I Will Live As An Actor

Chapter 89

Chapter 89:

Chapter 89

[The Priest’s Confession breaks 5 million viewers nationwide in just 19 days of release―!]

[Unbelievable reservation rate, soaring endlessly. Rewriting the box office record of an R-rated movie.]

[10 million movie, no longer a dream. Will it be the first 10 million in Korea!]

Today, on the 19th day of the nationwide release of The Priest’s Confession, a shocking event occurred: the cumulative number of viewers exceeded 5 million. 

Despite being an R-rated movie, it showed a steep growth and a reservation rate that did not seem to decrease day by day. 

It was no exaggeration to say that it would leave a huge mark on the Korean film industry.

“Huh, talk about words coming true.”

Reporter Son Min-seon couldn’t close her mouth. 

She was the one who interviewed Yeong-guk before the release of The Priest’s Confession. 

At the time, he said that his goal was to break even, but off the record, he said that 5 million was his target.

Back then, Son Min-seon was a fan of Yeong-guk, but as a broadcaster, she thought it was impossible for an R-rated movie to hit 5 million.

“Son senior, did you hear?”

“What? Is there any more interesting news? Did some co-ed group start dating or something?”

“No, that’s not it. SBC got rejected too.”

“SBC got rejected by whom?”

“Geez, you’re such a slow reporter. SBC’s drama department offered Yeong-guk the highest appearance fee ever, but he turned it down without hesitation. There’s a rumor going around the station. They say his fee was higher than Kim Hyuk’s from The Sun’s Love.”


The Sun’s Love was a drama that dominated the living room theater a few years ago. At the time, the bigger buzz among the broadcasters was the appearance fee of the male lead, top actor Kim Hyuk. He was the one who broke the golden tower of the appearance fee that was considered a taboo.

As a result, the era of top actors’ per-episode fees hovering around 10 million won opened. 

It was hard to imagine a higher amount than that. What was more surprising was that Kim Hyuk was a veteran who had won the acting award and had more than ten years of experience, but Yeong-guk was just a rookie who had barely started his fourth year.

“And that’s not all, you know. Right now, not only the broadcasters, but also the film and advertising industries are pouring out love calls, but he refused them all. Even if he doesn’t do his next work, he could buy a few apartments in Seoul just by doing a few commercials. I don’t know why he’s doing that. Is he not greedy or is he not satisfied with his price yet?”

“Can’t you tell by looking at him? Of course he’s not greedy!”

Reporter Son Min-seon knew Yeong-guk’s personality well, even though it was only one interview. 

She had interviewed countless actors, but she couldn’t find anyone who was as polite and kind as him. 

Moreover, his values as an actor were different, and when she talked to him, she felt as if she was talking to a veteran actor with a long acting career.

“Senior, are you not going to request another interview?”

“Do you think I haven’t tried? I’ve already done more than enough. But he said he couldn’t give me a definite answer because his schedule was so backed up. The Yeong-guk syndrome that started after the Korean Theater Festival is continuing to The Priest’s Confession. Oh, I should have booked a follow-up interview back then. I went to the pre-interview of director Bae Jin-woo’s blockbuster movie instead. According to the staff, there’s no such thing as a flop like that.”

“You see, senior, you sometimes make mistakes like this.”

“Do you want to die?”

The junior ran away in a hurry, and reporter Son Min-seon wiped her face. 

There was a time when Chungmuro was making a blockbuster that would overturn Hollywood’s dominance. 

It was a highly anticipated work at the time, but in reality, the filming staff said that there was no such masterpiece as a flop.

The distributor even postponed the release date until the craze of The Priest’s Confession was over. 

It was clearly running away. On the other hand, The Priest’s Confession was breaking records every day. 

Reporter Son Min-seon looked at Yeong-guk’s face on the front page of the article and said as if predicting the future.


The first in Korea.

“Isn’t he going to be a 10 million actor?”


“Director, are you telling me to just write a scathing review right now?”

There was a loud noise in the MBS drama department director’s office. 

They say that when a quiet person gets angry, it’s scarier, and the famous PD, who was known for being gentle, was furious to the tip of his chin.

