I Will Conquer The World!

Chapter 77

Chapter 77: Sky High - Part 2

Harry went back to his room in his inn and decided to sleep some more. 

Two days passed with Harry in complete relax mode. These two days, all Harry did was sleep, wake up, eat something, and sleep again. 

Today, Harry decided to check if his armor was done, and thus he went to the blacksmith. The blacksmith greeted him and showed him the armor that he made. It was completely silver in color, but it was according to his measurements, and covered his face completely along with his body. 

He was just going to raise a complaint to the merchant that the armor was not black in color, when Pluto stopped him and said, "I'll show you how to make it black with the cursed gem back in the inn. It's not the blacksmith's fault. There are no paints in this world, and it's even more backward than the last world you were in, in some aspects."

So, Harry paid him three gold coins and then went back to his room and took out a small cursed gem. 

Pluto said while gesturing, "Take the cursed gem and crush it over your armor. Make sure that you equally spread it's residue over the armor."

Harry did as he was instructed. He placed his armor on the floor, took the gem and crushed it. He expected it to take a lot of effort to crush the cursed gem, but that was not the case. He just pressed the gem softly, and instead of breaking into pieces, it became into fine dust. Before he could ask Pluto why, Pluto explained, "The reason you can break the gem so easily is because you are a system user. You may not know it, and most people may not notice it, but you radiate a unique aura that only system users do. This gem identifies beings by their aura. That's why it behaves and changes it's effects so drastically depending on which race uses it.

For humans, it strengthens them, but chips away at their sanity. For witches, it restricts their power. For demons, it doesn't affect them at all. It's only an ordinary gem for them. Beastmen, on the other hand lose their physical prowess due to this gem, and hence cursed ore is popularly used as slave collars for beastmen. As for monsters, no one knows yet. They fled before cursed ore was discovered in this world. You are immune to this cursed gem just like the demons."

Harry carefully listened to him and then raised a doubt. "In this world? That means cursed ore was discovered in many worlds before right? Then how is it's effect towards monsters not known?"

Pluto smiled and said, "Cursed ore is extremely rare, Harry. It was only discovered in two other worlds, and is a hot commodity, well, atleast it was when I was alive, and that was eons ago. The two other worlds do not contain monsters, but they do contain elves and dragons. Anyway, we are getting distracted from the matter on hand Harry. Sprinkle the dust over the armor, please."

Harry slowly sprinkled the dust over the armor, and just as he was doing it, a jaw dropping scene occurred. Wherever the dust touched on the armor, that area became completely black. He sprinkled all the gem dust on it, but there were still areas on the armor which were still silver. He took out another gem and crushed it and repeated the process.

After doing the same with another gem, the armor was finally completely black. He wore it, ready to set off for selling cursed ore to the king of Eryeth.

["You prodigal.... Would anything happen if the armor was not black and did not look stylish?! Pluto clearly said that cursed ore was valuable but you-", the author stopped his words midway, sighed slowly and then continued, "Well never mind him. Hey readers! This is somewhat how the armor looks (discluding the sword, of course) - https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/009/301/601/large/sanha-kim-black.jpg?1518200687"]


In the throne room of the castle in the capital of Eryeth.

Chester comfortably looked at the ceiling while adjusting himself to feel more comfortable in the throne. He had to say, the throne was uncomfortable to sit on! And with all these pesky criminals that he needed to sentence, which took all day, his life had become agonizing. At this point, he gave death sentences to all of them, without even bothering to hear about their crimes.

He was looking at the umpteenth criminal of today and groaned. He immediately said in a solemn voice, "This person has performed an unforgivable crime! Execute him!"

At this sentence of his, the so called 'criminal' started screaming. "Your Majesty! I had to! My family was starving! My daughter was almost about to die out of hunger! That is why I stole some bread from the baker! I'll work for him till the cost is paid back! Your Majesty! My daughter and son will become orphans if you do this! Please!"

All the knights either pretended as if they didn't hear him, or didn't look at him. But all their eyes contained the same thing. Guilt. Guilt was crushing their hearts. Even the baker who brought this matter till the king was lowering his head with shame. He did not expect a death sentence to the poor man. All he wanted to do was to bring this matter till here so that others would be afraid to steal from him. He would've just made him work a bit, give him the leftover money from his work and maybe even a bread or two for troubling him and bringing him till the king. 

But now.... The decision he had made on a whim had cost someone his life. This fact pierced his heart. He even thought of adopting his children, but then he remembered a crucial problem. He himself was barely scraping by. Even the king's advisor who was usually unfeeling felt slightly bad at the unjustified fate of that man.josei

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