I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 600

Chapter 600: who are you?

"Teacher, shall we go directly to Xingyue Club next?"

Flatt couldn't stop after getting off the plane: "If you go now, the [behind the scenes] might have arrived, and there may be some dark meeting going on right now! The kind that threatens the world—"

"How is that possible? It's just a mobile phone company. What kind of culture have you absorbed?" The boy named Sifen interrupted and attacked mercilessly.

"Mr. Lu Xi'an, you don't understand this, right? Look, that person is standing behind many Servants, even behind people like King Arthur and the King of Heroes, there must be some ulterior secret! "Flat said with excitement as if he had found something.

"It's Sifin, not Lu Xi'an-kun!" Sifin's forehead bulged slightly: "And, didn't he stop the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City? How could he be the mastermind behind the scenes, that's right! Say that It's as if he saved the world!"

"Impossible, impossible! Why did he want to stop the Holy Grail War for no reason? There must be some ulterior conspiracy!" Flatter shook his head and said: "After all, the Holy Grail War was stopped by him! That means stop Can it be stopped? So teacher, isn’t it a little dangerous for us to pass like this?”

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I won't lose again!" Sifen gritted his teeth and said, "One failure like that is enough!"

"Okay, you two be quiet!" Seeing the two people who seemed to be fighting, El-Melloi II sighed and stopped and said: "The details are so, let's see the situation at that time... "

To be honest, he still really wants to know what is going on with the quasi-heroic power he got, and he also wants to get that power...

Although, he has more or less accepted his fate now.

Regarding the fact that I can only accept the protection of my disciples...

However, if there is such an opportunity, if he can gain great power... Well, although it is not his original power, he thinks he is still willing to accept it.

Because in this way... How much, his disciples will not be caught in entanglements and dangers.

But this kind of thing is still quite difficult, no... Or is it almost impossible?

"Okay, let's part ways temporarily when we get here." After walking out of the airport and seeing that there were no people around, Bazzett stopped his steps and said to several people.

"Ah? Aren't you going to the monthly club with us?" Reynice looked at Bazzett with a smile: "Or...are you going to do other things?"

"...Although I was sent this time, it was requested by myself and the people above." Bazzett looked at several people and said: "Before completing the investigation, the fifth Holy Grail War Before the event of the mastermind behind the scenes, I have one more important thing to do..."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Reynis narrowed her eyes slightly. In her hand-drawn case, traces of silver liquid flowed out of it, and the mercury barrier had enveloped the surroundings at some point. : "Do you think I would say something like [Let's go]?"

"I see..."

Bazzett checked the surrounding situation again, and then slowly closed his eyes: "You don't think you can stop me, do you?"

"Miss Bazzett...I don't recommend you go alone. You are going this time to find that priest Kotomine Kirei, right?" El-Melloi II said: "There are powerful people around him. Servant...Although the specific situation cannot be explained below."

As he said that, El-Melloi II's face was a bit bitter: "What's more, the Servant you originally served, the control of Cu Chulainn is also in his hands, I don't think it's good for you to go rashly like this s Choice."

"However, I don't think I will lose!"


The air seemed to burst open.

The mercury barrier that had risen up all around exploded in an instant!

El-Melloi II widened his eyes.

Watching Bazzett leave step by step, he took out the cigar box from his arms, took a deep breath after roasting it: "The one just now...is the magic dress she is holding... "

"A backlight sword? It's really scary, really scary." Reynis opened her suitcase, and all the quicksilver inside rushed out, forming a quicksilver maid.

"Oh, it's really strong, but is that thing such a fast instant dress?"

"It should have been prepared secretly, and not with all my strength... just to scare us." Reinis shrugged and said: "But... my lord brother~ Is it really okay to let her just leave like this? "

"The previous one shouldn't be the backlight sword... She can't use that thing here. But... even if I don't want to, there is no other way." El-Melloi II thought for a while and said.

It is indeed very powerful, although if you want to fight her, there is no way... But, this will inevitably cause huge consumption, and it is undoubtedly very irrational to do it on someone who is not an enemy s Choice.

"What we need is to preserve our strength. The person we will face later... Judging from Caster's tone, it should be a man. When we face him, we don't know what we are going to face. To be able to make all the Servants in this area Peaceful coexistence on the land... That man must have a powerful ability beyond my imagination... It may not be combat power, but it is very important."

Each of those Servants is a well-known hero in the history of mankind. They have experienced various setbacks during their lifetime, and they have grown up because of this.

Both strength and mind are very powerful.

Just because of their strength... Even if they can knock down all of them, it is impossible for them to stand together.

There must be some other way...some other reason.

The reason why he came to Fuyuki City this time was to find out the truth of this matter!


Fuyuki City Holy Church.

Standing in front of the door, Bazett took a deep breath, confirmed her preparations, and exhaled. Now she is in a complete state, and she will never be careless.



Bazzett pushed open the door of the church, scanning the inside sharply, trying to find the location of Kotomine Kirei.

But...didn't see, there was only one person in the empty church.

A silver-haired girl in a nun's attire.

"Who are you?" Bazzett looked at the girl in front of him and asked.

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