I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead's Child

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Firm scientific development concept had long been broken to pieces, and now a listen to the Phoenix’s essence spirit Zhang Qiu was not surprised, but felt that oh, it turns out that the red bead is so bullish ah!

But how could it be second brother’s?

Zhang Qiu endured a belly full of questions, and Li Shu took his hand and walked along the dark road behind Pixian HuiWang and his second brother, the corridor was narrow but enough to walk side by side, their luggage missing except for the one on his back from this morning.

After a while, Zhang Qiu’s eyes were adapted to the dark environment, and he could faintly see the blurred figure. Suddenly he heard the gasp of “fuh-fuh-fu-fu -” in front of him. It was too coarse to sound like a person’s voice. The voice was sometime louder and sometime smaller. Zhang Qiu tightened Li Shu’s hand.

“It’s Jin LaoDa.”

Li Shu’s voice was low, closed to him, and it sounded like he was drilling through his ear. Zhang Qiu’s ears were getting a little hot. He nodded, afraid if Li Shu would not see him, he whispered, “What to do now?”

“Set it right.” Li Shu’s voice was kind of sharp, like carrying killing intent.

Zhang Qiu shivered. In his impression, Li Shu loved to release the cold air, but he had never been killing. He could not help but remember the way Jin LaoDa three men killed Lao Fei. His nose seemed to smell a strong bloody smell.

“Cold?” Li Shu approached a bit closer, with a gentle voice and some warmth, which was not exactly like what he had just sounded.

Zhang Qiu knew it was a bad idea, but when he heard Li Shu treating him differently, his heart was sweeter than that of a little girl. He’s hopeless.

The clenched hand suddenly loosened, and Zhang Qiu suddenly became nervous, “What’s the matter?” After hearing rustling sound in the dark, the next moment he wore a coat; it was Li Shu’s coat.

“Stretch your arms.”

Zhang Qiu stunned through the entire process of Li Shu setting the clothing, this time was actually very short, Li Shu was very smart to do anything, both hands had been pulled back. Li Shu walked ahead, Zhang Qiu felt the cool coat, not Li Shu’s warm body temperature, but he felt particularly warm at the moment.

“You have low body temperature and still gave me your clothes.” Li Shu was wearing only a T-shirt. Zhang Qiu was a little embarrassed, “I’m not really cold either.”

Li Shu did not turned, “I’m alright.”

“Rest assured that he will not freeze.” Pixian HuiWang suddenly exported from behind.

Zhang Qiu subconsciously looked back, only to see the shadow of two people, he did not know why Pixian HuiWang said so, maybe Li Shu was very good!

The fuh-fuh-fuh in front of him disappeared and the light was dimly visible. Zhang Qiu subconsciously slowered his steps. He heard a subtle noise. He could not hear what it was. As he walked into the room, the sound grew louder and louder. Zhang Qiu heard and his scalp numbed.

“Ka Cha, Ka Cha, Ka cha.”

It was like chewing on a bone, facing the front from a distance, dark and bright all around, and the flashlight was on the ground, dimly lit, but clearly visible was Jin LaoDa. Jin LaoDa was leaning back against the wall, nibbling with something in his hands, and turning his head to look at them.


Zhang Qiu was shocked to be speechless by the scene ahead, and if he’s right, Jin LaoDa was holding a zongzi, full of liquid, not knowing whether it was Jin LaoDa or the zongzi, and thinking of those mummy-like zongzi, Zhang Qiu could not help but retch and vomit on the wall.

Jin LaoDa threw away his half-eaten arm and looked at them. "You guys do not need to bother, you can’t go out alive." He looked at Zhang YuShui at the back, and a bizarre laughter appeared in his voice, sounded blood-curling in the narrow tomb corridor. "Give him up, you’ll get a chance, otherwise you’ll all be buried with him."

“I’m watching you.” Almost at the same time, when Li Shu shot out, Jin LaoDa pushed open the stone door and went out. Zhang Qiu could even hear the sound of JiangShi hissing outside, but echoed Jin LaoDa’s words, I’m watching you.

Jin LaoDa was not afraid of these Jiangshi.

Zhang Qiu’s gaze moved to scattered here and there gnawed Jiangshi and held back his nausea. "Is it possible for Jin LaoDa to gnaw on these jiangshi and not eat it?"

Li Shu shook his head, did not know whether it was negative or not.

Even Zhang Qiu couldn’t get down to it. It was too hardcore. He would rather be gnawed by Jiangshi than gnawed on it.

“We must continue to move forward. There must be some way out. Jin LaoDa is just scaring us.”

Li Shu slightly narrowed his eyes, showing cold meaning, “the way out is outside the corridor.” He pointed to the front. “This is a circular corridor. If you keep walking, you will only be in a circle.”

“There are nine pillars outside the corridor.” Pixian HuiWang said.

Zhang Qiu also figured out that the narrow path inside could avoid the Jiangshi, but it was not the way out of here, they had to get out to the outside of the corridor, but there were thousands of Jiangshi outside. Listening to Jin LaoDa, it seemed that they would not be coming out from the robber’s hole where they came in.

“What should we do now?”

“Ah Yan...”

Zhang YuShui hugged Pixian HuiWang and pushed his head to his (PHW) neck. The exhaled heat swept down the skin of Pixian HuiWang, murmuring the name of Pixian Hui Wang. Pixian HuiWang stiffened, his skin was numbed, but his face was cold. He wanted to push the man out of his arms.

“Imperial Uncle.”

Suddenly the head at his neck cried, and Pixian HuiWang pushed away his hand, stiffened, but the other side obviously did not know to retreat, but went further, the whole lip pressed to his (PHW) neck, tenderly licking and kissing, “Da’er (1)is so hot, Imperial Uncle, you help Da’er...”

