I Will Live As An Actor

Chapter 86

Chapter 86:

Chapter 86

It was a sunny spring day.

‘I was such a fool.’

Yeon-su was still depressed after the Korean Drama Festival ended. 

How could she make a mistake at such a big event? 

She was lucky that Young-guk covered up her blunder with an ad-lib, or else it would have been a disaster.

She had never messed up her lines during the run-through, but on stage she stuttered and turned pale with fear. She could only imagine how he felt.

‘Idiot, moron, jellyfish.’

She vented her guilt inwardly. Her best friend Kim Yu-min, who sat next to her, looked restless because of Yeon-su’s gloomy mood since morning. 

She was usually a cheerful girl. But for the past few days, she had been wearing a sad face.

‘What if I ruin their chance of winning an award…?’

The award ceremony of the Korean Drama Festival was approaching. 

Yeon-su was worried that her mistake might affect the prize for ‘Spring of Joseon’.

The director Lee Chang-hoon and Young-guk had called her separately and comforted her, saying that it was normal to make mistakes and that she was fine. But she couldn’t erase the guilt that lingered in her heart.

“Yeon-su, are you okay?”

Kim Yu-min asked cautiously, but Yeon-su nodded briefly and said,

‘Yeah, I’m fine.’

She lowered her face toward the desk. It was lunchtime, but she didn’t seem to have any intention of getting up. 

Kim Yu-min looked at her with concern and suddenly widened his eyes as he looked at the back door of the classroom.

“Why are you so down?”

Yeon-su lifted her head at the familiar voice. She met the eyes of a man who was looking at her. 

Some of the girls were already making a fuss as Young-guk suddenly appeared in the first-year classroom.

‘Growing pains.’

That’s what Young-guk thought as he looked at Yeon-su. He had also made mistakes while acting. 

When he first stepped into the drama scene, he had learned to act while being cursed at. But he would freeze on stage and mess up.

That experience made him grow into a deep and mature actor. In that sense, Yeon-su was going through growing pains.

At that moment, he took Yeon-su’s hand and pulled her up from her seat.

“Come with me.”

He held her hand and left the classroom. 

The girls made an even bigger commotion as they saw Young-guk take Yeon-su away. 

It was like a scene from a movie.


“Then, we unanimously agree that ‘Spring of Joseon’ is the best work.”

The judges of the Korean Drama Festival were gathered. 

They were all people who had been through many trials and tribulations in the drama scene. 

The chairman of the association couldn’t hide his surprise.

In fact, every time they selected the best work of the Korean Drama Festival, the judges would argue fiercely over the works that impressed them. But this year was different.

‘It was that impressive.’

The judges with wrinkled faces unanimously agreed on the result. 

They were known as stubborn dramatists, but they had no objection to ‘Spring of Joseon’ being the best work. 

It was a work that attracted the attention of the drama world and the public.

Not to mention, the combination of Jeong Yong-dae and Seong Ji-hoon made it impossible to criticize the artistic quality and performance. But as always, the judging process was not always smooth. 

The problem was the next one.

“Who should we choose for the best actor of the year? I think Jang Young-guk, who played the lead role of Baek Mu-yeol in ‘Spring of Joseon’, is the most suitable. He perfectly recreated the image of a modern boy in the streets of Gyeongseong. I was amazed by his calm and composed monologue, followed by his tearful eyes that silenced the audience. Where did this actor come from out of nowhere?”

“Yes, I also thought of the late Shin Jae-yeol, who played Jang Do-san in ‘Taebaek’ when I saw that actor. I never dreamed that I would feel the same thrill that I felt when I watched Shin Jae-yeol’s play back then.”

“Mr. Choi, Mr. Park, please hold on for a moment. No matter how I think about it, it’s not right to give the Actor of the Year award to a young actor like Jang Young-guk. He’s only nineteen this year, and although he may have good acting skills, his age… Many actors who have been active in the theater industry for a long time participated in this year’s Korean Theater Festival. How can their performances be worse than that of a young actor like Jang Young-guk?”

The elders of the theater industry start to argue. They form a sharp conflict, like the confrontation between the hardliners and the moderates in the Joseon era. 