“I volunteered to do the historical drama that none of the seniors wanted to take, even if they had to beg them. And now you’re treating me like this? How is that fair?”

“PD Yoo, calm down. I want to give you everything, but let’s take it slow. We haven’t even confirmed the cast yet. And the writer has been changed several times. PD Yoo, I know your skills, but this is your first historical drama. It’s honestly hard to increase the budget right now. Frankly, the higher-ups will complain, and we don’t have anything to persuade them. Don’t you agree?”

“I can’t believe this. You were passing the buck like a ticking bomb, and now that I’m confirmed, you’re backing off. What’s this? Frankly, you gave the megaphone to a guy who’s never done a historical drama and has no backbone. That means you’re desperate. And do you think historical dramas have the same episodes as regular ones? You’re telling me to make a historical drama with a budget that’s barely enough for a mini-series. Does that make sense?”

Drama director Kim Won-seok furrowed and relaxed his brows repeatedly. 

He had nothing to say, because he wasn’t wrong. 

There’s a saying that the old view is the right view. In the broadcasting world, especially in the historical drama genre, this saying is desperately true.

There are many genres of drama, but when it comes to historical drama, the place that comes to mind is KBC Drama Department. 

As a public broadcaster, they have produced many epic long dramas based on their solid experience.

‘It’s like hitting a rock with an egg.’

That’s why, when MBS announced that they would compete with KBC in the same time slot for a historical drama, the broadcasting world was buzzing with words like it’s a fight between David and Goliath, and MBS is just trying to diversify their drama genre. In fact, that wasn’t a wrong statement.

They couldn’t not produce it just because it wasn’t their main genre, so the top brass decided to make it reluctantly. 

That’s why the budget was tight, and they even ordered to reuse the set that they used in the past.

“PD Yoo, are you trying to push me into retirement by doing this?”

“Of course not. If I wanted to do that, I would have refused to do the historical drama like the other seniors. Or should I just lie down now? Like those guys outside who are eavesdropping.”

The PDs of MBS Drama Department who were listening outside were startled and avoided their seats. 

After the presence was gone, Yoo Myung-han looked at the director and explained.

“Director! Since when did our drama department become so obsessed with one rank? The seniors are all trying to become CPs and only care about their careers, and you’re being careful not to step on a falling leaf. In the past, you were like a tyrant who ruled the drama department, but now you’re like a toothless tiger who never comes out of the director’s office. Isn’t that why they’re more arrogant and running wild?”

“Kid, you used to be an FD under me and manage the site, and now you’re talking back to me.”

“Why not, I’m not going to be like those guys outside who don’t have a clue. So, if you just push me hard this time, I’ll somehow get the ratings. Please push me. Okay? If the drama still fails, then I’ll resign voluntarily.”

“Hey, even if you roll in a dung field, this world is better than the other world. No matter how dirty and mean it is, you don’t write a resignation letter lightly.”

“I’d be glad if it was just dirty and mean. They don’t take care of their own family, but they report to the chief director and send the youngest one who just joined to the entertainment department. This place is rotten. I don’t want to live as corrupt as blowing a horn in the upper house, even if the drama department is a jungle.”josei

Drama director Kim Won-seok licked his dry lips.

“Who did you pick as the lead, that you’re asking me to increase the production pie from the start?”

“Actor Jang Young-guk.”


His eyes widened. He must have heard it wrong. But Yoo Myung-han’s expression didn’t change.

“Yoo Myung-han, do you think that makes sense? Don’t you know that Jang Young-guk’s movie just hit 5 million viewers nationwide? Do you know how much he’s worth now? And he’s never done a historical drama before.”

“He’s never done a play before, but you know how amazing he was at the Korean Theater Festival, don’t you?”

“No, that’s not what I mean. He’s a rising star who’s soaring to the sky right now. Do you think it makes sense for him to do a historical drama? I heard that SBC tried to cast him with a lot of money, but they got rejected. His fee alone was enough to make history in SBC Drama Department. He didn’t even look back and said no. But he’s doing ours?”

Historical drama is a genre that top actors avoid. 

That’s because it has longer episodes and dialogue than the mini-series that are popular these days, and the makeup time takes a lot. 

