I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 329

Chapter 329: Weber of the Parallel World

"Kurokawa! Call us when you get to Chaldea!"

Flat waved at Kurokawa Kazumi.

"Okay! I'll bring you some Antarctic specialties, such as the snow over there?"

"Sounds good—I haven't been to the South Pole yet!" said Flatt with sparkling eyes.

"Uh..." Kurokawa Kazumi put down her hand in embarrassment, she actually... just wanted to choke him...

"Okay, stop making trouble." El-Melloi II took the cigar away from his mouth and said to Kurokawa Kazumi: "This time you are considered to be the representative of El-Melloi's classroom...but don't have anything Take care, if anything happens, contact me immediately."

"Yes, I understand." Kurokawa Kazumi still respects her teacher, after all, she has given her a lot of things.

"Yeah." El-Melloi nodded. In fact, Flat also has the qualifications of a Master. But... he was not allowed to go. His personality used to mean that Chaldea might be torn down.

In contrast, Kurokawa Kazumi is much better.

Go as a representative of their modern academic faction, and she does have the qualifications in this regard.

What's more important is that her current rating in the Magic Association is a sacrificial position... originally it was an open position.

Although her magic aptitude is average, she has her own unique specialties in certain aspects. In particular, Xiao Yuan's strength far exceeds that of ordinary people, and it is precisely because of this that he is evaluated as a sacrificial position.

But... that's not enough.

It has been two years since she came to the El Mello classroom.

It's time to reach a higher level of allusion.

As long as there is no magician who has studied in El Mello's classroom, there is no one who is lower than the standard!

Except him this teacher is not.

Up to now, he is only a sacrifice.

If it is about writing a thesis, he can write flowers. But... the level of magic is bad, even if it is good on paper, it cannot actually produce the corresponding effect.

Leave him alone. After all, Chaldea can be regarded as part of the clock tower, a facility created by the monarch of the astronomical department.

Going there to learn more about it will not only be beneficial to the El-Melloi classroom, but it will also give Kurokawa Kazumi a layer of gold. If you come back, you can become a standard magician...

"Brother, let me introduce you, this is my teacher."

"Is Your Excellency El-Melloi II right?" Kurokawa Kazuya said directly.

"That's right, then, are you the family of Kurokawa Kazumi?" El-Melloi II frowned watching the two ceremonies of Kurokawa and Yawa at the side, and he was a little confused. When did it appear.

He secretly checked, Kurokawa Kazumi's brain has not been affected in any way, that is to say... probably true.


Kurokawa Kazumi was sent by Gemstone.

Where did these two people come from?

"Yes, that's right." Kurokawa Kazumi nodded and smiled, "My name is Kurokawa Kazuya, Kurokawa Kazumi's elder brother, I don't know if you have heard of this, Lord El-Melloi II. "

"I heard from Kurokawa." El-Melloi II nodded: "However, is Kurokawa from a magic family? Your eyes, if you guessed correctly, should be magic eyes. This special nature is the magic eye. The sun and the moon... so one of them should be the dark magic eye?"

"Oh, it's amazing." Kurokawa and Mi said in surprise: "I immediately saw that my two eyes are different magic eyes, and I recognized the truth about one of them..."

This time it was El-Melloi II's turn to be a little surprised. This is not the reaction of ordinary magicians when their hole cards are revealed.

"However, there is one thing wrong. Kazumi and I's parents are just ordinary people who have never crossed the field of magic. That is to say... Kurokawa Kazumi and I are the first generation. The magic eye is the later generation. Transplanted."

El-Melloi's pupils shrank slightly.

The first generation of magicians?

Only the first generation has this level?

When facing Kurokawa and Ya, Gray who was beside him told him [there is a familiar aura around those two people, a dangerous aura]. Let him be careful.josei

Grey, who was standing just behind him, also secretly activated her magic dress inherited from the age of gods, ready to reveal her true colors at any time.

Reveal that holy spear—Rhongomyniad.

"Huh?" At this moment, Kurokawa and Ya also spotted the woman with a hood standing behind El-Melloi.

The moment the woman looked at him, he couldn't help but think of someone—the Lion King.

A variant of King Arthur.

The goddess who sits on Camelot and is deified because she holds the Holy Lance—Artoria.

"So that's how it is...is it like this when you grow up?" Kurokawa and Mi nodded, but...he just couldn't perceive whether there was any divinity in this person, he didn't have such ability.

"Well, can you stop staring at Gray like this?" Sifen said while holding Kurokawa and Mi's arms.

"No, I'm sorry, it's just that seeing her reminds me of someone, a person named Artoria."

El-Melloi II's pupils shrank slightly, this guy...

This Kurokawa... who the **** is he?

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something and said, "Parallel world...?"

Kurokawa and Mi paused slightly: "It's amazing... El-Melloi, no, Weber Velvet. I didn't expect you to grow to this level at this point in time... I wanted to try to play tricks I thought it would be discovered so quickly. How did you do it?"

"It's not a big deal." El-Melloi II smiled: "It's just that since Kurokawa and Mei are related to Gemstone Weng, I will naturally think about it and test it out a little. To think that this is really the case... I see... it seems that someone who has touched that field is really rude."

"No, it's just that there is a special ability that just happened to touch it. My knowledge of magic is much worse than that of Kazumi."

"So that's how it is...then." El-Melloi II put his eyes on Kurokawa Kazuya: "Haven't you asked your name yet? Can you tell me?"

"Me? My name is Liangyi, Liangyi."

"Liangyi...is that so..." El-Mello muttered and looked aside: "Okay! Everyone is almost here, let's get ready, the plane is about to take off."

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