I Will Conquer The World!

Chapter 67

Chapter 67: Something felt.... off.

Harry nodded softly. He fell into deep thought while rubbing his chin with his hand. He had planned to use the demonic injectable on Robinson and Lauren once he got to know that their souls will be replaced, but after listening to what Ray said, he knew that he could not do that.

He sighed. In the end he had to kill them, huh? He was not someone who liked unnecessary killing. He did enjoy it when people who he hated experienced pain or died, but that was it. He did not like killing innocent people.

And after all, no matter how heartless he was, Robinson and Lauren did leave Andestein just to assist him, and killing them would not be preferable for him.

Don't get him wrong. He would definitely kill them if it was required. Thinking about it, replacing their souls is the same as killing them in a sense, right? He just preferred that option more because it made him feel less evil to himself, and mainly because it would lessen the troubles that he would have to face.

Killing them could lead to a lot of problems after all.

He saw everyone as mere items. They were just chess pieces that he would move to gain power.

Of course, there were exceptions. People he really loved were not seen as chess pieces by him.

But, till now, only two people could enter the list of people he 'truly loved'.

One was Rae, his lovely system. Her innocent and naive behavior and the caring actions that she did for him sincerely, expecting nothing in return won him over.

Of Course, he still was not in the stage where he would give his life away for her, but he sincerely did like her. But he definitely would not give his life away for her currently as he viewed his life as something much more precious than cabbages found in the market.

He saw her as a person and not a chess piece, even though she technically was a system.

The other person he truly loved was his friend back in Earth. She had completely changed him… But well she was dead. He changed his train of thought from his past as just thinking about it made him feel burning rage and hate.

Harry finally looked at Rae and said, "Thank you for all the things you've done for me Rae. Next time though, don't try to hide such things from me. I don't really mind you hiding stuff, but it does seem to take a heavy toll on you."

Rae felt her face burn due to embarrassment. She, who was supposed to be a godly system broke down into tears in front of this lowly human! Not only that, but she had given him an opportunity to tease her.

She knew that Harry would never let her hear the end of it and bring up this incident whenever he wanted to tease her.

She pouted and said, "Hmph! You don't deserve to see me, you lowly human!"

Without saying or doing anything else, she disappeared into thin air.

Harry was lost looking at Rae's face when she pouted as it made her look extremely cute. He had to admit, this system of his was quite good looking.

But he was broken out of his trance when she insulted him as a lowly human and disappeared.

Others would probably be worried when a godly system that could kill them got angry at them, but Harry on the other hand was not concerned in the slightest. He knew his system thoroughly. She wasn't petty and knew that he was just teasing her for fun.

She would probably go back to her usual cheery self in an hour.

Even though it felt like quite a bit of time had passed, only a few minutes had passed from when Harry had exited the throne room.

Harry immediately exited his bedroom and went into the throne room to pass on orders to the two twisted brothers.

He found them bowing down in the same position and place as he had left them, which quite surprised Harry.

Harry walked in front of them and said in a solemn voice, "Rise. I have two tasks for the both of you. It is up to you on how you perform them. All I want are results."

The two twisted brothers slolwy got up from their bowing position, and looked at the king with reverence in their eyes.

They said simultaneously, "Your Majesty can just assign tasks to us and then not worry about them. We will do whatever it takes to achieve them."

Harry smiled while looking at them and said, "Kill your two siblings and the three soldiers, Robinson, Lauren and Ferrell."


Maxine felt the situation to be quite suprising after his brother Ethan had woken up, but not weird.josei

Looking at his brother who treated the king with utmost respect and addressed himself as a servant, Maxine thought that it was due to the powers that he had received.

The powers must be so amazing that his brother revered the king maybe?

He did not think too much about it, but when his brother Arnold too woke up from his trance, he felt that things were definitely fishy.

After all, he knew what kind of person his brother was. He would never show any kind of reverence towards anyone. At all. He even dismissed the ancestors as myths.

He thought of himself as an almost uncrossable entity, and would never look at or consider someone as above or better than him.

Authors note:

This chapter has been rewritten. All comments for it are for the previous version of this chapter. Please wait patiently as I rewrite the next chapters too.

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