I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 777

Chapter 777: live in two

Go back in time for a while—

"After that, I also need to go back to the United States."

Not long after Liangyi and Mi got on the plane, Father Puqi looked at the plane going away and smiled slightly: "I have already sent a substitute envoy up, of course this substitute envoy doesn't even know that he has a substitute , That's... the substitute ability I just put on, she doesn't need to fight, as long as she 'survives'... this substitute will be able to play a role."

What is the weakest stand-in?

Father Puqi asked DIO such a question before.

Of course, the answer I got at the beginning was words such as "I am born to be useful" and "There is no weakest stand-in in this world"...

Afterwards he said that it was a child's question, like asking [Stalone and Jean-Claude Van Damme are better].

In this way, DIO was silent for a while before he said: "A substitute I named [Survivor] is the weakest, but it is a hot potato."

This substitute has no other abilities, but when he is angry, it will generate a weak electric current, which is very weak, so weak that it is impossible to detect it.

Then, this current will not produce any attack effect.

Simple... just to be able to make people angry.

And after that, when you really fight, you can see the "muscles" or strengths of the opposite body.

Moreover, a person's potential will be fully realized.

Once it really starts fighting, it's over, and it will keep fighting until one of them dies—

And in battle, no matter what kind of injury you get, you won't feel pain, all you can feel is "exhilaration"!

"The only people on that plane are Joestar and his party and the substitute envoy I sent in, let's fight... kill each other, and then die—!"

Father Pucci began to look forward to what these people would look like after they got off the plane.

Even if they reached the destination by luck, some people must have died.

That's it.

Killing his companion with his own hands, the battle of those people is over. The last one alive...is he really in the mood to fight?

Maybe you will spend your life in pain and entanglement.

He inserted the substitute of [Survivor] into the brain of one of the flight attendants, and gave an order: 'Get angry'.

In this way, no matter how well-bred the flight attendant is, he will be angry.

Then... the ability will make the people around you angry too, that plane is now... already a **** flying in the sky.


"You two, be quiet, you will be noisy!"

"Ha, what were you shouting when you came back, you obviously don't know anything—"

"Keep your voice down, what will the guests do if they hear it!?"

"This has nothing to do with you, does it?"

As soon as Kujo Jotaro came out of the toilet, he heard such a voice, which made the veins on his forehead slightly bulge. Seeing one of them stretching out his hand as if about to fight, he yelled: "Hey, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Already! Quiet me!"

"Huh? Who am I supposed to be? You bumpkins are the passengers. I really don't know how you got on this plane! How could that person have friends like you—?"

boom--! Kujo Jotaro punched out directly, hitting the wall next to the toilet.

In an instant, the wall was dented by the fist of the Platinum Star attached to his hand: "Now, can you be quiet?"

"Huh? Ah... yes..."

The anger in my heart was suppressed all of a sudden.

Although this period of time was not enough to completely suppress their anger, they each snorted coldly and turned their heads away to do their own things.

"These guys...really." Kujo Jotaro shook his head slightly and walked back, and then saw a group of people who seemed to be arguing: "What's the matter with you today?"

"..." Liangyi and Mi sighed slightly, looked at the others and said, "Do you all feel very angry?"

"Ah... indeed." Noriaki Kakyoin shook his head: "I don't know why, but you are all very upset and want to fight hard."

"Hey, isn't it? No one wants to fight and say that." Dongfang Josuke's mouth twitched, which really had a personality.

"It's nothing, since Mr. Liangyi asked me, I'll tell you..."

"Hmm... Indeed, I'm upset..." Joseph frowned and looked at Liangyi and Mi: "It should be the reason of DIO... That guy left Egypt suddenly and everyone was upset up."

"Well...I do have this feeling in my heart." Abdel frowned: "However, it may be because my substitute itself is a flame. The feeling can be suppressed."

"Huh? I don't feel angry?" Dongfang Jousuke was slightly puzzled.

"Ah, that's right, what's the point of asking about this kind of thing, just go to the station and find DIO's stand-in messenger and have a hard fight!" Polnareff said as he rang the bell and said : "Hey - flight attendant, pour me a glass of water!"

"Hey—don't call someone, tsk, **** it, are you late..." Liangyi and Mi frowned, then heaved a sigh of relief when they saw the flight attendant walking over with water step by step.

Is it not affected?

However, the next moment—

The facts tell him that's not the case.

"Give you water—!"


As the flight attendant said, a glass of water was poured on Polnareff's face, and the paper cup was still on the ground.

"You bastard—!"

Polnareff yelled and stood up, and the silver chariot appeared behind him.

"Huh? You guys, do you want to have a fight? Let's have a fight—!" The flight attendant said, clenched his fists and hit Polnareff on the head.

"Jotaro! Stop them—don't let them fight, this is the enemy's stand-in attack!" Ryogi and Mi shouted hastily. He has completely understood the current situation!

"What—? Substitute attack?" Jotaro Kujo's pupils narrowed slightly, and although he didn't know what was going on, he still stretched out his hand.

Just when the Platinum Star appeared in his hand, Liangyi and Mi shouted again: "Don't use a substitute!"

He had no choice but to take back the Platinum Star. Although he didn't know what happened, this was the only way to do it at this time!

Although Polnareff was angry, after such a yell, his whole body was shaken and he became slightly sober.josei


"What... what—this guy?" Kujo Jotaro looked at the flight attendant in front of him with an ugly expression, and his body backed away slightly.

"Isn't it? Mr. Jotaro's power has been suppressed?" Higashika Josuke said with an expression of disbelief.

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