I Was Mistaken as a Monstrous Genius Actor

Chapter 86

Chapter 86: Acceleration (2)

Chapter 86: Acceleration (2)

Translator: Dreamscribe

Park Pan-seo, who had been gazing at Kang Woojin, let go of his hand and replied,

“I watched your previous performance. You did well.”

At that moment, Director Kim Do-hee and the assistant director approached. It was Director Kim Do-hee who spoke first.

“If you’re done with greetings, Woojin, you can go get your makeup and costume ready.”

“Yes, Director.”

“Sir, are you really okay?”

“I told you, I’m fine.”

At this point, Kang Woojin looked at Park Pan-seo, whose presence reminded him of a fierce tiger.

‘Is he unwell?’

Noticing Woojin’s concerned gaze, Park Pan-seo waved the script as if to say not to worry.

“Don’t worry, Woojin. Just focus on your acting. The director is just overreacting.”

“Ah- understood.”

At that, Director Kim Do-hee sighed softly and directed the assistant director.

“Alright, let’s hurry then. Woojin, get your makeup and costume done. Woojin! You know from the script, today’s makeup is a bit heavy, right?”

“I’m aware.”

Soon after, Kang Woojin moved with the assistant director to where the makeup team was gathered. Watching Woojin’s retreating figure, Park Pan-seo murmured to Director Kim Do-hee,

“Don’t interrupt his performance in the middle of the scene because you’re worried about me.”

“······Yes, sir.”

Though she responded appropriately, Director Kim Do-hee looked at Park Pan-seo, slightly surprised.

‘It’s strange. He’s usually so calm, but he’s flared up today?’

Like Park Pan-seo, she fixed her gaze on Kang Woojin up ahead.

‘Is it because of Woojin? Strange. Jae-jun too. While there’s certainly the zeal of a rookie, Woojin has this ability to awaken other actors. It’s not bad for me, but still…’

Director Kim Do-hee felt a little sorry for actors working with Kang Woojin and recalled something male lead Jin Jae-jun had said the day before.

‘Acting in front of him feels like being stripped bare, not as an actor but as the character.

It was something that Director Kim Do-hee, as a director, could never truly feel and understand. Regardless, she moved to the location where three monitors were set up.


Among the spectators held back by the crew, she noticed Choi Sung-gun. And then,

‘Are those the guests he said would come today?’

The two individuals accompanying him had their faces covered, catching the director’s attention. Choi Sung-gun and Director Kim Do-hee exchanged a distant glance. But the director tilted her head.

‘Who are they? There are two of them. They’ve both covered their faces, so they must be famous.’

The two guests accompanying Choi Sung-gun were wearing masks. Though she had known they would come, Director Kim Do-hee’s curiosity grew. It was obvious that they were in the same industry since they came to see Woojin. But asking directly would be awkward.

Scratching her chin, Director Kim Do-hee called over the assistant director.

“Do you see over there? CEO Choi with the two masked individuals.”

“Oh, yes, who are they?”

“I don’t know. Just let the crew know not to bother those two since they’re CEO Choi’s guests.”

“Got it.”

“Do we have any spare chairs?”

“Yes, a few.”

“Give them some. Let them sit and watch.”

Upon receiving the director’s order, the assistant director immediately brought over some stacked plastic chairs. Choi Sung-gun, receiving the chairs, nodded in gratitude to Director Kim Do-hee. As he unfolded the plastic chairs, he gestured to the two guests.

“Please, sit down.”

He spoke briefly in Japanese. Naturally. The guests were Director Kyotaro and author Akari. After a light greeting with Choi Sung-gun, Director Kyotaro and Akari took their seats, expressing their gratitude.

“Thank you.”

“Thank you very much.”

Though some nearby staff members threw curious glances at the two, Director Kyotaro and author Akari paid little attention. Especially author Akari, pushing up her glasses perched on the tip of her nose, was busy observing Kang Woojin, who was in the middle of getting his makeup done.

‘His physique looks good.’

Her first impression wasn’t bad. All the while, she glanced at Director Kyotaro sitting next to her, who was exchanging a few words in Japanese with Choi Sung-gun.

‘The director praised him highly, but to what extent is that true?’

Shifting her gaze back to Woojin, Akari thought,

‘He’ll surely act well. But I’ve heard he’s a rookie. For an actor, the amount of experience can’t be overlooked.’

While she wasn’t an expert in acting, author Akari had penned numerous novels so far. That means she’s created an immense number of characters. The essence of a character ultimately needs to be based on experience. At least, that was her belief.

‘One needs to observe, feel, and have realizations to intensify acting. In that regard, that kid might be lacking.’

With those thoughts, Akari continued to watch Kang Woojin intently.josei

‘Still, he must have something to compensate for his shortcomings.’

About 40 minutes later.

Kang Woojin’s makeup and costume preparations were completed. Of course, the filming preparations were completed as well. Various cameras were set up in front of the makeshift table outside the warehouse. Lighting and audio equipment were also in place. The crew members tightened their circle around the filming zone, pushing the onlookers further back. Park Pan-seo, or Professor Kim, sat at the makeshift table, while Kang Woojin stood outside the camera’s frame.

