I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night

Chapter 300 - 300 Cooperation

Chapter 300 - 300 Cooperation

300 Cooperation

Without the endless income from the Sun family, the Wang family, who were used to living a luxurious life, couldn’t take it anymore. Those shops that were originally very easy to manage began to lose money in less than a month or two. Later on, they became more and more unable to make ends meet…

The Wang family only knew how to enjoy the riches, but they didn’t know the hard labor that had to be exchanged for the silver…

However, it had always been easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

The Wang family was already used to spending money like a drunken sailor. Now that their supply had suddenly been cut off, they naturally became commoners who quarreled over trivial financial problems.


“However, I couldn’t be bothered with him, so I instructed someone to chase him away!” Sun Wan’er smiled and chatted with Lin Suisui as she instructed Song’er, who was beside her, to bring over the various gifts she had prepared for Lin Suisui.

“I don’t know what you like, Madam Liu. I thought that since we’re about the same age, you’ll probably like what I like. Therefore, when I prepared clothes and jewelry for the new year this year, I prepared a set for you.”

After Sun Wan’er reached out and took a pear blossom wooden that Song’er handed her, she opened it and handed it to Lin Suisui. “Especially this set of white jade. I like goldware and red jewelry, but Madam Liu, you’re more elegant, so perhaps you don’t like tacky things like goldware and red packets. Therefore, I prepared this set of jade for you. Take a look. Do you like it?”

“Of course it looks nice, but this is too expensive.” Lin Suisui pushed the gift back to Sun Wan’er. “I can’t accept it.”

“Why?” Seeing that Lin Suisui wouldn’t accept it, Sun Wan’er was a little anxious. “This is really just a small toy our caravan bought from the west. It’s just that it takes some time and money to hire craftsmen to make it. It’s really not that expensive.

I don’t have the intention to curry favor with you or bribe you. I thought of sending this as a New Year’s gift because you saved my life. Moreover, I like your personality and temper.”

“Your Highness, since Madam Sun is so kind, please accept it.” Bai Guo smiled as she helped her out. “Otherwise, Madam Sun will be sad.”

With Bai Guo’s reminder, Lin Suisui didn’t insist anymore and accepted Sun Wan’er’s gift with a smile.

Seeing that the thing she had carefully prepared had finally been successfully given away, Sun Wan’er couldn’t hide the joy on her face. However, it was obvious that the most important thing on her mind was the cooperation Lin Suisui had mentioned previously.

“Actually, our family had a shop in Cloud Mountain City previously.” At the mention of important matters, Sun Wan’er’s attitude became much more serious. She didn’t hide anything as she told Lin Suisui about the Sun family’s previous affairs in Cloud Mountain City.

“Previously, business had always been good, but later on, the general who stabilizes the north came to Cloud Mountain City and business was no longer so easy to do in this city.

If we wanted to continue staying in Cloud Mountain City, we could only choose to rely on others. josei

However, once we rely on others, many things will not be up to us to decide.

For example, if we really used good herbs, the cost would naturally be high, but this way, the profit would naturally be lowered.

When we were doing business ourselves in the past, we could actually survive on a low profit.

However, after relying on those in power, we have no say in this matter anymore. They don’t care how much our costs are. They only want to take more profits. As for whether those herbs are good or bad for the people, they don’t care at all.

After my father realized that there was no way to stop or avoid all of this, he took the initiative to leave Cloud Mountain City.

“To be honest, if I hadn’t received your letter and the general’s promise, my father wouldn’t have been willing to return to Cloud Mountain City.”

Sun Wan’er explained the past very aloofly.

However, Lin Suisui knew very well that this definitely wasn’t a good memory for the Sun family. After she thought about it for a moment, she briefly explained what she was going to do in Cloud Mountain City to Sun Wan’er. Then, she continued, “There’s also the supply of herbs in the army. I believe the general’s letter to your father also explained it.

The general has already gotten rid of those corrupt generals, but the general doesn’t trust anyone else now. After thinking about it, he thought of your family.”

“My father has already handed over the matters in Cloud Mountain City to me! He said that I’m divorced now and have Zong’er by my side, but I can’t rely on my brother and sister-in-law for the rest of my life!

Therefore, he gave me this opportunity. If I can establish myself in Cloud Mountain City and make a name for myself, every copper coin I earn here will be what Zong’er and I will survive on in the future!

“Madam Liu, I’m betting everything I have now!” Sun Wan’er reached out to Lin Suisui with a smile.

“That’s good. There’s a business deal that I want to talk to you about it.” Lin Suisui reached out and shook Sun Wan’er’s hand. Then, she told Sun Wan’er about the decision she had been thinking about. “I want to open a shop with you.

Originally, I wanted to open this shop myself.

“You also know that if women want to do something, there are too many obstacles. My original intention was to open a medical center that only targets female customers, but too many things have happened recently.

You know that with my identity, if I open a medical center, no one will dare to say anything, but those women from ordinary families won’t come.

That would be pointless. Therefore, I want to focus on the medical center I’m preparing now.

However, you also know that since the medical center I’m opening now targets ordinary people, there are many times when I might have to pay for things myself.

I want to change the plan I had previously decided on. I have many skincare prescriptions, so we can do this sort of business as well. The money we earn can be used to supplement the medical center.”

Lin Suisui didn’t hide her plan and it was also because of her frankness that cooperation with her was trustworthy.

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