The Actor of the Year award, which is given to only one person at the Korean Theater Festival, is a prize that every theater person desires. 

Some actors even dream of winning this award more than the grand prize.

Since it is an award given to an actor who has reached the peak of the theater industry, the moderates say that it shouldn’t go to a very young actor, while the hardliners say that there is no rule that prevents someone from winning the award because of their age. Kim Sang-do, the chairman of the association, who was watching the elders’ debate, coughs and draws their attention.

“Seniors, I have one thing to say.”

Although he is the chairman, Kim Sang-do is a junior compared to the elders. He doesn’t even have the qualification of a judge, so he can’t tell them what to do with the award.

That’s how strong the elders’ influence is in the theater industry. 

Kim Sang-do looks at the angry elders who think that giving such a big award to a young actor is too much, and says:

“I hope that everyone can be satisfied by distributing the awards evenly. Especially since ‘Spring of Joseon’ won the grand prize, I think it would be nice if the Actor of the Year award went to an established actor from another work. Don’t you think so, Mr. Yang?”

“Chairman, you’re good at talking. That’s right. The Korean Theater Festival is originally a place where the theater industry gathers to revive itself, not a place to focus on one person. Especially since that young kid, Jang Young-guk, wasn’t even a theater actor in the first place, right?”

“That’s right. He’s a person who appeared like a comet and heated up the theater industry. His main stage wasn’t even the theater. But, I have one question for you, Mr. Yang. You said that the Korean Theater Festival is originally a place where the theater industry gathers to revive itself, but doesn’t that mean that it’s a place where the theater industry gathers to resurrect itself?”

“Um, that’s how prestigious and historic this place is. It’s the heart of Korean theater.”

“Mr. Yang, but.”

Chairman Kim Sang-do adds with a sharp look.

“Why are you trying to turn the Korean Theater Festival into a school festival?”


Would the Grand Bell Awards be like this? The Korean Theater Association is so overwhelmed by the immense interest in the awards ceremony that is held along with the closing ceremony. 

From the broadcasters to the press, and even the Minister of Culture who sneaks in to give a closing remark. 

That’s how much the public’s attention was drawn.


Young-guk asks, and Yeon-su shakes her head vigorously. Her face is full of smiles. Behind the stage where the awards ceremony is held, there are already many lead actors standing. 

They are there to greet the audience who came to the awards ceremony.

The lead actors are dressed in the costumes of the roles they played in the play. 

Yeon-su is also wearing a pure white hanbok that Kang Hee-soo wore. 

Of course, Young-guk is also transformed into a modern boy who dominated an era, wearing a black suit and a jeongjulmo that Baek Muyeol liked to wear.

-Back as a Lawyer, The Story of Walgok, Jeongsangok, The Song of Liszt, Men and Women, The Chronicles of Seo Sang-il·····.

According to the host’s progress, the leads of the works that participated in the Korean Theater Festival go up to the stage in order. Finally.

-Spring of Joseon!

As Young-guk and Yeon-su hold hands and go up to the stage, a scream-like shout bursts out. 

The director Lee Chang-hoon and the actors who are sitting at the table watch them with a pleased look.

Young-guk greets the audience with a relaxed and confident smile of Baek Muyeol, as he always did, and Yeon-su also bows her head in a neat manner, expressing Kang Hee-soo’s upright personality.

Under the dazzling spotlight, the awards ceremony proceeds swiftly. Since so many people came to watch the awards ceremony, the organizers also seemed nervous.

They prepared everything to avoid any boredom. 

They even used a large screen that could be seen at the Grand Bell Awards to show the faces of the winners to the audience who sat in the back seats. 

The consideration was especially noticeable.

-Actor of the Year Award―!

The actors who attended the Korean Theater Festival all shake their necks and look at the awards ceremony stage. 

The Actor of the Year Award is something that every theater person does not want. 

The Korean Theater Festival is full of established actors who have built up their careers on the theater stage. 

How can they not be greedy for a place where they choose one actor among them?

-The Spring of Joseon, Jang Young-guk as Baek Muyeol!

As the actor’s name is announced, all eyes are focused on him. 

Baek Muyeol, or rather Young-guk, dressed as a modern boy, goes up to the stage for the award ceremony. 