There’s a joke that it takes 3 hours to do makeup for a 10-minute shoot.

Not to mention, the filming location is mostly in the countryside or in the rugged mountains. It’s not called the extreme job of the broadcasting world for nothing.

“Why give up before you even try?”

But like the young friend who had told him to face whatever came his way in the past, he spoke boldly, the famous one.


Songwon Entertainment.

The Priest’s Confession had surpassed 5 million viewers nationwide on its 19th day of release, and Songwon was in a festive mood. But even in a feast, there was always an unwelcome guest. Kim Seonghwan, the CEO, and Young-guk, the actor, were sitting across from a middle-aged man.

“Wow, Mr. Jang!”

The middle-aged man was Cha Minyong, the president of Saehae Food. He greeted Young-guk and Kim Seonghwan with exaggerated gestures.

“Mr. Cha, I hope we didn’t keep you waiting too long. Mr. Jang’s schedule is so tight these days.”

“No need to worry. We’re not strangers. Who doesn’t know that Mr. Jang is the busiest actor in Korea right now? I’m sure you’ve already received plenty of congratulations, so let me give you this orchid that I brought from my house as a commemoration of your 5 million viewers.”

“This is too precious, I don’t know if I can accept it.”

“Nonsense, you don’t have to say that. Honestly, if it weren’t for Mr. Jang, our Saehae Food wouldn’t have prospered like this. Please take it with ease, or would you prefer something else as a gift? If I had my way, I would even give you an apartment in a nice neighborhood.”

“No, no.”

Young-guk got up from his seat and took the orchid from Cha. It looked very expensive at a glance. A stranger might wonder how much it cost, but among orchid enthusiasts, even the cheapest orchid was worth a mid-sized car. Kim Seonghwan glanced around and asked Cha.

“By the way, I heard that the head of your PR department was coming, but how come you came in person, Mr. Cha?”

“Our PR manager Seok, he’s good at his job, but he’s not very good at talking. I wanted to see Mr. Jang’s face myself. My whole family, from my wife to my kids, are all fans of Mr. Jang. My son, after he got discharged from the army and watched Mr. Jang’s movie, he was so impressed that he said he wanted to be an actor too. He’s driving me crazy. Anyway, that’s not the important thing. Mr. Jang, when you have time, please come to my house. Oh, my wife is so worried about you. She says you must take care of yourself since you’re so busy these days. Worried. She never made me any herbal medicine even though I work outside all the time. Ha ha.”

He seemed to talk a lot for a businessman. 

From his lively personality to his humor that was hard to tell if it was a joke or serious, he felt like he could act better than most actors with his cheeky performance.

“Ahem, so, I was wondering if Mr. Jang could do the second commercial for our apple drink. Men love apples, ha, that’s been stuck in my mouth for a year now.”

Young-guk almost choked on his tea. Cha continued to explain.

“I even thought of a line for the second commercial. My freshness lasts forever, with Saehae apple. The human freshness, Jang Young-guk.”

“Isn’t that too much, Mr. Cha?”

“No, not at all. I feel all kinds of things when I see Mr. Jang’s face, from freshness to everything else. I think my line is too weak, that’s what I’m worried about.”

The story was getting out of hand. If he left it like this, he might have to do the second apple drink commercial. Young-guk sent a silent look to Kim Seonghwan, who nodded and said.

“Mr. Cha, why don’t you stop that and go out with me for dinner and talk. I made a reservation at the most famous Korean restaurant around here since you came to our agency today.”

“Really? Oh, I’m so honored to receive such a treat. You’re the best, Mr. Kim. Then, can Mr. Jang come with us?”

“Ah, Mr. Jang probably can’t join us. He has another schedule after this. There’s someone from the broadcasting station who came to see him in the next room.”

“Of course, this is the time when he needs ten bodies. I should make some herbal medicine for Mr. Jang. But what about the contract?”

“That’s not something we can decide right now. Why don’t you have a drink with me and talk slowly?”

“Sure, sure. By the way, I’ll pay for the second round!”

“The second round, too?”

Kim Seong-hwan, the CEO of the company, walked with President Cha Min-yong with a bitter expression on his face. 

