I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 264

Chapter 264: Vortigerm


Bathmelo called the knight in the distance through the command spell: "Catch up and kill them—"

Now, it is true that they have to retreat temporarily due to various reasons, but she has no intention of letting Kurokawa and Ya go just because of this. kill him!

Now the Holy Grail is still near the ruins of Cairo Tower, where an enchantment has been arranged.

Ruler stands guard there.

Such a situation made both their Magic Association and the Holy Church have to stay away from there, but the war is not over, far from it.

Tonight is just the beginning—

The night is still long.


"Master—something is catching up."

Akado, who was sitting in the back of the car, said.

Kurokawa and Mi glanced slightly and saw the figure behind him. Although he was in the state of spiritual body, he was a Master after all, and he could be easily captured. To capture that figure—

"I see. Do you think our side has no combat power? That is... the Berserker that has never appeared?"

Kurokawa and Mi turned their heads, stepped on the accelerator hard—

"Go out of the city! You can't fight here, although I don't know who he is...but—you won't lose, right?"

"Of course—" Akado smiled: "Who do you think I am!?"

"Very good... But, be careful, I can't provide you with any useful information this time, that guy... Although he hasn't appeared, I don't know who his Master is. But he should already know your ability. Yes! Even so... still rushing forward, it should be full of confidence!"

"What? Don't you know that guy's information?" Akado took out his gun and said with a smile, "I thought you knew the information of every heroic spirit in this Holy Grail War!"

"No..." Kurokawa and Mi smiled slightly: "It's normal for two unknown servants to appear once in a while... that's fine...Compared to those I know, I don't care about these unknown servants. More interested! Come after me! Unknown Berserker!"

car in Mercedes-

Kurokawa and Ya's driving skills are actually only average. But—ripple has greatly increased his strength, speed, reflexes, and so on.

Especially the responsiveness—

Plus the streets in Cairo are quiet now.

Just rush forward.

out of town—

Rush out towards the desert!

"We're going to catch up—" Akado said he didn't know when he reached the roof of the car and kept pulling the trigger in his hand—josei

bang bang bang—

"Oh...doesn't work?" Akado said with some surprise.

The bullet hit the knight behind him, sending out sparks, without causing him the slightest damage.

"There are so many people like this...Really, have such pistols been eliminated by the times? They are useless!" Akado put away the pistol: "Sure enough, I still need other weapons. bigger!"

"I'll see if I can get it for you when I have a chance in the future—but let's make a living now. It's going to be a long way from Cairo. Fortunately, there is still a road here. Otherwise, can this thing be found in the desert? I don’t know about running, well, maybe I can find a chance to try it before leaving Cairo, it’s a good experience.”

Kurokawa Kazuya looked behind through the rearview mirror while talking: "But... it seems that Berserker doesn't want to give me such a chance. Kill him—Akado!"

"Yes, my master—"

"Roar!" The knight's figure began to twist, and a huge claw grabbed at Kurokawa and Mi! And then the second—


The figure of the knight has completely changed—


white dragon—

The white dragon flew into the sky.

It's clearly a black knight, but after being completely incarnated, it is indeed a white dragon.

The night sky became darker.

Not long after the rain stopped, the moon disappeared completely... oh, it's a new moon, and there's no moon in the first place. But... so are the stars.

The black cloud summoned by the magic dragon roared and rushed towards this side.


The car was easily torn apart under the dragon's claws.

Only two figures jumped out at the critical moment.

"That's terrible."

Kurokawa Kazuya looked at the huge dragon—the white dragon.

what is he

What's your real name?

Although he hadn't seen it before, he felt that he understood something.

"Could it be Vortigern?"

"Oh... Vortigern?" Akado didn't know when he changed into a knight's attire, holding a knight's sword in his hand.

"Ah, that's right, Vortigern. There is such a possibility." Kurokawa Kazumi and Akado said standing on both sides of the white dragon.

"That guy is actually a dragon? This world is really chaotic..."


"Get out of the way! Master!" Akado's sword blocked the attack of the dragon, and rushed upwards along with the force—

"Alright! Let me kill you! The white dragon of Britain—die by my sword!"

clang clang —

The long sword meets the dragon's claw.

One scar after another was left on the white dragon's claws.

Akado smiled.

If there is no way to do harm, even he can't do anything, but—as long as it can do harm, then what's the point? There is only one victorious.

There can only be one.


next moment.

The white dragon flew up, and the surrounding black clouds attacked here like a hammer.

Not only that, but also the shadow, something came along the shadow.

Chi Chi Pu Chi -

The spear shot out from Akado's hand.

The spears of his army.

The spear pierced through the white dragon's wings, but soon recovered again. An attack of this level couldn't do any effective damage to him at all.

Bailong also has a powerful self-healing ability!

"Well...Akado, give him to me!"

"What? Can you still be like before?" Akado turned around and asked.

"Ah... that's right, last time I summoned Jotaro Kujo to defeat DIO, what about this time? Who do you think I will summon to defeat this white dragon this time?"

"Who? Did you say it before? He is probably the humble king Vortigern in British legends, so the one to be summoned must be the one who defeated him in the past, right? That King Arthur!"

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