I Won’t Accept Your Regrets

Chapter 80

Chapter 80:

Raymond babbled with his lips as if his reaction was about to erupt.

But in the end we only got this oppressive silence.

The friendly atmosphere of that moment was just a mirage.

His eyes darkened as if he were in pain, but that's why I didn't regret drawing the line again.

At the moment when I accepted that necklace as a gift, I decided. I need to clearly define my position.

No matter how you look at it, this necklace wasn’t just a gift to me.

But I no longer wanted to wonder what had been in the heart of the giver.

I didn't want to love him again, to get bogged down in this quagmire again, as it was in the past.

I opened my mouth and broke the heavy silence.

"Sire. I have requested an audience to express my gratitude to His Majesty for your precious gift to Duke Croft. I don’t know how we deserve such generosity."

Raymond opened his tightly compressed lips.

"Duke Croft is my most loyal vassal. It’s something what I have to do."

"My father said he was grateful to His Majesty for such a broad gesture. And in the future, the Duke will remain His Majesty's faithful servant."

"Okay. I wish him a fast recovery."

The conversation was ritual, with no personal feelings mixed in.

"Thanks. Then I have to go."


I got up and walked away.

Then I turned halfway and threw him one last word:

"Sire. The past is in the past."

I slowly looked around the garden and added:

"I still hope that His Majesty will be able to forget about the past."

Raymond was silent.

At least he didn't rush to stop me now. As if my intentions were seen.

I didn't want to see him anymore, so I turned away and left without regret.

* * *

The day before the appointment.

The workers of the estate brought beauty to the mansion, because there was only a day left.

And even though such a busy schedule was tiring, the faces of the people shone with happiness. After all, this was the first event at the estate after the line of misadventures.

While the whole estate was seething with bustle, a certain carriage stopped in front of the ducal gates.

It was a rather shabby carriage to claim that a nobleman had arrived in it. But the crest on the door showed that the passenger belonged to the upper class.

The butler walked over to the young lady and bowed politely to her.

"Milady Celine, welcome to Croft duchy."

Rosaleen smiled at the precious moment of hospitality that had been forgotten in recent years.


"My milady is waiting. I will take you to the office."

Rosaleen Celine straightened her dress and followed the butler to the Duke's office.

"Hurry here, lay it out."

I laughed merrily when I saw Celine on the doorstep. Rosaleen also came up to me with a wide smile.

"How are you, Lady Croft?"

"I'm good. Please sit down."

"You first. You are the main character of this ball."

Rosaleen turned away, letting me know she couldn't do that.

"I made sweet black tea, but I don't know if you will like it. And here is a carrot cake from a famous bakery in Sudou."

On the table were pre-cooked food and tea. I cut the pie and put a piece on her plate.

Rosaleen stared at me as if she were embarrassed to do it herself.

"I wanted to have a quiet talk with Rosaleen, so I dismissed all the servants. Are you so uncomfortable?"

"No!" Rosaleen shouted, clapping her hands.

Rosaleen's eyes were now like two large drops of clear water. I broke down and laughed.

Seeing such a pure person after a long time, I just couldn't help but laugh, because it was so sweet.

"Oh, if I am something wrong…"

"No no. It's just that Rosaleen is so sweet to me. When I was little, I kept thinking how great it would be to have a younger sister, and that she was cute and pretty, just like Rosaleen."

"This is a great praise."

Rosaleen blushed and began to pick at the carrot cake with her fork in embarrassment.

A smile bloomed on Rosaleen's lips, telling me that it tasted good.

As the atmosphere became more relaxed, I got down to business.

"The reason you asked for a visit today is that you made a decision about the perfume business?"josei

Early in the morning we received a letter from the house of the Marquis.

The young lady Celine wanted to see me.

The letter came just at the moment when I was already beginning to worry, because her thoughts took longer than I expected.

Even if she didn't show up, I still wanted to give her a gift, but her visit came at the perfect time.

Rosaleen threw to me with a sigh:


She clasped both hands tightly. I think she needs time to collect her thoughts, so I waited patiently to continue.

As if she had found determination in herself, Rosaleen looked straight at me with her shining eyes and spoke:

"If the offer made to me by lady Croft is still valid, I would like to start making perfume."

I looked at Rosaleen and smiled fondly.

"Of course it is."

"I’m not too late, am I? Thanks a lot."

"No, I have to say thank you. I was afraid all the way that Rosaleen would refuse me. How nervous I’ve been for the last couple of days…"

"Lady Croft appreciated my abilities so highly. So I will work hard so I won’t disappoint you!"

"You will hear more details tomorrow from Lumont at Phoenix Headquarters. You can find out anything from him at all… Wait a minute…"

I got up and walked over to my desk.

I took out the pre-prepared contract and sat down opposite her again.

"Here is the contract for our business. Read carefully and sign. "

Rosaleen read the contract calmly. Then she lifted her head in surprise and goggled her eyes.

"Seems like a mistake in profit shares?"

"Well… no. Everything is right."

It implied a clause according to which the profits from the business were distributed 8: 2 between Rosa and me.

"But isn't that too much?"

Actually, at first I thought to direct all the proceeds to her.

But then Rosaleen would have gotten even more scared and ran away, so I had to make corrections.

"Of course it’s Rosaleen who should receive the most. I didn’t develop the healing perfume," I said softly in case Rosaleen again went into deep defensiveness.

"But, but…

"Rosaleen's talents are huge capital. So don’t be shy and take what you deserve."

Rosaleen's gaze ran back and forth.

Suddenly her blue eyes were wet.

"Are you okay?"

I held out my handkerchief.

"This is the first time I've heard this, so I don't even know… Thank you, I guess…"

"In the future, you won't hear such things from me."

She smiled nervously at that.

Rosaleen soon signed a contract. I chuckled and reached for her.

"Thank you in advance."

"Thank you for believing in me."

Rosaleen took my hand tightly.

"Well then I have to go. My mother isn’t well, I can’t walk long."

"Oh, wait. I‘ve prepared something as a gift."

Looking at the newly amazed Rosaleen, I rang the bell.

The door opened and the butler entered with a pre-prepared gift.

"It's from lady Marie's wardrobe. I hope, you like it."

In fact, this gown was bought for tomorrow's party because Rosaleen didn't even have the right clothes.

Duke Croft's invitations were sent out to every nobility in the Empire.

So, of course, the famous Marquis Celine was included in the list, but after sending the invitation, I felt uncomfortable.

At events like ours, nobles always arrived in luxurious outfits to demonstrate their money and power.

However, the current position of Marquisate Celine obstructed this.

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