me much.

I could burrow in the ground but would that not hollow my ambitions.

I am changed, I have opportunities.

I checked my pockets. I had been summoned in the middle of my commute to work.

Luckily I was born into the Land of the Free and with that came my gun.

50 bullets, a pistol. That was what I was left with, my only other weapon I'm on hand was a small pocket knife.

It came with a small tinder starting thingy. I don't know what it was called but I did know that it would allow me to kindle a fire.

I kept my pistol at the ready. Proper gun safety ingrained in my head had me in a proper stance.

My dress shoes were muddy and that was a problem. Not an immediate one but if I didn't want trench foot to infect me I needed to deal with that.

Lurking through the swamp that I had found myself in my mole summon by my side I was trying to find a way out of where I was.

If I was to go against the system then I would first have to play by its rules and the first thing to do would be to find a suitable place to establish my territory.


A large roar interrupts my thoughts, the mole behind me cowering in fear.

Bringing up my gun I aim it at where the sound came from.

It was a tense few seconds but after a while I could see something in the distance. I couldn't tell what it was, it's hide camouflaging itself in the swampy water of the swamp.

Whatever it was, it was growing closer to me.

I aimed my pistol at it but didn't shoot. I have a limited amount of Ammon that I could use and I wasn't going to waste it on a shot that I was unable to hit accurately.

The creature that had previously roared at me grew close enough for me to identify it as a crocodile.

However it wasn't any crocodile that you would see on the discovery channel this one was at the very least a one and a half times as big and even emanated a ferocious aura.

The mole that I had summoned could do nothing but cower me however I had a clear shot so I took it.


The signature boom of a gun went off and the head of the crocodile was pierced by the bullet.

However it wasn't dead yet so I continued to pepper it with 3 more rounds each one taking a bit of time to check if it was dead or not.

Even with the risk of injury I couldn't waste the billets I had. That was why I didn't just mag dump the crocodile.

The mole behind me after seeing that the crocodile was dead looked at me with reverential eyes.

"Can you dig here?" I ask the mole, pointing at a patch of ground.

I had decided I would not be the greatest above ground for now seeing as Darwin and Aoif were dominating the fame board, however I could use the mole to my advantage.

The mole that I had was not normal like I had thought but he could dig through solid stone.

The plan was to create an underground kingdom.

There was nothing more to it, I would dig and dig and stockpile resources trading with neighboring crowns while building up a military.

"Whew" I wiped the sweat from my brow, a decent living space had been made.

It took me and the mole a couple of hours but we were able to make a tiny house though it was completely covered in darkness, the entryway being sealed shut by the mole at my command.

Next to me was the corpse of the crocodile and some dry tinder to start a fire.

While I was fiddling with the tinder starter from my knife I established the territory with the system.

[Establish territory]

The system asked and I confirmed.

Immediately the living space transformed.

Instead of the wet space we had it was now lit up with lights and had a wooden bed.

A smile lit up my face, it was not pretty but it was a start.


Phew Chapter 2 for today is done

Power stones now if you would :)

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