He receives the award plaque from the Minister of Culture and stands in front of the microphone. The host gives him a mischievous look and says,

“Jang Young-guk, a lot of people are watching you right now, so don’t be shy and say a few words as Baek Muyeol, the lead of The Spring of Joseon!”

Of course, he had done his makeup and costume as Baek Muyeol. 

He looked like a modern boy who had just run out of the streets of Gyeongseong. 

The audience and the reporters who came to the ceremony, and even the actors sitting at the tables, showed their anticipation on their faces.

Would he be flustered?

No way, Young-guk was a veteran in the theater scene. He had been there for a long time, just like the elders sitting on the jury seats. He could handle this kind of impromptu speech. 

The modern boy took off his fedora and scanned the audience. His eyes looked confident and relaxed, as if he had found his rightful place.

“As flowers wither and bloom, the harsh winter has finally passed and spring has come again. Seeing these beautiful flowers blooming so wildly, I guess spring has truly arrived in our Joseon. I feel my heart pounding as I smell the fragrance of the spring day that I had longed for. I didn’t know then. That such a good day would come.”josei

His joke made the audience laugh.

“By the way, I haven’t introduced myself yet. Please remember my name, those of you who came here.”

The modern boy gave a fresh smile and added,

“I am Joseon’s best playboy, Baek Muyeol.”


After the theater festival, he had to perform in Seoul and the provinces for a month. 

He had received so many requests for re-runs. 

He had to travel around, sweating on his feet, to repay the audience. 

A month passed by like a stream.

As he performed with the actors and traveled across the country, he remembered his past life. 

He had wanted to be a loved actor then, too. 

As if to remind him of his dream, the interviewer tapped him with her bright eyes. The VJ’s camera was already lit up as if excited.


“Since the theater festival, the interest in Jang Young-guk has been increasing day by day. Especially for The Spring of Joseon, where you showed a brilliant performance at the festival, I heard that there are still continuous requests for re-runs even after the provincial tour. Did you expect The Spring of Joseon to attract such a nationwide popularity?”

He hesitated for a moment at the interviewer’s question. 

To be honest, he didn’t expect the popularity to be so great. It all started with someone’s internet review.

A poet who had watched the play had posted his impression on the internet.

-The acting skills of Jang Young-guk, a young actor, were like a flower waiting for a hopeless spring day. At first, his eyes were full of joy as a playboy, but soon they turned into a silent cry. Seeing him, I begged and wished for that flower to bloom. I was ignorant of the theater, but that day I watched The Spring of Joseon, and I realized the sorrow of the independence fighters who had died in the past. I looked back at myself, who was enjoying the spring day without any guilt, on the land that was built on countless cries. I have a wish to see it again with my friends someday. If you ask me why I want to see what I have seen, it is because I want to shiver while watching the birth of a great actor.

As the internet spread, the reviews of the play popped up one after another, and the media outlets that had attended the festival also poured out articles. 

It was no exaggeration to say that Korea was stirred up. How else would ‘The Spring of Joseon’ be mentioned on the 9 o’clock news? They said it opened a new horizon for the theater world.

“By the way, back to the main point, I heard that The Priest Confession, where you star as the lead, will be released soon. Have you seen the edited version?”

“I really want to see it, but unfortunately I’m a minor and I can’t. You know, The Priest Confession is a movie for adults only.”

“That’s too bad. I can’t believe the lead actor can’t watch his own work.”

He lied. 

In fact, he had already watched the edited version with the director Shin Seong-hyun. 

It was only in the theater that it was for adults only, who could stop him from watching it in the editing room? 

The impression he had after watching the finished movie was indescribable.

“What do you think, Jang Young-guk, how many viewers are you aiming for with this The Priest Confession?”

“I would be grateful if many people came to see it. But I guess it wouldn’t be bad if I just break even.”

“Hey, you’re too modest. Don’t be like that and tell me secretly. Off the record.”

The movie cost about 2.5 billion won for production and promotion, and the break-even point was about 1 million, including the promotion cost. 

Since there had never been a successful box office hit for a movie for adults only, he thought he wouldn’t be able to break even.

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