I Will Conquer The World!

Chapter 91

Chapter 91: You wouldn't have had to endure such amounts of pain.

Harry fell into deep thought listening to what Pluto said.

He finally sighed and mumbled, "I'll leave it for now. At most, I'll have to use all the nukes that Lyria has in its storage to destroy the kingdoms."

He then shouted out loud, "Let's get moving! All teams split up and take over the kingdoms assigned to you!"

He then got into his truck, heading towards Ikriven, one of the kingdoms he had to conquer.


Cadfan sat in the library peacefully, reading the various strategies that the greatest kings that lived had used.

He was reading the paragraph that said, "Military strategy and tactics are essential to the conduct of warfare. Broadly stated, strategy is the planning, coordination, and general direction of military operations to meet overall political and military objectives. Tactics implement strategy by short-term decisions on the movement of troops and employment of weapons on the field of battle."

He wanted to go on to the strategies already, but it was important to know what it meant too.

He was drifting in these thoughts, when suddenly the sounds of thunder occurred.

This startled him greatly as he dropped the book in his hand while flinching.

Before he could recover from his shock, another series of sounds occurred. 

He ran out of the library to the nearest window, to see what was happening, and what was causing these sounds.

He felt his heart stop at what met his eyes. There were dead bodies of their kingdoms knights littered on the ground, and flames engulfed several places.

He immediately understood what was happening. Ikriven was being invaded.

He ran towards his mother's chambers, in the hope that he could meet her and escape.

Just when he reached the corridor through which they could enter the queens chambers, he saw several weirdly dressed people opening the door of the queens chambers, lifting a black metal thing, and then the scream of his mother echoing through the corridor.

Cadfan felt his heart stop and a stifling pain overcome him. His eyes burnt and nose stung.

He knew what those screams meant. His mother... had died...

He wiped away the flurry of tears that were flowing out from his eyes and was about to run away when one of the weirdly dressed people saw him.

The man immediately growled, "Soldiers! Shoot him!"

Cadfan immediately ran out of the corridor as fast as he could and slammed the door behind him. He locked it and then ran towards the nearest secret tunnel he knew, that would get him out of this kingdom.

He heard the sounds of thunder echo next to him, and suddenly felt excruciating pain pierce through his left arm.

He shouted out of pain and looked back, to see that there were holes in the door. Luckily, none of the bullets hit his vital points.

Blood leaked out of his arm and wet his complete left arm with blood, and he started feeling dizzy, and the pain made moving feel hellish.

But he still persisted, as one thought pushed him forward. 'I have to find my father... He can take revenge for mother! He has all the knights!"

He pushed himself back to the library and pushed a green colored book in the second shelf.josei

Suddenly, one of the shelves withdrew itself and a dark but neat tunnel appeared.

He went in the tunnel, and then smashed a spot in the wall, and the bookshelf closed, as if it had never moved from it's original position.

Cadfan felt dizziness overcome him, and his head felt extremely light, like he was floating. With sheer perseverance, he stopped himself from fainting and headed forward.

He finally reached the exit and opened the tunnel, getting out, feeling that he was atleast saved, when he saw a young male looking at him with a smile that was slightly guilty.

He took out a black metal thing and then Cadfan felt immense pain pierce through his head, almost as if someone was tearing it into two pieces, and felt his vision go dark.

Harry muttered in a low voice, "Sorry. My soldiers should've killed you then and there. You wouldn't have had to endure such amounts of pain."


Harry was helping the soldiers shoot the knights while looking at the map simultaneously. His map had a handy feature of highlighting different people's markers with different colors. 

Enemy knights were marked in a distinct cyan color and enemy royals were marked in gold.

Then he suddenly noticed that a marker that was colored gold heading towards the outskirts of the capital.

Harry realized that a royal probably escaped and followed the marker to reach the end of the tunnel, where a bloodied male came out.

Harry felt a slight tinge of pity when he saw the male. The male had been shot in the arm, and lost a lot of blood, but still dragged himself till here. He knew that he had come till here with pure perseverance, and even if Harry did not kill him, he would die pitifully after some time anyway. He decided to end his suffering.

He lifted his pistol, aimed it at the young male's head and pressed the trigger. The sound of a gunshot reverberated through the surroundings, and the young male died.

Harry sighed and muttered in a low voice, "Sorry. My soldiers should've killed you then and there. You wouldn't have had to endure such amounts of pain."

Silence engulfed the tunnel's opening as occasional gunshots sounded. Harry walked away back into the capital of Eryeth, not looking back at Cadfan's body.

All the human kingdoms were united by an unknown invading force, giving the kingdoms being invaded no chance to resist. The royals of multiple kingdoms were slaughtered, and soldiers murdered. Nobles were replaced by men loyal to Harry, and commoners who resisted were coaxed or suppressed.


Author's note :

There were no windows in the library.

Cadfan was 17 years old.

Harry only felt guilty, he did not have any intentions to leave him alive.

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