I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 570

Chapter 570: Forced!


Gilgamesh laughed at the mobile phone in his hand, and swiped the sweat from his forehead: "Finally! Finally! This king has completed all the Servants! Hahahahahahaha——!"

Slowly, Gilgamesh's laughter weakened slightly: "Well, but, as expected...skills are also very important, let's talk about Saber's skills first. But—"

As he said that, he stood up, ended his life of being stuck in the room for several days, shook his neck and said: "Next, let's go to Saber first, this time I will definitely be able to come to Saber's friend seat! Hahaha Just wait—Saber, this time I must make you kneel down and beg me!"


Liangyi and Mi sorted out the world line of the world they may go to now and in the future.

The world I am in now, since I came here at the beginning, the one with the two ceremonies is defined as the [main world]

Then the world line where his younger sister Kurokawa Kazumi is located is - FGO Line 1.

After that, we are about to proceed to the final singularity, and the world line for dubbing is - FGO Line 2.

Then the rebellious Lu Luxiu's world, this world will go twice in the future, as for what to do in the past? It's very simple, take the Knightmare of the ninth generation in the past, and the bullet of the goddess of love...

This kind of nuclear bomb is like, or even more useful than a nuclear bomb, there is no reason not to use it.

There is really no need for it now, but in the future... maybe it can be used.josei

The Goddess of Love who can shoot casually with only Knightmare...simple, easy to use, and powerful.

Among other things, the sea monster in fate/zero, once the goddess of love went down, disappeared... Oh, by the way, half of Fuyuki, maybe the whole Fuyuki disappeared along with it.

Maybe it can also disappear several surrounding cities.

After all, as soon as this thing is released, the imperial capital of that world, Pendragon, will be wiped out.

It's not like a nuclear bomb explosion, but a huge circle after launch, and everything in between disappears.

This world is - Lu Luxiu world line.

Then, the world I go to most often... the world line that is currently releasing FGO is... um... what should I name it.

Liangyi and Mi put the pen to their lips and thought for a while.

Yes, it's called [Main World Line 2] or [Play World Line].

After all, the main function of that world is to play, and a group of Servants are almost useless.

Especially Saber.

Now that he has been fooled by Caster once, there will naturally be a second, third...

Sooner or later, put yourself in the...

"So...that's the situation now, Shiki, do you have anything to add?"

"What about other worlds?" Two Rites asked, "Other worlds I've been to."

"Ah... those words are not special, generally speaking, it should not pass." Liangyi and Mi shrugged: "As for the world to go to in the future... let's talk about it at that time."

"Ding dong—"

"Here we come." Liangyi and Mi stood up when the doorbell rang and said, "It seems that they should be the two people Emiya mentioned earlier."

"Want to learn Ripple?"

Liang Yi smiled, looked at the form written by Liang Yi and Mi in his hands, and said directly without looking up.

"Ah, that's it." Liangyi and Mi nodded: "Did Emiya say it last night? Then these two people came over today...it should be so. However, I don't have the time to teach the system Ripples or something... find something for Lu Luxiu to do."

"Lelouchu... By the way, his ripples look pretty good too."

"Ah, although it's a little worse than me, but the difference is limited." Liangyi and Mi nodded. Anyway, Lu Luxiu had been training his ripples in the previous world, and the time was longer than Liangyi and Mi said. Only long not short.

Although...his original qualifications were poor.

After all, Ripple's aptitude and physical fitness are directly linked.

His previous physical fitness...not at all good.

But...years of practice, plus the practice of devouring. There is also a huge improvement... So, ZERO didn't die at all because he was pierced through the chest during the Requiem.

Lying there and acting embarrassingly. And because there is no death at all, so CODE naturally did not appear.

It's perfectly fine for him to teach Ripple.

"Exactly. He's very free recently, right? There's nothing to do at all. It's not bad to find something for him."

After Liangyi and Mi finished talking, they went downstairs and looked, and it was indeed those two people.

Tohsaka Rin and Tohsaka Sakura.


"Long time no see, Mr. Kurokawa, no, should I be called Mr. Liangyi now?" Tohsaka Rin said standing in front of the door with a kind smile on his face.

"Well, just call me Liangyi." Liangyi and Mi nodded and looked at the two of them and said, "Then...what are you two doing here? Like what Emiya said...you want to learn ripples?"

"Yes, that's right. How about I ask you about this matter?" Tohsaka Rin nodded.

"Who wants to learn? You? Or the two of you?" Liangyi and Mi paused while talking: "Well, forget it, come in and talk slowly."

"Then, excuse me."

Tohsaka Rin walked in while talking, and Tohsaka Sakura behind him saluted and said "excuse me" and followed.


"very good!"

Oda Nobunaga pushed open the door, wearing a casual T-shirt and said, "Since that guy is back, let's go find him!"

"That's right, he will always have time this time, right? No matter what, do the things here first, and don't always delay!" Director Okita also complained dissatisfied.

Although it's okay to go to someone else's house to eat, but sure enough, there is still someone who can cook near my home or in my own home, and the one who manages the food is the best!

"Hmm!" Oda Nobunaga nodded vigorously: "This time we are finally standing on a common front! Then, let's go, let that Liangyi and Mi grab the Holy Grail from other worlds!"

The goal of the two is very clear, that is to **** a holy grail, so that more other Servants can get flesh in this world.

In this way, they can give up the current room and live next to the Wei Palace House or the Liangyi House.

The daily food will be available!

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