They had already completed a brief rehearsal.

Thus, every crew member stood still, looking towards the filming zone. Director Kim Do-hee discussed the route briefly with the director of photography.

“When Lee Sang-man first enters, it should feel like he’s entering from outside the frame. You get the idea, right?”

“Yeah, okay, okay.”

According to the script, this scene was set a considerable time after drug king Choi Jun-ho was killed by Jeong Seong-hoon. After dealing with Lee Sang-man, Jeong Seong-hoon, gains momentum by selling drugs in Japan. He makes a lot of money and expands his influence in Japan.

However, Jeong Seong-hoon’s true identity was a police officer.

His undercover operation was at risk. There were disputes between the senior police officers who initiated the project and Jeong Seong-hoon, but Jeong Seong-hoon, having already tasted wealth, ignored them. Thus, his operations in Japan faced a temporary halt.

Because the senior officers were meddling.

Jeong Seong-hoon temporarily stopped his ventures in Japan and targeted the domestic market in Korea. That’s when Lee Sang-man reappears. Whether in Japan or Korea, Jeong Seong-hoon’s operations were too slow, largely due to the conflicts with the senior officers. But Lee Sang-man didn’t know that.

However, Lee Sang-man couldn’t just eliminate Jeong Seong-hoon recklessly.

Since Jeong Seong-hoon had grown significantly, his operations had expanded several times. Moreover, if they got rid of him, there would be disruptions in drug manufacturing and sales. He wouldn’t receive the perks he got for free. Therefore, behind Jeong Seong-hoon’s back, Lee Sang-man secretly called in the manufacturer known as ‘Professor Kim’ or Kim Hyun-soo.

It was to trap Professor Kim.


“Alright, let’s go!”

After Director Kim Do-hee finished talking with the director of photography, she shouted and sat down. Immediately after, a crew member in front of the camera clapped the slate.


The signal echoed through a megaphone.


The camera angle showed the makeshift table outside the warehouse. On the table, there were various dishes and soju. Sitting there was Park Pan-seo, or rather, Professor Kim. Professor Kim, wearing a well-ventilated brown linen shirt, moved his hand.


He poured soju into a glass. His expression was stern. There was tension, but it wasn’t overwhelming. Gulp. After downing the soju in one shot, Professor Kim picked up wooden chopsticks.

“Ah- Do you like sashimi?”

From somewhere, a raspy, tired male voice was heard. It was Kang Woojin, dressed in a suit. No, it was Lee Sang-man. Either way, it doesn’t matter; they’re one and the same. He had dozens of henchmen following him.

“Ugh, it’s hot.”

Stopping in front of the table, Lee Sang-man took off his suit jacket. Then he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. Tattoos were clearly visible on both arms. Soon, Lee Sang-man sat down across from Professor Kim.

“Why is it so hard to meet you, Professor Kim?”

Lee Sang-man, pouring soju into Professor Kim’s glass, had a different aura now. There was still a fierce light in his eyes, but it wasn’t as sharp. It was weaker. It wasn’t a deliberate show of vulnerability.

The former violence in Lee Sang-man had diminished.

However, there was a creepy aura about him. While his actions were snake-like, they were reminiscent of the quick strike of a mantis. Slithering, frail, yet disgustingly lethal.


Holding a cigarette in his mouth, he took out a cigarette and offered the pack to Professor Kim.

“Have one.”

“I quit smoking.”

“Why quit something this good?”

“I’m getting old.”

“Bullshit. Stop trying to ruin the mood. Just because they call you ‘professor’, do you think you’ve become one?”

Suddenly grinding his teeth, Lee Sang-man burst into a sly smile. A sudden shift in his expression. The camera captured it closely.

“Ah ah- Sorry, Professor Kim.”

Professor Kim stared back at Lee Sang-man pensively and asked,

“Are you okay?”

“What do you mean?”

“Looking at your face, it’s evident. You’re dying.”

“Old man. Watch your mouth before I shove a bottle of soju down your throat.”

Feeble yet sharp. There’s a peculiar charm in the unique way Lee Sang-man scratches his arm. A warning that can be felt as if trying to suppress a surge of emotion. However, Professor Kim just looked at Lee Sang-man with pity.

It was expected.

Sunken eyes, dark circles growing more prominent, deep wrinkles across his face, disheveled hair, and a sparsely grown beard.

The man sitting in front of him was no longer the Lee Sang-man, just a junkie intoxicated by drugs.

“So, why did you want to see me?”

“Straight to the point? Good. You see, I’d rather you lick my ass instead of sucking up to Director Jeong.”

“Are you asking me to abandon Jeong Seong-hoon?”

“No? It would be a waste to simply abandon him.”


Laughing like a madman, Lee Sang-man leaned towards Professor Kim.

“Why not sell that guy’s organs?”

“Unfortunately, I don’t do business with junkies.”


