I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 460

Chapter 460: Moon Holy Grail War

Ripple...works, but with much less power.

Alchemy...doesn't work.

Magic...doesn't work.josei

Stand-in...D4C's ability can be perfectly reproduced in this field.

physical fitness...

There is no difference from reality.

The realism of the world...

It's like being in the world of my own dreams. Although the sense of reality is not as strong as the real world, it is several times stronger than the spiritual calculation device Trismegistus.

At first, Ryokai and Ya thought that the Holy Grail War had begun.

The venue and the staff are all too similar...

But...it doesn't look like that now.

Soon, Liangyi and Mi came to a room led by that talkative NPC...


When I opened the door, I saw that there were more than ten people sitting in the classroom.

Almost all wear masks.

No one spoke.

But... Even if they are all wearing student uniforms and masks, it is clear that these people must be not young.

Many of them already have white hair, and some are only half white.

Pure white can also be said to be dyed, but half white...

Liangyi and Mi didn't speak, and sat in their seats, and when he came in, a place lit up.

After a while.

The people in the room gradually filled up.

Then, a man without a mask walked in, dressed as a priest.

"Kotomine Kirei??"

At this moment, someone finally couldn't help but speak out.

"No, that's wrong, I'm Kotomine Kirei, but I'm not Kotomine Kirei, it's an NPC originally created by Mooncell based on Kotomine Kirei on Earth, and I appear here now because of my situation. It's suitable to give some explanations to you...Although this seems to have a big impact on the main body that is still alive on the earth..."

Kotomine Kirei said with a smile: "But, I think this is also a very interesting thing."

"Okay, the old man didn't come here to hear these things. What is the Mooncell you are talking about? What is SE.PA.PH?"

"Okay...then let me say everything. Of course, what I can say is limited to what Mooncell allows me to say...First of all, let me talk about Mooncell. Mooncell, the full name of Mooncell Automaton, is billions of years A large computer left on the moon by a certain civilization, a photon crystal with a diameter of 3,000 kilometers, the purpose is to observe everything on the earth."


There was a commotion in the room for a while.

Billions of years ago.

Observe the earth?

In other words, civilizations really exist outside the earth, and they are quite developed, with such technology billions of years ago.

And... Mooncell was left to spy on them!

"And SE.PA.PH is a virtual world built inside Mooncell... for the selection ceremony to be held here... Well, in short, as most of you understand, Yes, the Holy Grail War. That's what I call the name of the ceremony that will take place here."

"Holy Grail War? You mean the Holy Grail War?"

"That's right." Kotomine Kirei said with a smile: "However, it is a little different from what you understand. This will be a battle between one hundred and twenty-eight Masters and one hundred and twenty-eight Servants. One fight, until the first place is decided, and as the loser. The result is only death!"

"Death? Who will participate in this kind of ceremony?"

Someone said disdainfully, but was quickly overwhelmed by the surrounding noise.

"Holy Grail? You say it's the Holy Grail?"

"Can wishes really come true?"

"Anything can be achieved? Don't say that some things are possible and others are not!"

Compared with human life... these people are more concerned about the Holy Grail War itself—

"That's right, but...the way to realize it is different from what you imagined. Mooncell has all the records of the earth. Just say what you expect, say your wish, and Mooncell will quickly As long as the purpose and method of realizing it are fantasies that human beings can think of, there is no reason why Mooncell cannot complete it. If this is the case, it will be understood, right?"

"So, when will the Holy Grail War start?"

"At any time—" Kotomine Kirei said with a smile: "We will not be limited to one Holy Grail War, but several, countless times...until the final victor appears, we will not stop. So... Mooncell gave you the power to choose—”

"Come on, select, select the time for the first Holy Grail War. After that, Mooncell will select people with Master potential on Earth to come to this planet. Of course, you can also use similar means to enter. As for being able to play I don't care how much strength I have... I can't use magic circuits here... If you want to fight here, you must first learn the method of spiritual calculation."

Kotomine Kirei said full of evil humor: "Of course, this Mooncell won't teach you, so let's start, vote. Representatives of the Earth."

A panel appeared in front of Liangyi and Mi.

The time can be adjusted above, and then there is an OK button at the end.

Follow the instructions above...

It is based on the 67 people who reappeared to choose the time point with the highest vote.


This time point must be before 2020.

That's right, after all, Yuxing is coming in 2030, even if it is too late to start.

However, one time is not enough. This kind of Holy Grail War must be held several times to be able to distinguish "who is the most suitable" one...

And since it is filled in at random, it is naturally possible for one person to have one time... If this is the case, the one with the same year and the largest number will be selected, and then the second vote will be made according to the situation here

Liangyi and Mi thought about it, and filled in the time of 2010.

Day and month are left blank.

In 2010, Ryiki and Ya would have had enough time to make themselves stronger... At that time, even if the Holy Grail War of the Moon happened, he could still enter it from a perspective other than a "competitor" Mooncell now...

Not "competitors" but "viewers".

He doesn't care about the Holy Grail of the Moon at all. Relatively speaking, the story that happened here... Attila inside the Mooncell...

He pays more attention to these.

Soon, the results of the first round appeared...


This time point won by three votes.

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