I Will Conquer The World!

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Wait, he sees me as a messenger?!

Harry was slightly surprised at what Hamilton said. The ex leader of the farmers was here to visit him? He said with slight curiosity in his voice, "Let him in."

Hamilton exited the throne room swiftly. Harry began thinking about why John, the ex leader of the farmers has visited him. Maybe he convinced the farmers to start farming again?josei

He was in deep thought when the majestic doors of the throne room opened. John entered with respect radiating from every single one of his movement, and a man and woman followed behind him, on high alert as if they had just entered their nemesis's base.

Harry smiled with amusement. He knew that the Lyrians did not trust and almost despised royals, but this was another level totally. The looks on their faces was tickling his funny bone, and if not for Harry stopping himself forcefully, he would have laughed out loud while rolling on the floor.

Harry examined them with his personality scope.

When he saw John's stats towards him, Harry was speechless. He did not know whether to laugh or cry. 

[Name : John Antioch.

Job : Hunter ; Was ex leader of the farmers

Relations with Host :

Loyalty : 99

Love : 100

Hate : 0

Conclusion : Would willingly have s*x with host if host demands for it. Blindly trusts Host, and Loyalty is 99 and not 100 due to the faint doubt hidden in him that host's powers could be demonic. 

Inner Remark :

"The king is definitely the messenger of god! He will bring prosperity to Lyria!"]

Harry did not know what to say as he was struggling with his thoughts. What the f*ck? Love and loyalty is something that has to develop slowly! It makes no sense for a dude that he only met once absolutely adores him and will even have s*x with him! Virginity is a sacred thing! You can't just give it up- Anyway! That is not the problem here! How the hell is he so loyal to him? 

Maybe the system glitched? Yup that must be i-

[I did not glitch in anyway host!]

That sounded so weird because of the voice. Imagine hearing that with a girl's voice. 

[That is not weird at all!]

Harry chuckled and said in his mind, "It is!"

[It isn't!]

"It is!", I said while holding back my laughter.

[It isn't!!!]

His system was practically screaming at this point.

Harry smiled and said, "Okay. You win system. It isn't weird at all."

Harry just realised that he had totally diverted from the main topic at hand.

He asked his system, "Hey system, why the hell is this guy so loyal to me?!"

[I don't really know Host. Maybe he's just a weirdo. Or maybe I might have increased his stats towards you by a bit to see your reaction.]

"What?!", Harry said with speechlessness.

"You increased it? That makes much more sense."

[Your reaction was very funny.]

Harry was going to say something to tease his system when Harry suddenly looked at the blank looks of John and his companions.

Harry chuckled awkwardly. He had a very problematic habit of going into intense debates with the system while ignoring matters at hand.

Authors note :

This chapter has been rewritten, the next chapter is in a storyline completely different. Please wait a few days so that you can get more rewritten chaps.

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