I Will Conquer The World!

Chapter 124

Chapter 124: Or would he...?

The old man had never told anyone about this, but he was actually bis*xual. He hid it because gay and lesbian people were already looked down upon in this world, let alone bis*xual people. They were absolutely despised.

So, he had to adjust with f*king women for ages. But now, he seemed to have struck the jackpot as this adolescent male seems to be interested in him. He blushed as he thought about it. But he seriously wondered if this boy was that lusty that even an old man triggered him. 

The old man shrugged internally thinking that the young lad must have had a fetish for old people. He felt blessed due to the opportunity that he received. He slowly blinked his eyes in a manner that he felt looked charming and said in a tone of voice that he felt was seducive, but in all actuality just sounded plain weird, "B- Boy... You can do anything you want to me. Don't worry, I won't resist."

Harry, who was so involved in his conversation with Pluto, had forgotten about the old man in front of him until he heard what he said.

He shivered slightly and looked at the expression of the old man in front of him with slight repulsion. Harry did not want to judge anyone and thought that the old man was just having a mental breakdown due to the stress of facing death.

He felt slightly bad for not just finishing him off and then talking to Pluto. The thing that was worse than death was to wait for it. Knowing that you are about to die, that you are helpless about it and you can do absolutely nothing about it, is much worse than just having a sudden death.josei

Harry felt a bit bad for the old man for some reason that he could not comprehend. Looking at his weird expressions and words, Harry thought that the old man must have gone mad due to the pressure.

Harry sighed and said, "Sorry old man. My bad, I'll kill you now."

The old man was shocked as he looked at the young male with confusion. He had just offered the young male a chance to f**k him! Why the hell was he saying that he would kill him?!

The old man after thinking a bit concluded that the young adolescent male must have misunderstood what he had said. He decided that he would phrase his sentence in a bit more open manner so that he would understand.

"Boy, I'm tied up, and thus can't resist whatever you do to me. You can untie me if you don't want to do it that way, or you can do it this way if you have those types of interests.", the old man said with a grin on his face.

Harry was confused, not understanding what the old man was trying to say. He was not dense at all, and he was quite contrary to that in fact. If it was a woman, except a grandma of course, who was tied up, he could probably comprehend what the woman was trying to hint.

But for him, having s*x with old people was something that he would not even think about in his wildest nightmares, as to him old is gold. Old people were figures who had a lot of experience about how their world worked. They were ones who should be respected and people should learn from the knowledge imparted from them.

He would not even consider s*x if it was a old woman, let alone an old man. He was straight as a person could possibly be, and thus he obviously did not consider things from that perspective.

He was sincerely confused as he looked at the old man who had a cheeky grin on his face. 

Harry thought about it deeply until it struck him suddenly. The old man... No he wouldn't be hinting for stuff like that.

Harry persuaded himself that his mind was in the gutter and was thinking about dirty stuff even when it was not related to the situation at all.

I mean look at the old man. He looks dignified, respectable and honorable. He would certainly not propose for s*x when he was in front of death's doors.

Or... would he?

Author's note :

The first free 59 chapters have officially been rewritten! Just read them already I say!

JUST REREAD FROM THE START! The story follows a different plotline this time and also has a different pace. SO JUST DO IT! [Shouts and growls madly like a beast]

Skip all this if you don't have time to read it.


[Author sighs and says, "Editor - san, gimme some more ideas... what do I do?! I have got to somehow increase the word count.

Editor puts his chin in his hand and enters deep thinking mode and says, "I have an idea, but isn't increasing the word count like this cheating the readers?"

Author sighs and says, "Of course not. I'll be writing the rewritten version too right? So they'll get double the content if they unlock this one chapter. The first one being the old version one and then the new one with cannibalism and all."

Editor smiles and says, "Well that's more fair I guess. So, maybe you can add a long lengthy authors note that you remove when you write the rewritten version?"

Author smiles guilty, "Yes... that's the only way. I'll definitely remove it afterwards and give them quality stuff... I mean I'm forced to do this now because I have boards, [a very important test in India ] , and have to prepare for it while preparing for the monthly exams they keep... so I'm not really free till June 10th."

Editor whistles, "Damn. That's a long time from now."

"I know, but I have these monthly tests to prepare for, and like boards are considered like a divine test in India. There are students who suicide upon failing them and all.", the author says while sighing.]

Please read the story from the start again. I'm rewriting it. I assure you it'll be good (pats chest). Like I'm including stuff like a secret group of assassins for Harry, and all. I'm also thinking of including a function like scope of personality that will give him powers to examine all his citizens and kill those who are not loyal [Grins evilly and scarily.]

Gimme your Power Stones, please! I'm not getting many good features, and it may help if I enter the top 200. The 199th novel has like 380 Power stones, so gimme 400!

Lol, it's not like I'm asking it for free. You'll get 4 chapters on Sunday if you gimme those 400 Power stones. [Pleading expression].

Join my discord server for a lot of cool stuff, okay? Like you get live chapter rewrite status, and I tend to talk about any new ground-breaking things about the story there, and, best of all, you can give me ideas for the story! Well, you can give it down in the comments too.

Anyway, take care all you readers. If you ever just need a shoulder to cry on about life, just dm [personal message] me in discord. I'll definitely listen to you as soon as I'm online in discord.

I stress this again, please read the story from the start once more. You'll have many surprises. If you just like the old version, then go to google and search, I Will Conquer The World.

The last time I checked, a piracy website was letting people read my first 59 free chapters, which were of the old version. Yeah also since I rewrote the first fifty nine chapters, you can just read them. If you like that version, then follow it, or just follow this old version. But I have to warn you, in that version, Robinson and Lauren are killed by Harry, three new characters are introduced, and Harry is much, much more scheming.

All in all, to wrap things up nicely for this chapter, thank you to all my readers. I appreciate your support and love you show to my book. Even your hate helps me improve. I admit, this is not the best book. But, I am trying my best to at least make it into a memorable experience for all you readers. I sincerely hope you read the book from the start again, as there are lots of surprises waiting to be discovered. Yeah so just read from the start you know? I don't have any more methods to tempt you to start the book again. So just read from the start, please. Please, read from the start.

I've also started using a grammar app, and so the overall quality should improve, like small typos and grammar errors. It's been a lovely experience writing, and I want it to be a lovely experience for you readers to read my book.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.