I Will Conquer The World!

Chapter 93

Chapter 93: I don't know whyyyyy!

Harry said in a confused manner, "Wait a second, wouldn't destroying a kingdom only make the other kingdoms more anxious to destroy me?!"

Pluto looked at him for a second before howling, "I don't know whyyyyy! This system is totally unpredictable and unreasonable!"

Harry facepalmed and muttered, "How the hell were you a god?! You're just a fully grown cry baby."josei

Pluto clutched at his heart hearing Harry's comment and howled, "How- how could you say that?! Millions of mortals like you worshiped me when I was in my peak!"

Pluto continued bragging about himself while Harry had a strong urge to stitch his mouth shut.


A demon looked in to the depths of a lake in a cave, serenely, almost as if the secrets of the world were hidden in it.

He stroked his long white beard with a slight smile while gazing into the lake.

A demon having white hair or a white beard meant that he were thousands of years old. Demons were a long living race, and were considered young teens even when they were a hundred years old.

Suddenly, the sounds of footsteps echoed through the cave as a young demon walked in. He had a distinct black symbol on his head, a symbol that all demons except royal demons had.

He bowed and said in a tone filled with worship, "Master, the demon kingdom, Duigruzar has called for an emergency meeting about the humans. Do we need to go?"

The old demon smiled and said in his soothing voice, "If it was any other meeting, we wouldn't have to. But this time, I sense that a powerful existence has arrived in this world."

The young demon looked shocked as he asked, "Master, just what existence is so powerful that even you, the great ancestor are worried?!"

Yes, the great ancestor that the young demon had mentioned was non other than the old demon king that was injured by the human ancestor. He had survived and slipped through the clutches of death, and spent all his days in seclusion, passing time in a serene and peaceful manner. 

He had adopted a disciple recently to pass his knowledge on. No one but his disciple, the four demon kings and the past kings knew that he still lived. Thus, he and all the past kings went into seclusion in these cave systems, and only came out when something threatening the existence of the entire demon clan emerged.

If not for the feeling of trepidation that had built up in him from the past month that something bad was going to happen, he wouldn't have attended this meeting.


A day passed with a storm brewing in the demon kingdoms. All the demon kings and ancestors gathered in Duigruzar, upon the invitation sent by the king of Duigruzar.

A table was placed in the middle of a room with all kinds of delicacies placed on it. The table had a cloth on it which had weird patterns and drawings on it. Many demons sat around it, all having horns sprouting out of their heads. One demon with a white beard and unfocused eyes sat at the head of the table, eating peacefully.

Silence engulfed the table.

One of the demons interrupted the silence by saying in a calm voice, "May I know just what danger did the king of Duigruzar feel, that he had to summon this meeting? I mean no offense, but we all have better things to do. Did you actually interrupt the great ancestor's seclusion for treating him to dinner?"

The one who said it was a man who looked like he was in his twenties, the king of Veolomid, Gerozan.

The king of Duigruzar, Sigrar smiled softly and said, "I feel that we are underestimating the unknown force of the humans. We have to take action right now and crush them before they have a chance to resist."

The king of Emavaria, Empusa said, "I agree with Sigrar. It's better to destroy them without giving them a chance. It would not be good if we left them to their antics, only to get destroyed by them."

The king of Slenem, Janaxor laughed and said, "I think you both are getting worked up over nothing. I feel that sending some high level soldiers to attack them would be enough. I'm sure that they're low on demonic knights right now after uniting the human kingdoms."

The king of Duigruzar, Sigrar started bickering with him about the matter on how much force to use, when the sound of a hand slamming on the table interrupted them. They looked at who did that when they felt shivers go through their spines.

The great ancestor, who was peaceful and serene till now, looked at them with a fierce expression. He said forcefully, pronouncing every syllable forcefully, "I don't care even if you fight amongst yourself and kill each other. But, don't anger the humans. Propose a treaty with them, or else, I will have to replace you four with four others."

The four kings and even the other ancestors looked at the great ancestor with shock visible on their faces. It had been hundreds of years since they had last seen the great ancestor angry. The four kings immediately nodded profusely, like a chicken pecking on grains.

The great ancestor was only half sure till a bit before that a fearsome existence existed in the humans. But, just now, when his disciple sent him footage of what had happened in the human kingdoms being invaded, (he used a special spell that takes a lot of mana to see the past of what happened in that location), he was sure that they shouldn't mess with the humans.

They used black metal things and killed all the knights easily, without even a single death on their side. They also threw balls that exploded, causing fires and easily killing people. He did not feel terrified by any of this at all, but what terrified him was a young man.

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