It was an advertising contract that would never be finalized anyway. He was too busy to handle the overflowing schedule, let alone the advertisement or even the next project.

Especially the apple juice advertisement that Young-guk was so eager to get. 

Young-guk shouted “Fighting!” in a small voice to the back of Kim Seong-hwan, who was walking away.


As soon as the meeting with President Cha Min-yong of New Year Foods was over, Young-guk headed straight to the next room of the CEO’s office. There was a familiar person he had wanted to see so much.

“PD Yoo!”

Young-guk had a bright expression as if he was meeting his mentor from his school days. 

He had vowed never to act again after failing his life as an actor. But he was the person who had been his compass at that crossroads. 

If the famous PD Yoo hadn’t come to Namhang Market, he wouldn’t have been himself now.

“Young-guk, or should I call you Actor Jang now?”

The famous PD Yoo smiled awkwardly. 

The child actor who used to cling to his waist was now a tall man who surpassed his height. 

Not to mention his status as an actor was also different as night and day.

“What are you talking about, just call me as you used to. I miss Director Kim so much when I see PD Yoo. Is Director Kim doing well?”

“Director Kim is fine, as always. He was talking about you the other day. He said our Young-guk has grown up. I was going to call you while drinking beer at a pub, but you’re still a minor and you’ve grown into such a big actor.”

“Hey, what’s the difference between then and now. I’m really sad if you keep treating me like this.”

The famous PD Yoo smiled at Young-guk’s smile. His deep eyes in his smile reminded him of the nostalgia of the past. 

Of course, he had randomly chosen the kid who was selling fish in Namhang as a child actor. 

He had fallen in love with those eyes at first sight.

“But you didn’t come to see me just to see my face, did you? Did you come because you couldn’t make it to the premiere last time?”

“I’m sorry about that, something blew up at the station and I couldn’t find any time. But I watched the movie and I also saw the Korean Theater Festival. You had a different charisma from when you were a child actor.”

“Why didn’t you come to the waiting room? I thought you totally forgot about me.”

“I can’t forget you when I turn on the TV and hear your story. How can I forget the mascot of my debut work? I’ll probably never forget it until I die.”

They talked about the past days that they couldn’t share. They were like a family who had been apart for a long time and met again. How much time had passed? Soon, the famous PD Yoo cleared his throat and got to the point.

“Young-guk, you haven’t decided on your next project yet, have you?”

“I’m so busy these days, you know.”

“I can see the pressure on your shoulders already, are you saying that because you broke 5 million viewers? If you become a real 10 million actor, I won’t be able to look you in the eye.”

“Hey, don’t joke around. So you came to offer me a next project?”

“Since you don’t know how to beat around the bush, I’ll just say it straight. Young-guk, how about doing a historical drama with me? The genre is historical.”


He was surprised. Wasn’t he the famous PD Yoo who had been working on mini-series mainly? 

He couldn’t understand why he suddenly took on a historical drama, which was a genre far from his previous works. 

Besides, famous actors tended to avoid historical dramas, so it must have been hard to cast actors.

“To be honest, I’m still behind on my schedule after the release of The Confession of a Priest, and I’m out of my mind because of the college entrance exam this fall. I have to study and handle the schedule, so my agency is asking me to postpone any advertisements or next projects as much as possible.”

He had to be clear about work and personal matters. He was grateful for the help he had received from the famous PD Yoo in the past, but it was not the right time to promise a next project, and he didn’t even know the details of the work.

As they talked, he learned that the writers had been changed several times. 

That meant it was a controversial work. 

It was not a matter that an actor could decide on his own. 

The famous PD Yoo nodded briefly as if he read Young-guk’s thoughts.

“I’m not surprised, but you can start filming your work from next fall as you wish. As for the script, I’m contacting the writer right now, so you’ll get the screenplay soon. To be honest, you’re the only character that fits the historical drama I’m planning, just like movie directors review the scenarios and select the actors for each sequence.”

“A historical drama, you say? Who is the main character based on?”

A historical drama usually features prominent figures from Korean history. 

I couldn’t help but wonder who the famous PD had in mind for his work. 

My eyes widened at his next words.

“King Yeonsan.”

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