I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 595

Chapter 595: Cu Chulainn: Be careful, be bold, be cautious, and I will live!

The next day...morning.

"Good morning, Emiya-kun..." Tohsaka Rin said with a smile as he looked at Emiya Shirou who walked into the school gate.

"Good morning, Tohsaka." Looking at the girl walking in front, Emiya Shirou nodded and said, "Did Tohsaka not go?"

"Well, after all, this matter is Archer's own business, isn't it? Relatively speaking, it's more important for us to attend class, right?" Tohsaka Rin said with a smile: "But...it may be a lot easier today."

"Easy? Ah... You mean Teacher Li Shuwen?" Emiya Shirou's eyes lit up slightly.

"Yes, it's him... he's going to attend that meeting today, right? In this way, today's physical education class can finally be relaxed." Tohsaka Rin said with emotion: "It was too tiring a while ago It's nice to be able to take a break..."


"Okay, okay, let's go back. Don't be caught by someone next time."

Looking at the time, Cu Chulainn put the fish in the barrel back into the sea...

He'd eat it himself if he could, but he's not hungry right now...and, there's another thing to do afterwards.

"Okay... In this case, we are fully prepared!" Cu Chulainn stood up and said with a smile.

His condition is already at its best.

If there were any accidents under such circumstances, he would have no choice but to wait for death to come.

Today, he is going to the Xingyue Club to participate in the meeting after the competition. In his opinion... this will be a matter of his life and death!

Although it is not bad to get a physical body, but the current life is not bad.

As for the game...

I don't know why he always thinks of the countless times he died in the fantasy carnival...

If so, it would be too dangerous.

Among other things, that Kotomine Kirei and Gilgamesh will definitely sit idly by! No... not just sit back and watch, but just sit there and watch his jokes.

This is the character of those two people!


All he can rely on is himself...

With the same mentality of going to the battlefield, Cu Chulainn walked towards Xingyuesha.

Although, knowing that he might die, Cu Chulainn is not someone who is afraid because of this. If he is afraid because of this, he is not a great Celtic hero!

Know your fear and overcome it!

This is the path he has chosen—

Thinking all the way, Xingyueshe walked over, and the journey was as if there were no accidents...

Cu Chulainn breathed a sigh of relief...

"Isn't this Lancer, he came early..."

"Huh? Assassin? No... Sasaki..." Kojiro Sasaki, the gatekeeper, smiled. "What, you guy, you've already obtained the physical body, but you're still guarding the gate for someone else!"

"I can't help it... In life, you always have to do something, and you always have to find a job. Unfortunately, I don't have other abilities. Helping the door like this is the only thing I can do."

Sasaki said with a smile: "Okay, you came very early, and the others haven't arrived yet."

"Oh, what about the location?"

"The top floor." Sasaki Kojiro said: "Just go wherever you want, the witch is waiting for you there."

"Then, thank you very much." Cu Chulainn said and walked in, walked to the middle of the gate and heaved a sigh of relief...

So far, no surprises...all good.

As he said that, he vigilantly observed his surroundings, instead of taking the elevator, he walked up the stairs step by step. If an accident happened in the elevator, it would be dangerous.

But the stairs are relatively brisk.


If he runs with all his strength, he must be much faster than the elevator going up!

Soon, Cu Chulainn reached the top floor, where he also set up a barrier to prevent ordinary employees from going up.

However, it seemed to Cu Chulainn that this thing did not exist at all.

After walking in... I saw a hall, and there was a table in the middle of the hall, and several people were sitting there chatting about something...

"I didn't expect you to be the first one to come." Liangyi and Mi stared at Cu Chulainn who walked in and said, "What's the matter? You...have a nervous look on your face."

"Who... who is nervous! Sure enough, no one else came... eh? But why did you two come back?"

Cu Chulainn looked at Okita Souji and Oda Nobunaga in the room and said.

He is not surprised that Liangyi and Mihe are in him...it is also normal for Caster to be there.

But why did these two people who had already left this world come back at this time?

"It's very simple! I, Oda Nobunaga, snatched this Holy Grail!" Oda Nobunaga patted his chest and said, "If that's the case, what will happen next? Who will get my Sixth Heaven Demon King? Gift, of course you have to see it with your own eyes!"

"Yes...really." Cu Chulainn nodded and found a place to sit down: "Then, the next thing is to wait for other people to come, right?"

"Well, there's still more than an hour left." Liangyi and Mi nodded: "I don't know when the others will come...well, we'll just play games at this time, it's only an hour and it's over in a blink of an eye It's over."

"Cú Chulainn? Do you want to go together?"

"No, I'll forget it, I just sit here and rest for a while."

"Really, I got it..." Liangyi and Mi looked at the weird Cu Chulainn and nodded.

I don't know why, but now Cu Chulainn has a strange aura leaking from his whole body.josei

"Very... very good..." Cu Chulainn looked at the current situation and thought secretly in his heart: "So far there has been no danger or accident... It seems that it is still safe now, but Don't be careless! If I go to play at this time, the sense of urgency in my heart will disappear, and if there is any crisis at that time, I will not be able to deal with it immediately... So... I have to be careful... Be cautious... Regardless Nothing can fail here! '


"Hahahahahahaha—this king is here! Hurry up and meet me!"

Gilgamesh laughed and opened the door.

As a result... no one paid him any attention at all...

"Hey—little girl! What's the matter with your operation? This proficiency!?" Cu Chulainn kept pressing the handle while roaring.

"Hahahaha! Poor and poor! I am the Demon Lord of the Sixth Heaven, how could I lose to you!"

"Hmm..." Gilgamesh's face was ugly, and the king's treasure suddenly appeared behind him: "How dare you ignore this king! Go to death for everyone!"

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