“You should sell drugs, not consume them. Let’s pretend I didn’t hear anything today.”

“Did you sleep with Jeong Seong-hoon or something?”

“… …”

“I told you to lick my ass, not stick your tongue in it. You’ve got such a long tongue for a bastard.”

The stark difference between the initial Lee Sang-man and now. Or, it might be better to describe it as a degeneration. The sophistication and gravity he once had was gone. He appeared merely as a lunatic lost in addiction.

In truth, he was falling apart.

This transformation was evident in Lee Sang-man’s tone, gaze, and behavior.

Regardless, Professor Kim, having quickly downed a shot of soju, stood up from his seat. As he took a step, Lee Sang-man, now lighting a new cigarette, laughed in astonishment. Yet, the nature of his laughter had changed; any semblance of control he had was now gone.

“These puny little bastards: due to me, they wear gold rings. But now they’re treating me like some common junkie.”

However, Professor Kim ignored Lee Sang-man. Yet, about ten of Lee Sang-man’s henchmen blocked his path. Following them, Lee Sang-man slowly stood up behind him.

“Professor Kim, there’s no need to hurry; just go and make some drugs for this addict.”

“Talk to Jeong Seong-hoon.”

Lee Sang-man, slowly and leisurely, approached the halted Professor Kim. But there was no restraint in his eyes. Leaning in, Lee Sang-man placed his face on Professor Kim’s right shoulder from behind. The camera captured two people side by side from the front in a two-shot.

Then, Lee Sang-man whispered eerily into Professor Kim’s ear.

“You keep mentioning Jeong Seong-hoon. Does he know the recipe too?”


“It seems like he does, right?”

“Make way.”

It was then that Professor Kim, or rather Park Pan-seo, wiped the sweat from his hand onto his pants. It was acting, but not really. He realized, thanks to Lee Sang-man’s voice in his ear.

That he would soon die.

But Lee Sang-man’s words didn’t stop.

“You’re tight-lipped.”

He removed his face from the shoulder, but Professor Kim still heard the eerie voice from behind him.

“Everyone keeps mentioning Jeong Seong-hoon. He’s no longer involved with the Japanese, and he’s not making moves in the domestic market either. What will you do?”

“Jeong Seong-hoon, that rat bastard, has stopped his dealings with those Japanese. He’s blabbering about the domestic market, but he’s not taking action. Things are stagnant. What can we do?”

“Lee Sang-man.”

“I mean, we need to reduce the number of mouths to feed, even if it’s just one.”

Professor Kim let out a small sigh and forcefully pushed through the henchmen blocking his way. But it wasn’t easy. Soon after, any semblance of sanity disappeared from Lee Sang-man’s eyes, replaced only by primal instinct.

“Let’s see-”

Lee Sang-man glanced around and spotted bricks stacked in front of the warehouse.

“Ah, perfect.”

Picking up a brick, his movements seemed tired, his breathing slow, like someone wishing for the end of a long day. Holding the brick, Lee Sang-man called out to Professor Kim, who was struggling with the henchmen.

“Professor Kim.”

When Professor Kim turned around, Lee Sang-man swiftly slammed the brick into his face.

– Whack!

There was no emotion on his face, just indifference.

“Do you think this old thing’s organs will sell? Hey, will it?”

A henchman trembled in response.

“It, it seems difficult, sir.”

“Right? What about the eyes?”

“… …”

“Never mind.”

Lee Sang-man mounted the groaning Professor Kim, who lay on the ground.

“Choke… Cough…”

He climbed on top of him and continued his assault, hitting Professor Kim’s head with the brick twice.

-Whack!! Whack!!!

There was no hesitation. Soon, blood splattered, staining the brick.

– Swoosh.

Lee Sang-man sniffed the blood-soaked brick and chuckled malevolently.

“Must be because he’s old, because there’s a foul smell.”

“… Ugh-”

“I’m gonna live. Hey, just stay still! Wait.”

-Whack, whack, whack, whack!

The repeated dull sounds of the brick smashing into Professor Kim’s head continued. But that too soon became a softer, mushy sound. Every time Lee Sang-man struck, the bones crumbled, and soon, all that was left of Professor Kim was a bloody lump of flesh.

But Lee Sang-man did not stop.

-Whack, whack, whack!

It was as if he was trying to bury the lump of flesh into the ground. Every strike splattered more blood, now covering not just the brick but also Lee Sang-man’s face.

Blood mixed harmoniously with the dark spots on his face.

After his frenzied attack, Lee Sang-man, gasping, threw the bloodied brick at one of the henchmen and without wiping his face, sat down at a nearby makeshift table. He poured himself a shot of soju and took a slice of raw fish.

Chewing on the fish, Lee Sang-man used chopsticks to point at the bloody pulp on the ground.

“Call Jeong Seong-hoon. And get rid of that.”

He lit a cigarette. The camera zoomed in tightly on Lee Sang-man, covered in blood and dark spots. He scratched his arm and looked into the camera, slightly raising the corner of his twitching mouth.

“Or you guys can cook and eat it. Make it tender.”

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