I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 177

Chapter 177: arrived in egypt

"Finally—it's here! Cairo!" Kurokawa and Mi took a breath and said: "But... the real danger begins now, we must find Dio's location as soon as possible, otherwise, the person we spared along the way Stand-in messengers will gather one after another, although many of them do not have the ability to fight frontally...but it is quite dangerous to hit us a few times in the dark!"

"Ah...that's right." Polnareff nodded.

He completed his revenge before. It can be said that it was luck... They went directly to India after leaving Hong Kong, and J. Kyle and the others were indeed there and began to attack them.

He already knew their stand-in abilities, but this time, Polnareff quickly knocked down the enemy.

No casualties were paid.



"I know." Abdel stood up and said, "I am familiar with Cairo, but it is still very difficult to find it like this. Let's follow the method in the original future that Mr. Joestar told us."

"Indeed, Cairo has a population of 6 million and a building with millions of buildings. Sure enough, it's easier for those local snakes to find it..."

"Ah, that's right...but it's not that simple! When the time comes, we'll go there with them. After all, there seems to be a gatekeeper there. And... there's that very tricky stand-in messenger inside!"

"However, old man, have you become younger recently?" Kujo Jotaro looked at Kurokawa Kazuya and asked.

"Well, because I have been practicing ripples again recently." Kurokawa and Mi nodded: "You also know that ripples are simply the natural enemy of vampires, but... I didn't think it was necessary to use ripples before. After all, both the stone ghost noodles and the existence of making stone ghost noodles have been defeated by us, and I personally hate working hard...In short, even a small increase in combat power is necessary now!"


"Joseph, old fellow..." Dio touched the scar on his neck in the dark room where no sunlight could be seen, "I didn't expect to arrive so soon."

"Master DIO!" Granny Enya said, "Please let us kill the hateful Joestar and his party completely!"

"Well... go, but don't let them dodge you again!" Dio squinted his eyes slightly as he said, purple thorns appeared on his hand, and used the camera on the side to read and write.

"Sure enough...these guys have already arrived in Cairo."

With that said, he sat down on a chair beside him: "Grandma Enya, do you have any idea? What special abilities do they have over there?"

"No... that, judging from the current information..."

"Then, you can make a rough guess." Dio said and waved to the side, and a woman walked over slowly with a soft smile on her face: "The first time may be by accident, but what about the second time? , Three times, four times... Is our plan leaked out? No, no! Only they themselves know the plan, and even I, DIO, don't care about how they plan to deal with Joestar and his party. ...so, are all traitors?"

"No...impossible, how dare they betray Lord Dior!" Granny Enya said quickly.

"That's right, they really dare not, and they can't... So what is it for? The reason? The reason... Could it be... Could it be that they can see the future? Hehehe. ..Maybe they already know about my DIO's abilities..."


As he said that, he inserted his hand into the neck of the woman walking by, absorbing her blood. After a while, he withdrew his hand and let the woman fall to the ground.

"It's still a lot worse... I still need the blood of dozens of people to recover from my current injury. The blood of these women alone is too ineffective! And now... Joestar and the others are coming! Really Yeah... the Joestar blood is like **** in my path, and right now, I'm feeling a little uneasy."

"Master DIO..."

"It's so obvious, they...have they seen the future? Did they already know my abilities and even—found a way to defeat me...defeat me DIO! I don't want to think about it, but things are true now This is how it developed…”

"Leave five substitute messengers in the room! I want powerful substitute messengers with frontal combat capabilities. When Joestar and the others arrive, I will directly attack them from the front! The main targets are Kujo Jotaro and Joe. Joseph Joestar! As long as the bloodline of these two Joestars is successfully ended, the rest of the people are nothing to worry about!"

"Yes, I see, Lord Dior." Granny Enya continued to ask: "So, what about the others?"

"Whatever you want, let me go outside to meet Joestar and his party. If you can kill one, count as one."

"Yes, Lord Dior." After speaking, Granny Enya also retreated.

"Jostar...huh." Dio Brando touched the scar on his neck: "It's big! No matter how much you struggle, you can't change it. You can't change the fate of being killed by me, DIO!"


"Found it—the house where Dior is!"

Joestar and his group, who have been following around here to help find Dior's house, looked at the house in front of them and said in surprise.

"Hehehe, as I said, you can find it within three hours. Let's see, this time, we found it in less than two hours. It's really good to just wait where you are, and you have to follow Come here, Abdel! What about the reward you agreed on?"

"Ah, don't worry." Abdel nodded: "You won't lose your reward."

"Huh? Look! That's—? What—" Polnareff said, pointing out the window at the bird on the house.

That's a bird!

No, to be precise, it should be an eagle!

Around it, a large number of ice cubes appeared, and then a huge ice cone was fired at the car!


"Ah, I know!"


The next moment, Platinum Star appeared from behind him, and punched the ice pick in front of him with his fist!


Boom boom boom boom—

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the beggar who helped find Dior's house looked at the scene in front of him because he didn't know.

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