Not far away Zhang Qiu also heard Zhang YuShui’s talking. He couldn’t see clearly. Just when he wanted to ask if he was awake, he heard Zhang YuShui’s words behind him, sounded like a spoiled child, but more than acting spoiled, it seemed to be the mixture of dominance and lust...?

“... Imperial uncle, is Da’er not good enough for you? It’s still not good enough. Do I have to ruthlessly go in that place again? Make you cry for me, you can’t go anywhere."

Zhang Qiu:...

I seem to have heard something that should not be listened to, so embarrassing/awkward, do I need to pretend not hearing it?!

Zhang Qiu looked at the blurred shadow of Li Shu and asked silently what to do.

In the darkness, Li Shu saw Zhang Qiu with a face of embarrassment and a red face staring at him, thinking of Zhang Qiu’s sleek buttocks and holding his groaning red face, suddenly his eyes were dark and full of desire.

A flash of crimson light, flashing past Zhang Qiu’s blurred eyes.

“Have you seen the red just—”


Zhang Qiu turned back when he heard the noise. A dark shadow was over there, with a faint flashlight in the distance, he saw Pixian Hui Wang, who seemed a little angry. On the ground near the wall was Zhang YuShui, his second brother.

“What’s wrong?”

Pixian HuiWang subconsciously touched the neck side and deliberately lowered his voice. “It’s nothing.” It’s just that the voice was no longer calm as before, but a little angry.

The Zhang YuShui, which was thrown on the ground, was still calling Imperial Uncle. It’s was pathetic to hear.

Zhang Qiu now had no other way to face the calls of Imperial Uncle from Zhang YuShui, he heard ’thought I had killed you’words, where is this even pitiable place. But this his second brother, being on the ground was not good; there was his physical problems, he walked past, but was pulled back by Li Shu.

“Second brother he –”

Li Shu scanned Zhang YuShui on the ground, looked at Pixian Hui Wang, and said lightly, “You don’t have to do the work; he’ll be dead in an hour.”

“You!” Pixian HuiWang wanted to say something but didn’t go on.

Zhang YuShui on the ground was still calling Imperial Uncle and Ah Yan; Pixian Hui Wang’s face was confused. Finally, Zhang YuShui, like a snake, rebuilt himself on the ground with a cold face. Zhang YuShui, like a snake, immediately glued to the floor. He was as tall as Pixian HuiWang, but his arms were wrapped like iron arms. The head went down the neck of Pixian HuiWang, and he whispered “lovers honeyed words”.

Zhang Qiu had never known that his externally unperturbed, indifferent and self-restraint manners and highly skilled second brother; Zhang YuShui said something so unrestrained that he could hardly hear what he said.

It’s too dirty.

“Go.” Li Shu took Zhang Qiu and walked on.

Zhang Qiu did not understand. “Didn’t you say there is no way from inside?”

“Outside this door is full of Jiangshi.” Li Shu said.

Zhang Qiu couldn’t tell how much of Jiangshi were out there from the sound, and the stone gate was odd that to advance, needed to find the latch like Li Shu did from outside, but it was easy to push it away from inside. They walked for more than ten minutes. Li Shu stopped when passed by the stone door this time.

In the darkness, Zhang Qiu saw Li Shu staring at him with sharp, beautiful eyes, and he could not help that some of his hands and feet were out of place. “Wh–what?”

Li Shu did not speak, but suddenly he took the shoulder of Zhang Qiu. Zhang Qiu was a little stunned by Li Shu’s action. He didn’t know why he smell a little blood. He was about to say something, Li Shu had pushed the stone door open.

Pixian HuiWang, at the back, sneered at a bloody fingerprint behind Zhang Qiu’s coat shoulder, so that’s what it was. He carried Zhang YuShui, who was still making trouble around his neck, with impatient eyebrows and eyes he bit his hand and drenched the blood on Zhang YuShui’s shoulder before carrying the man out.

Zhang Qiu’s imagination of the door being besieged by Jiangshi, did not see the scene, because the tomb passage was too dark, he could discern only a few bits from Jiangshi’s dark red eyes. When the Jiangshi saw them, its hesitated and stood in place, seemingly dared not to rush up.

The stone door creaked, Zhang Qiu looked back, saw Pixian HuiWang and second brother Zhang YuShui.

“Hiss.” “Roar –”

The Jiangshi, who had just wandered around, seemed mad. They rushed to Pixian HuiWang, raised their necks and hissed. Li Shu solved a few and frowned. “Here they are.”

“Ad—advanced first!” Zhang Qiu was anxious, and the group of jiangshi, like mosquitoes, saw the blood. There was no need to look behind the corridor. A group of whispering voices made roar sounds. He wondered if it was an auditory hallucination. He even heard the words of Jin LaoDa: ’I’m watching you.’ josei

“No need.” Li Shu coldly said.

The clatter of footsteps was getting closer and closer, and the smell of the stinky Jiangshi was pungent, as if the whole Jiangshi in the tomb was coming.

Zhang Qiu’s anxious brows pouring cold sweats, but he did not reach for the stone wall, he stood beside Li Shu, trusting completely.

“A narrow escape from death.”

Li Shu stared at the black pillar in front of him. He didn’t know how it happened, the black pillar collapsed.

The whole tomb trembled, Jiangshi’s footsteps stopped and the roar disappeared. Zhang Qiu was delighted. It was really working.


Pixian HuiWang suddenly fell to the ground next to him, the whole body was full of blood, the whole person looked as if transparent, and the gorgeous features twisted because of pain.

The Zhang YuShui, which fell on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes, and the pupils glowed with brilliant yellow light.

(1) 炟 [dá]= a word used in a person’s name; Emperor Zhang of Han’s other name = Hui Da


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