I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 225

Chapter 225: Berserker


"That's right, hell..." Akado looked at the pedestrians in the distance... Cairo, which used to be lively in the past, has gradually become deserted.

Long before the start of the Holy Grail War, the collision between the three parties had already slowly deserted the city.

No one is stupid, no one is unclear...

Now the city has become a battlefield.

No... the whole country is a battlefield, if you want to ask why... it can only be said that this country does not have the ability to resist the three parties entering their land—

And... it wasn't Kurokawa and Ya who were most annoyed by all of this.


Originally the king of this land, that Pharaoh—Ramesses II.

He is the king of this land, the ruler, the administrator, and naturally the protector...

Faced with such a situation, how could it be possible not to be angry?

Of course... these are just Kurokawa Kazuya's conjectures. He hadn't met that pharaoh in person yet, so he had no idea what he was thinking in the face of such a situation.

"Try...not to destroy the city." Kurokawa Kazuya said and looked down.

At the same time, a person below raised his head and looked towards them.

"that is..."

"Ruler...Ruler..." Akado looked at the saint below, then turned around and bowed to Kurokawa and Mi and said, "How? Let her come up? Or kill her? Give the order, MyMaster."

As he spoke, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, revealing an exaggerated smile.

"Let's see what she wants to say." Kurokawa and Mi sat aside. The saint below has disappeared, and she has entered the building. Kurokawa and Mi are a little curious about how the saint got here.

Looking at the appearance of the saint, he has roughly guessed who that person is...

Holy Maiden, Martha.

The one who subdued the dragon with mercy (physical).

After a while, the saint came to his door and knocked on the door.

"Please come in." Kurokawa and Mi said, if it was before, I might have bought the entire floor or the entire building... After all, the money is not short at all, but now... I am short of money , save some money! So, I just bought such a room alone.

Moreover, the recent frequent accidents in Egypt have caused housing prices here to plummet.

After all...it has been going on for a year and there is still no solution...Cairo is still in chaos and a lot of people are still dying.

Of course, the sharp drop in housing prices has saved me a lot of money...

"Then, I'll come in—" Saying that, the saint pushed open the unlocked door and walked in: "Hello, Lancer from Black and its Master, I am Ruler Martha from this Holy Grail War. "

The saint said softly.

"Martha... um, the famous saint, is there anything you want to do here?"

"I'm just here to confirm your wishes as a Master and Lancer as a Servant, that's all." Mirta looked at the two and said amiably.

"It's very simple. As a Master, I don't have any specific wishes. I just want to witness this Holy Grail War with my own eyes..."

"I see, so what about this Lancer?"

"My wish?" Akado smiled: "There is nothing to say about my wish."

"Say it quickly if you tell me! No, I hope you can tell me that, after all, that's my duty as a Ruler."

"Ha, hahaha—what can I do if I know it? Will you help me finish it? For example...end my life..." Akado said and put his hand on his heart.

"If you want to fight, just say it, what are you talking about so much useless—"

"Master... where's your order?"

Kurokawa and Mi looked at the saint who had withdrawn her fist, and said, "Go ahead...but let's treat it as a sparring session. And...try not to put irrelevant people spread in."


"Very good! You guy, you have the guts to fight me, Ruler! See you outside the city!" The saint Martha said expectantly, her face froze after she finished speaking, she turned her head and ran out the door , Then after a while, he leaned out again and said shyly: "That...I'll wait for you outside the city...Lancer..."

"Haha!" Kurokawa and Mi smiled: "This guy... I don't know what he thinks he is doing."

"Indeed." Akado also smiled: "Very interesting guy, while performing his duties as a Ruler, while covering up his true face... But, isn't the cover up completely? Interesting Guy...then, Master..."

"Go, just to test the strength of this saint."

The night is still long.

Like now—josei

A person came to the side of the pyramid in the desert.

Seeing the sphinx blocking the way, the person raised his right hand, and there were three blood-red marks on his right hand—commanding spells!

"I am the Master of the black Berserker. I am here to meet the Master from the Magic Association. Please inform me."

There was no response, replaced by the scratching paw of the Sphinx.

However, it was blocked!

The sword in the knight's hand blocked the sphinx's claws, knocking it back at once—

"Please also inform."

"Roar—" Sphinx rushed up with a roar.

"It can't be helped... kill it and rush in - Berserker!"

"Roar——" The knight who roared like a dragon cut the divine beast blocking the way in half with a wave of his sword—


The sphinx did not diminish—

Instead, more and more.

If you kill one, another one will appear...no...or the dead ones will be resurrected. There are so many beasts, one Berserker can still handle them, two or three even Berserkers will find it difficult.

Not to mention now... so many!

Matou Kariya held his mouth tightly, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Is this...poison?"

At this moment, the divine beasts blocking the way slowly disappeared, and Matou Kariya also felt his body lighten.

A voice came over: "Haha! That's right, you were able to block Yu's divine beast, you passed! My king's trial, however, was limited to the beginning, and now Yu will give you the glory of paying homage to Yu! Come on, come In front of this King's Jade Throne!"

"Huh..." Matou Kariya took a deep breath: "Back off, Berserker—"

The next moment, he walked inside.

The purpose of his participation in the Holy Grail War is not the Holy Grail...but something else!

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