I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 642

Chapter 642: arrive in london

Hanging around as always...

Small talk as always...

Liangyi, Liangyi and Mi walked in this city named Guanbuzi...Although they have been walking for several years, the two who just wandered here for nothing should be familiar with this city, only those who lived in Guanbuzi city Only old drivers who have been driving for several years can compare.

No, maybe not even them.

After all, the two are apart from the streets that people frequent.

Those alleys that people don't know how to go will also rush into them, slowing down their pace, wandering in this silent world that seems to only have each other.

"You look very idle." The two said as they walked.

"Well, I'm really free." Liangyi and Mi looked up at the blue sky: "Before May, I have nothing to do, at most go to Lelouchi's world and get the Knightmare I made there. I'm free the rest of the time, what's wrong?"

"Shouldn't you find something to do?"

"Huh? This is unnecessary, right?"

"I'm not talking about those... For example, the exact things you want to do, the goals in life..." Liang Yi said with a sigh, and if it goes on like this...I always feel that something will happen to him sooner or later.

Not now, maybe ten years later, maybe fifty years later... Maybe he will suffer because of such a character.

"Life goals..." Liangyi and Mi sighed after thinking for a while: "Speaking of which, my life goals have almost been achieved... From now on, as long as the world is peaceful, everything will be OK~ specific life goals. .. Haha, there really isn’t any.”

Liangyi and Mi are really thinking, what kind of goal should they set for themselves, and then work towards that direction?

Everyone in this world has their own different goals—want to be a teacher, want to be a manga artist, want to go for a walk...

But among the people he knows, there are many people who want to be a salty fish and do nothing...

Something like this.

He once wanted to be a salted fish...

But now I have found something to do.

Now I draw manga, do animation, and occasionally walk around and play.

It's interesting to see what's going on and what's going on with those who were supposed to be fighting the Holy Grail War.

Occasionally, you can fight a dozen Holy Grail Wars to vent your accumulated dissatisfaction.

After all, he is different now from before. In the past, he couldn't end the Holy Grail War by himself. No matter what, he had to summon his own Servant to let the Servant go, and he could at most help deal with the Master on the sidelines.

But it's different now.

Now Liangyi and Mi can completely treat themselves as Berserkers. Although the attribute is not up to the level of Hercules, it is almost the same.josei

He estimated that his own attributes should be able to reach a full A level in the past two years...

Life is good, and the status quo is very happy.

Occasionally, when I think about the future, I will feel that the road ahead is bright, and there is no danger anymore...


"So that's the reason why I need to find a goal for myself to avoid being too idle." Liangyi and Mi thought thoughtfully.

The two ceremonies stopped talking, although I don't know where he thought of it, but I always feel that he thinks wrong...

"Well, I see. I will think about my future life goals in the future, and then work hard in that direction. However, do you have any goals?"

"I...I'm fine now."

"You didn't have it yourself and it made me think...that's a double standard!"

"So...I'm double-standard, why? Are you angry?"

"Haha, how come, I was just joking." Liangyi and Mi smiled: "Well, I will try my best to find a goal in life. But Shiye can think about it for himself, if he has any good ideas, I will You can also work hard together with your share."


May 1998—

This is the day when the magic eye collection train starts.

Liangyi and Mi's group also arrived in London on time at this time—

"Just in case, I came here in advance... It seems that there is nothing wrong." After getting off the plane, Liangyi and Mi looked at the London airport and said, "There are still three days left, do you need to go to see it in advance?" What does the station look like?"

"I don't care, anyway, do you know how to get there?" Liang Ri looked at the foreigners on the road and said, this was her first time to go abroad!

Although I have been to Lu Luxiu's world before, it is still very different.

"Ah, after all, I went there once before. Although it has been several years, I still have some impressions. How about the three of you?" As they spoke, Liangyi and Mi were slightly discouraged.

In the end, only Heroic Spirit Emiya, Oda Nobunaga and Okita Souji came over.

"I don't care, this time I am a bodyguard, right?" Heroic Spirit Emiya shrugged: "So, as long as you know the way yourself."

"I want to see it!" Oda Nobunaga said: "The train driving in the fog is like a ghost, which sounds very interesting! According to what you said, the fog will only appear when the train starts to appear, right? Then—we won’t be able to see the platform by then! Before that, let’s go and have a look!”

"Yes...Okay." Liangyi and Mi thought for a while: "It's just...to confirm the situation of other people, and then I have to ask for another ticket"

"More?" Liang Ri asked suspiciously: "Isn't two words enough? Two can bring six people, we only have five people here..."

"Having said that, there should only be two rooms for two tickets. After all, we have been together for three or four months, and only two rooms are prone to problems, so let's ask for another one. Three rooms are almost enough." Liangyi and Mi Said: "I have a room with Shiki, Nobunaga and Soji, and Emiya, is it okay for you to have a room?"

"It doesn't matter to the two of us..." Oda Nobunaga thought for a while and said, "Anyway, I've already gotten used to it."

"It doesn't matter to me either." Heroic Spirit Emiya nodded, "Just make yourself happy."

"Very good, then let's be sure." Liangyi and Mi nodded: "Ah, yes, I'm going to visit the Clock Tower next...Emiya, if you have anything you want to bring, you can go with it However, no matter who you take with you, you have to remember that, unless you can get a fourth ticket yourself."

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