I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 216

Chapter 216: Call of Heroes

"It's so amazing~~ There are even such things."

Looking at the dozens of holy relics in front of him, Yusheng Ryunosuke opened his mouth, then shook his head: "But I still don't want it."

"Why?" Colin Kidd looked at the man brought over from the airport and said, "With so many holy relics, they must be able to summon some powerful heroic spirits."

"I know, but forget it." Yusheng Ryunosuke shook his head: "Sure enough, I still want to summon that boss..."


"Master Dior." Colin Kidd saluted quickly.

"Yeah." Dio came down from the stairs beside him and looked at Ryunosuke Yusheng and said, "It's okay, if you want to call him, his sea monster is a good weapon. Whether it's an army of sea monsters, It’s the same with the huge sea monster after that.”

"Yes, thank you, Master DIO." Yusheng Ryunosuke saluted with a smile, his tone full of expectation.

"The child you want has arrived, let Colin take you there."

"Oh--as expected of Mr. DIO, you are so generous!"

"Colin, have you chosen your holy relic?" DIO finished speaking and set his sights on Colin Kidd.

"No... not yet... I don't know if Mr. DIO has any introduction?"


"Then—you can start now, Heroic Spirit Summoning!"

Barthumero stood in front of the summoning circle of the Heroic Spirit—

Almost everything is ready, the Great Holy Grail is in good condition, and the next step is the summoning of the heroic spirit.

Bathmelo took a deep breath and looked at the mummy in front of him. He took a deep breath: "Be full, be full, be full, be full, be full. Go round and round, followed by five !"

The magic begins to flow.

All the magic power in the surrounding area gathered little by little... including the magic power of Barthemelo.

This alone is enough to tell, the Heroic Spirit to be summoned next must be an extremely powerful existence—


"Your body obeys my orders, and my life is with your sword!"

"Being called by the Holy Grail, if you are willing to obey this will and this principle, then respond!"

Among the group of performers, Kotomine Kirei recited the mantra expressionlessly, and could feel a burning sensation in his body, a large amount of magic power was drawn out, and the magic circuit began to ache.


"Hereby swear:"

"I wish to accomplish all good deeds in the world."

"I would like to pass on all the evil deeds in the world."

"You are the seven heavens wrapped around the three spirits of words."

The eyes are clearly opened, the magic power is gathering, the magic power is taking shape—

Something is coming, something is coming.

Come down to this world from the Seat of Heroes!

"Through the wheel of inhibition—wake up!"

"Guardian of the balance!"

Kurokawa Kazuya recited the last mantra - the next moment. A different **** light flashed in front of him—

The strengthened eyes quickly recovered their vision, and after seeing the situation in the room, they clenched their fists: "Successful!"


Bathmelo stared at the summoning circle in front of her, at the heroic spirit who suddenly appeared in front of her, her Servant—

The Heroic Spirit that appeared in front of her had brown skin.

Black hair, golden pupils, white robes, and golden pharaoh decorations.

"Then, you are my Servant, right?" The queen of Bathermelo didn't have the slightest timidity when facing this ancient human pharaoh.

"If it's the spell you cast, then it should be—but!"

The pharaoh's face was full of irresistible anger: "Magician, did you use some kind of catalyst when you summoned Yu? Seriously, what kind of catalyst did you use? It was the bow or arrow used by Yu in the decisive battle with the Hittite king. The fragments of the chariot, the inscription of the treaty with Xitai, or borrowing courage from the heavens and snatching Yu's mummy?"

"Don't you know how to see for yourself?" Bathmelo's queen looked directly at her, her haughty eyes seemed to say "recognize your identity".

"Really..." There was a moment of silence: "Haha! Good spirit! He even dared to meet the king's eyes. It seems that he is a magician with so much ability, but—!"

The extremely huge killing intent directly attacked Barthemelo, but just looking at the killing intent in the past, the air fluctuated accordingly.

The magicians around also immediately became nervous.

But it didn't work!

Ten thousand zhang rays of light bloomed in this underground space, and only the bow of the ship was limited to this space——the tip of the genuine treasure radiated fiery flashes, and blasted directly at Bathmelo who was close at hand!

for a moment—

The wind moved.

The air in the atmosphere suddenly gathered without any order. The space trembled—a small-scale storm even formed around the house!

The wind blade, which can easily tear the dead disciples apart, greeted the light.

Then — was penetrated.

The light pierced through the wind, and the move that was comparable to a great magic was shattered in an instant.

Barthemelo's face changed for the first time from the beginning to now.

The blow just now was just her random blow, but—this was because the Servant in front of her was just a random blow, and she didn't think it was necessary to use her full strength.

but now-

She gets it.josei

The light can only be barely resisted by her exerting her full strength and going through a series of rituals—

Just a random blow has surpassed the treasures of countless followers!


The barrier in front of Barthemelo shattered suddenly.

The dozen or so magicians supporting the barrier around them flew upside down, spitting blood out of their mouths.

But... it can barely be regarded as blocking this light.

"Ordinary people!"

The Wrathful King walked towards Barthamelo step by step, his eyes were as cold as looking at a dead person.

"Since you dared to **** Yu's mummy, you must know what will happen to you, right? I give you two choices: feed the belly of the beast, or disappear on the surface of the earth! By the way, don't try to use the order Curse. Long before you give the order, the remaining divine light will burn this place to ashes."

Barthemelo waved his hand slightly, signaling the magician behind him to stop.

"I won't even choose!" Bathmelo calmed his breath, even facing the angry king, he didn't have the slightest timidity, and he didn't ask him "Do you want the Holy Grail", just said directly : "Remember your identity, you are just a Servant!"


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