I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 452

Chapter 452: C's world

"Okay, that's all the preparations..."

Lu Luxiu prepared everything and said.

"Hmm..." C.C looked at the six swords prepared by Lu Luxiu and said with some doubts: "What's the use of these things? Do you want to use them to fight Knightmare?"

"I do have such an idea, but the main purpose is to fight people, block bullets and so on..." Lu Luxiu picked up a knife and said, "This is made of the most advanced alloy, even Knightmare That kind of armor can also be pierced, of course... Generally speaking, one or two swords will be scrapped."

"Oh, tearing the mecha by hand, great."

Lu Luxiu's movements paused: "Are you C.C now? Or Liangyi?"

"Ah, it's Liangyi, Liangyi and Mi." Liangyi and Mi smiled: "Well, now it feels like I'm playing Zhizhi...Dual personality or something...Well, forget it, I just couldn't help but come out and complain, so I went back."

"Now it's C.C." C.C picked up the pizza and continued to take a bite and said, "As far as the authority to manipulate the body is concerned... I am obviously the master, but he is taller than me, really..."

"That's why we have to act as soon as possible, go to Shengen Island—"josei


"His Royal Highness Clovis, there are ships approaching this way."

"Be warned." Clovis looked at the ruins in front of him and said, "We are operating here, so we can't be killed by, no, forget it."

Clovis leaned on his forehead and said: "Up to now, the woman has not been found, and my patience has reached the limit... Speed ​​up the excavation here! Otherwise, if you are discovered..."

He has been digging here, the ruins of Shengen Island, but only halfway through, something unexpected happened—C.C was taken away by terrorists!

There is nothing worse than this!


"Huh? Is that...?"

Lu Luxiu looked at the sky, there were already two planes flying towards this side.

"What should I do? You can't run on such a boat?" C.C said looking at the sky.

"Huh... yes, but—this refers to the previous, why do you think I just randomly found a boat and came here! Although the guy who keeps calling Suzaku Suzaku is an idiot...but...there is With this level of power, many things are indeed much simpler!"


As Lu Luxiu said, he picked up C.C and jumped directly towards the sea—


Run on the sea!

"This... this is too messy!"

"Ah, this is also a sentence I often say to that guy!" Lu Luxiu's face was slightly excited: "But——what I can feel now is not some randomness, but... because I With this power, I feel very calm!"

"How...how is it possible!?" The pilot on the plane also forgot to attack and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief: "Humans...can run on the sea?"


After putting C.C down, Lu Luxiu looked at his soaked shoes and let out a sigh of relief: "Sure enough, I'm still not proficient... Otherwise, the shoes wouldn't be wet, but... it's finally here, and now it seems that Sure enough, the army deployed here! But it seems to belong to that guy Clovis."

"How did you know?"

"It's very simple. If it was Charles, it would be impossible to send only two planes."


"Running on the sea? Don't be kidding, how is this possible!?"

Clovis looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief and his eyes widened at the next moment: "That woman—is it C.C? She came back? No...wait—that man... Lu... Lelouch?"

"Huh? Suzaku?" Lloyd stared at Suzaku who was waiting for the mech on the other side, "It's not time for you to come out yet."

"Ah, I see... I'm just getting ready."

"Okay—take back all the troops!" Clovis gritted his teeth and said, "Don't hurt them..."


"Hmm...no one, what a surprise." Lelouch walked forward a little closer to the center of the island.

Then... I saw a cave, and a row of Knightmare at the entrance of the cave, as well as Clovis, the prince.

"It really is you...Lelouchu."

Clovis said with a sigh of relief: "Finally found you... Lelouch! Stay away from the woman next to you, she is dangerous!"

"Ah, I know..." Lu Luxiu nodded, "I'm very happy that you can come to me, but everything should be over now."


"Get out of the way." Said Lu Luxiu directly walked past him and walked towards the deep ruins.

"Hey—wait! Lu Luxiu, what do you want to do!?"

Clovis, who was stunned for a while, turned around and said puzzledly.


"I see."

The next moment—Suzaku Suzaku activated his Knightmare and blocked the entrance: "I won't let anyone through!"

"Suzaku! What are you doing!?"


"Is it going well?"

"Ah... It even went smoothly beyond expectations, all the previous preparations were wasted... Well, but I acted according to the worst preparations, and now this is the best situation, and it should be taken for granted. Round table The knights don't even ride here, and Clovis is the leader, which should be the easiest mode for the game."

"But, didn't you say 【Don't want to use Geass on Suzaku】?"

"Is it Liangyi?" Lu Luxiu looked at Liangyi and Mi who suddenly controlled C.C's body and said, "That is Lu Luxiu in your script... Besides, I have already used it on him once, so, use The second time is natural, right? And thanks to Suzaku, otherwise I wouldn't be able to feel at ease when there are people outside..."


Lu Luxiu looked at the wall in front of him and said, "Give your body to C.C."

"I got it, I got it." Saying that, the control of the body switched to C.C.

"It seems that everything is coming to an end..." C.C looked at the wall in front of him and said...

"Ah, that's right..." Lu Luxiu nodded: "What is the reality of the world...what will happen to us in the future...now is the time to decide our destiny!"

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