I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 313

Chapter 313: british magic

"Clang clang—"

"this is-?"

Hearing the sound in the distance, Kurokawa and Mi looked over in a daze.

"Servant battle?" The eyes of the two rituals brightened: "Hey, Kurokawa, how about we go and see?"

"Hmm..." Kurokawa and Mi thought for a while and nodded: "It's fine, but you have to stand behind me."

"I see, let's go quickly then."

Kurokawa and Mi shrugged and followed: "Didn't I say, follow me!"

If nothing else, Shirou Emiya should be fighting over there.

Although Emiya Shirou also has Avalon, but Kurokawa and Ya are not worried that two identical things will be annihilated when they meet together, because although this kind of thing will happen, it will happen outside of themselves, that is, It is said that even if two Kurokawa and Mi meet, they will not be annihilated because of this.


the other side.

The Matou family.

Matou Zouken still said to Matou Sakura in front of him: "He didn't look like he was pretending last night, that is to say, he really didn't know about the Holy Grail War. The previous generation didn't tell him this. It should not be a regular Master but an informal contractor. Because the possibility is not zero, I let you sneak in and take a look, but I didn't expect it to be really useful... Hehe, this is a great achievement, cherry."

"That guy Shinji, I let him do it because he kept yelling, but I didn't expect that he not only lacks talent but also lacks calmness. It would be bad if he damaged the hard-won Servant. When the time is right, it will be your turn." Here we go, are you ready?"

"...Grandpa, must we kill all the Masters?"

Matou Zouken laughed, there is no need to answer this kind of thing, kill all the Masters, and **** all the Servants, so that the Holy Grail War can be sure to be his victory in the Holy Grail War.

But ah, at this time...

"Well, you can keep one or two for entertainment." Matou Zouken said in a nonchalant tone, as if to say [Anyway, if you get the Holy Grail, those Masters are useless, I leave it to you to play. Bar. 】

this feeling...

"Alas—" Matou Ying froze for a moment, could there be... still hope?

"Of course, the dangerous guy has to be dealt with, but it doesn't matter if there is no threat. After all, it is my lovely granddaughter's request, **** ho ho... Or is it not enough?" Looking at Matou Sakura, who was still silent, Matou Zouken sneered and said: "Just because of you, things that could have been obtained will be lost."

"I... can't fight, Rider will be left to brother." Matou Sakura said her body was shaking, she didn't want to fight Emiya Shirou.

"Hohoho, how stupid, don't you think the Holy Grail War is a good opportunity? Rider is your power, go for whatever you want. You have such power and power."

"I... can't fight."

"Hmm...Since you've said that, there's nothing you can do about it. Just stand by and watch this time."

"Huh?" Matou Sakura's eyes lit up.

"However, this is dissatisfying. The girl from the Tohsaka family in this Master is quite advanced. If there is a winner this time, it should be her. What a pity... "

Matou Zouken's sigh of regret, as if unintentional, reached Matou Sakura's chest.


She froze again.

In other words, that person will kill the senior...?

"Ahem—" For a moment, Matou Ying felt a sharp pain in her chest.

Matou Zouken smiled sinisterly, in this case the seeds were indeed planted.

Her own worms were also sleeping in her body.

Everything has been done.

Then, I can do it on my own side, it seems... I can seize this excellent opportunity.


"Huh? That means the magic just now was done by Tohsaka?"

"Yes, I'm a magician too. Well, there's a lot to talk about, let's go inside and talk."

"Oh, wait a minute—"

"Master." Just as Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin were about to say something, Saber suddenly said, "Another person is approaching."

Saying that, Saber was about to rush out again.josei

"Wait, wait—! Although I don't know what's going on, please wait!"


However, in such an instant, Saber had already rushed out.

"Ah, that's terrible!" Tohsaka Rin gritted his teeth looking at the current situation: "It was the same just now—? Was your Servant completely disobedient?"

"Uh... I don't know what's going on, anyway, hurry up and chase after him, it would be terrible if someone got injured like Tohsaka just now!"

"No, it's a small thing to get hurt? The worst thing is to be killed—"

"That's why we have to hurry over—"



Seeing the blue Saber rushing over in an instant, Kurokawa Kazuya frowned: "Shiki, stay back."

"An ordinary person? No... a magician?"

Saber clenched the sword in her hand and was about to rush over.

Although I don't know what's going on, the two people in front of me are not ordinary people.

Can't hold back at this time—

She has already made up her mind, this time she will not rely on the Master, no matter what kind of enemy it is, just kill it directly!



In just an instant, the magic dress that Kurokawa and Ya bought from the Magic Association shattered to pieces.

The long sword slashed at him.

However, there is almost enough time--

At this time, his magic has finished singing—

Saber's anti-magic power is A, that is to say, neither his compulsory magic eye nor the dark magic eye is effective.

However, in such cases, there is a magic trick that can work.

"British Magic, Arturia is serving dinner, chant!"


Arturia's sword stopped for an instant.


Simply scattered the Wind King enchantment and slashed over at a faster speed than before!

After hearing this familiar words, she felt bad all over: "I'm not hungry now!"

"Stop—" At this moment, Emiya Shirou and the two also rushed over.

The sword also stopped at a critical moment.

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