I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 782

Chapter 782: weather forecast

"Brother, what are you doing here—?"

Father Pucci looked at his younger brother in the room, shook his head and said, "I'm here to return your double to you, and now—it's time for you to play."

"I see, it's not wrong to kill Joestar and his party, right?"

Boy, Wes Brummarin turned around and said.

Of course, those who knew him called him 'Weather'.

"That's right, that's right...as long as Master DIO can ascend to heaven, then...Pella will also be resurrected?" Pucci stretched out his hand and said, "That will be a world where everyone can be happy, everyone Eternal peace of mind is available to all, including you—”

The weather forecaster's eyes shook slightly.

Stretching out his hand to touch his head, he always felt that something was wrong...


"Ah, yes, to revive Pera."

He seemed to have a vague feeling that there was something on his forehead but he didn't care, or... some kind of message in his heart told him 'don't care. '

Watching the sunshine outside, and the rainbows that have started to appear all around.

Puqi smiled: "That's right, that's it...everything has already started, let's go. Your double is even stronger than Mr. DIO, and even stronger than mine. It can be said that it is the [strongest] one I have ever seen. Substitute. Accomplish your mission."

Father Puqi turned his head as he spoke, avoiding the rainbow and the snails that kept appearing around him and began to leave.

His younger brother, Wes Brummarin.

Often referred to as 'weather'.

Stand-in name - Stormy Storm. Possesses a powerful stand-in ability capable of destroying the ozone layer.

Because of some coincidences, he became his 'enemy'.

Even if he said that he could resurrect "Pella" and let him help fight, he would not refuse, insisting on his own "justice". But...ah, it's okay, it's okay even if it is.

DIO's granulation had him under control.

In addition, Puqi has already known the weakness of the weather double, even if there is any accident, he can deal with the weather himself!


"Oh—today's weather is good." Polnareff opened the door and looked at the sky and said with emotion: "Look, this sky is awesome, with so many rainbows."

Polnareff tilted his head with a smile: "Oh, this rainbow is so close, it feels like it's right in front of you—"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to the rainbow in front of him.



Liangyi and Mi hurriedly stopped Polnareff and said, "Be careful, this rainbow is a stand-in attack!"

"Alas? A substitute again?" Polnareff frowned, but Liangyi and Mi rarely made mistakes along the way. He said it was a substitute attack, but generally speaking it was really a substitute attack.


And what stand-ins are these rainbows?

"Is it like a survivor again?" Kujo Jotaro frowned as he said, a bunch of snails appeared not far away and squirmed towards this side.

"Everyone go back - stay away from rainbows and snails!"


"What... what's wrong??"

Polnareff paused as he spoke, one of his feet touched the snail crawling ahead—

"Throw away your shoes quickly—Polnareff!"


"Huh? What's the matter? I don't feel anything?"

Polnareff was stunned and said something strange.

"Hey...Polnareff, didn't you see it?" Kakyoin said as a double appeared behind him: "Emerald Splash—"

bang bang bang—

Countless emerald water sprays knocked away the snails crawling towards him, then looked at Polnareff and stretched out his hand: "Look at your feet—!"

"Hands back—don't touch Polnareff—"

Stand-in name - Stormy Storm.

The stand-in abilities are various.

The previous stand-in was called 'weather forecast', it could predict rain or fog in a certain place, it could also rain poisonous frogs, etc...


After his holder 'Weather' recovered all his memories.

This already powerful stand-in became even more powerful.

Unconsciously let rainbows appear all around. Everything that touches the rainbow will become a 'snail', and the life that touches these snails will also become a snail—

For example, Polnareff is slowly turning into a snail now, and at this time, if anyone touches Polnareff, the result will be the same as him—it will also become a snail.

And sunlight will speed this up.


The mere existence of this double would destroy the ozone layer.

And it is uncontrollable!

In other words, the body of the stand-in cannot control the current phenomenon.

This is... a stand-in whose mere existence can destroy the world—

If it continues to exist, the world itself will perish.

"This... this, how could there be such a substitute—?" Joseph's eyes widened in disbelief when he heard Liangyi and Mi's explanation: "Just...existence itself can destroy the world?"

"Ah, that's it..." Liangyi and Mi nodded and pushed open the window, and the outside—has become a world of snails.

Cats become snails, dogs become snails.

So are the birds flying in the sky.

A person who was on the phone suddenly ran out of a snail.

The pilot who flies the plane in the sky also becomes a snail, allowing the plane to fly freely.

Spread around this Cape Canaveral—

In this way, I don't know how long this world will be destroyed.

"Hey, hey...don't look at it, hurry up and find that stand-in messenger." Polnareff said in a teary voice, "I don't want to become a snail!"

Now, half of his body has turned into a snail-like existence, and now he is half human and half snail...

"The Magician's Red—"

The flames slammed forward, killing a bunch of snails that were about to crawl over. Abdel looked at Joseph and said, "Mr. Joestar—what should we do?"

"Well... there is no other way! We can only find out the stand-in messenger!" Joseph shook his head and said, "It's not okay to continue the stalemate here...but—according to what Liangyi and Mi said, Even if the stand-in messenger is a few kilometers away from us, he can still use this stand-in ability, and now he is not targeting us, but—the entire Cape Canaveral... How can we find him!"josei

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