I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 426

Chapter 426: Bathmelo's visit

"This dream sounds a little familiar..."

Liangyi and Mi were stunned for a moment and thought about it carefully.

After flipping through the materials related to Xingyue World in my mind, my eyes lighted up slightly.

found it-

The content related to the dream of the two ceremonies...

In the Xingyue world, if there are beings who have been connected to the root since birth... and hold the magician's lifelong pursuit in their hands, there are undoubtedly two—

One is the existence of the two rituals.

But... She chose to sleep, and truly grasped the existence of this power because she didn't care about everything, and everything came into view.

For her, the world has no secrets at all, and everything reveals a kind of—boring.

So, fell asleep.

Almost forever, unless there is something arguably funny about it.

However, what appeared on the outside were the two personalities that appeared when she was sleeping—Shiki and Ori.

It can be said that although he seems to have a dual personality in the eyes of the two ceremonies, he actually needs to add one more, a triple personality.

The existence between formula and texture...

However, there is a similar existence in another world.

Its name is Shajo Love Song.

Linked to the roots from birth, an existence that holds the entire world in its own hands—

Like the two ceremonies, it can be said to be an almost omnipotent existence.

However, she didn't sleep, but lived like a normal person...on the surface.

Because it is almost omnipotent, it is very boring...


I don't know when she saw her future. Unlike the future, she is omnipotent and has the ability of "clairvoyance".


Just like a certain Gilgamesh didn't use it because he was bored, so did she.

Because he saw that he would be selected as a Master in the Holy Grail War in the future, and then fell in love, so he sealed his clairvoyance and did not use it.

Originally, she was able to know fate, grasp the future, and even weave events and choose the future like a thread of the world and time, decide any possibility completely according to her heart, and choose the world she wants to live in...

But even so, she didn't do it, in order to feel the feeling of heartbeat in love...

The above description of Shajo Aige's ability...is the original text.

And in her world, that February of 1991.

She had a dream.

She was thinking, "Just try to dream like a normal human being."

And so... her consciousness spanned worlds—

I saw Sigurd who had turned into a dragon, and saw the shining anchor of the planet—the Holy Lance Lungomeniad.

And then... when she reached out to the Holy Lance to get that light in her hand.

A voice appeared 【Hey, "that" can't do it. Put that down and go. 】

The owner of the voice has blue pupils that are deeper than anything else...

There is no doubt that the last one is the two rituals with the magic eyes of death...

However, the current two ceremonies don't have this ability... Well, it's not bad anyway. Anyway, even if Shatiao Aige was blocked, the magic eyes and the like should not be relied on for the two ceremonies.


Because of the two ceremonies, Shajo Aika did not get the Holy Lance and her consciousness came to the seventh labyrinth of Alcatraz, possessing a girl named Norma Goodfellow...

Then... once again, I brushed my own style fiercely.

To put it simply, she walked more than half of the maze in her dream, and when she was about to meet the boss, she "woke up" and returned to her original world. Then, because she didn't say goodbye to Saber, that is... with a woman King Arthur bid farewell, and returned.

It's sad to have a parallel world.

It's fine to be worn by the jeweler, but why these people who are connected to the roots also walk casually like eating and drinking, come and go as much as they want...

You can also have a dialogue in the parallel world or something...

Traveling through parallel worlds is like going to a relative's house...

And when they come back, they will also let Caster Medea, Assassin curse-arm Hassan, Archer Robin Hood, and the girl Grey who holds the Holy Lance.

The four of them are not the opponent's blood-sucking species, a magic second.

Although, the first three Servants have consumed a lot of mana because there is no magician...

And Saber had disappeared before.

But it's a Servant after all, so it's a force to put there.josei

The most interesting part of this story is that I like the love song of the male King Arthur and meet the female King Arthur...

In addition to these characters, there is also El-Melloi II.

And a blood-sucking species as a BOSS. That is a real vampire, not a dead apostle, but a phantom species... even close to the existence of the elf species.

People can't help but feel that these links are rooted in BUG... For many things, for them, it is not whether they can do it, but whether they want to, whether it is interesting in the process of doing it...

"Hmm. I probably already guessed the matter...I didn't expect you to meet at this time..."

"What's wrong?" The two rituals said with some doubts.

"No, I'm just curious." Liangyi and Mi smiled, and it's better for him not to say anything about the real things about her.

It's not that he's trying to hide anything.


She herself didn't wish she knew these things.

Because once you know it...it means you can get everything and achieve everything...

That is to say - boring!

"Okay, Shishi woke up, so let's prepare breakfast." Liangyi and Mi diverted their attention and said, "Just in time, if someone comes to the door, prepare an extra... No, just in case, more Prepare two, I don't think that guy will come alone."

"Okay, I see." Heroic Spirit Emiya turned off the TV and stood up.

"Is someone coming?" The two ceremonies were a little surprised.

"Ah, there is a magical power coming this way... so unrestrained in this period, and there is such a strong magical power... And this feeling, there is no one else but Barthumello. "

"Ding dong—"

"Well, it looks like we've arrived." Liang Yi and Mi walked towards the door and said, "I didn't expect that she would know how to ring the doorbell because she is so disciplined."

As he spoke, he opened the door, and sure enough—the familiar figure that appeared in front of him—Barther Melo!

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