I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 228

Chapter 228: road to the throne

Seventh Sphinx!

Jing Ke's whole heart felt a slight thump, he couldn't do it.

Weakness in legs and feet... If you simply run, you can barely do it, but crossing this sphinx in front of you...

Dodge its claws, dodge its flames, dodge its storms...

It can't be done.

Generally speaking, it cannot be done.



She's not alone... different from the last assassination!

Last time, there was only one who was holding back, but this time, she has her own master, who can exert her abilities at critical moments—the command spell!

"Assassin—order you with a command spell..." Colin Kidd, who had been looking at all the information collectors here through Assassin's eyes, said, "Dodge that Sphinx and kill Rider!"

"I did receive—"

Jing Ke smiled with a streak of blood on her forehead...Although she is not familiar with this Master, but...can help her complete the assassination of the emperor this time—this is the best Master!

This time - she won't fail!

Looking at the dimmed Command Seal on the back of his hand, Colin Kidd let out a slight breath.

"It seems that the progress is not very good." Dio said without raising his head while sitting on the jade throne and flipping through the books in his hand.

"Yes... that Rider didn't show up, but Assassin was discovered the moment he stepped into that pyramid, even if her breath was blocked, it was useless... Then seven sphinxes appeared. ..It should be a Servant-level existence, those sphinxes."

"I see." Dio nodded and took a sip of something like red wine, but Colin Kidd knew that it was not red wine, but fresh blood.

The blood of the High Dead...

Before, the Dead Apostle was DIO's subordinate after all, and he hadn't reached the point where he could do anything to his own subordinates.

But...yesterday, during the fight with Berserker, those high-ranking dead apostles spurted out a lot of blood for a moment, and some...was absorbed by DIO.


He felt this kind of life form that was far more powerful than human blood.

In the final analysis, both the Dead Apostle and him can be said to be vampires, but the species are completely different existences.

Now DIO... even feeds the dead.

Because... the blood of the Dead Apostles can literally increase his strength!

But the Dead Apostles are his subordinates after all, they will not kill them directly, but **** part of their blood, let them eat other humans to replenish this part.

To put it simply, dead disciples eat people, DIO eats dead disciples... that's it.


How many people are willing to have their own blood sucked by DIO? Colin Kidd doesn't know...he only knows a little...if that DIO wants to drink his blood, what will he do?

refuse? Agree? Or run away? Or...will be honored?

He himself... doesn't know.


the other side.

Jing Ke passed through the last sphinx and rushed towards the inside!

And then—the wall blocks the way!

Jing Ke stopped.

"Ha, ha, ha..." The effectiveness of the Command Seal is about to expire, and there is no way ahead!


is a curse.

Legend has it that there is a curse from the gods in the pyramid, and grave robbers will die one after another.

Same here!

Even walking in this pyramid, her ability value is constantly declining. This is a poison that is enough to kill an ordinary human being after a few breaths. Even a Servant can't last long, and she will die if she stays here. Of course, a Servant is a Servant after all, and it is not that easy to kill.

Right now, it's only manifested as a decrease in ability value.

But... this was deadly enough—turning around, seven sphinxes had already walked towards her!

Not only that - the treasure in her hand was useless.

Now, the treasure in her hand is just a simple poisonous dagger.

This pyramid sealed her treasure!

Decreased ability parameters, sealed Noble Phantasm... This is the ability shown by this pyramid at present.

And...she couldn't break the wall in front of her.

This wall is extremely tough, even in the face of the enemy's treasure, it can still be unscathed, and there is no way to do it just by relying on the dagger in her hand.

And, there's no other way forward now but to run away, or... die here!

"You can't fall down here—"

However, it won't just go back. Even if she is an Assassin, all she can do at this time is to fight head-on.

"Haha!" At this moment, the Pharaoh's laughter came over: "Not bad! It's just that an Assassin is still not messed up in the face of this fear! Interesting! Not bad! This king appreciates people like you, There is no doubt that you are worthy of the title of brave! Assassin reports your name!"

"I don't have much to say about a pawn, but if you really want to know, it doesn't hurt to tell you."

"Yu Zhun, tell me, what's your name?"

"Jing Ke, my name." Jing Ke said, and found that the Sphinx in front of him had stopped moving...

"Oh..." Pharaoh was silent for a while, and then smiled: "Haha! Not bad! It turns out that he is a famous assassin in history, and he really has the guts!"

As he said that, Jing Ke found that the sphinxes in front of him disappeared one by one, and in the end, there was only one left!

"Come on, Assassin...no, Jing Ke—kill this sphinx and all the roads to the throne of this king will be open for you! Come on, let Yu see your bravery with my own eyes! Then— You also have to make an evaluation, among the emperors you have seen, how much does this king rank?"

"It's better to obey than to respect—"

Jing Ke smiled, clenched the dagger with one hand, and the other hand was broken in the previous Sphinx attack.

That is to say...

Can't hit!

Definitely not to be hit by this sphinx.josei

Hit is dead.

And as long as you kill this Sphinx... you will see that Pharaoh.

At that time, she will be able to kill him successfully! This time it will not fail. This time it will definitely not fail! That's what she wanted.

The holy grail or something is good for her to drink, but if she wishes, she will be exempted!

Her only wish is this... to kill the king with her own hands!

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