I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 977

Chapter 977: Rev reappears


Joan of Arc [Alter] lowered her head slightly.

"Yes..." Gilles de Ray stretched out his hand with a smile: "Then... let us restore our previous relationship again, my saint."

"So—it's my freedom to let you die, right?"

"Yes, as long as you fall into the arms of my lord, even if you let me die, it is your freedom."josei

"No—!" Joan of Arc [Alter] raised her head and gritted her teeth and said, "What I said is, let you die now!!"

On the other side, Kurokawa Kazumi also gritted her teeth slightly, and slowly closed her eyes, trying to forget what she saw before, but she couldn't... The impact was too great, and the impression was too deep. ..

"Hey, hey...Although I want to help you escape...but where should I go in this situation!"

"North!" Joan of Arc said immediately: "This is my Lord's revelation. When we reach the north, we will be safe!"

"North face...very good—!" Kurokawa Kazumi clenched his fists with a smile, or wanted to use a smile to make himself temporarily forget the previous memory, then—

"Go to **** with me—!"

The next moment, Joan's eyes widened...

The girl who suddenly appeared in front of her...is she actually a berserker? ? ?

Even Fafnir's head was crushed by a punch, and the speed at which all the sea monsters were blown into the air with a gust of wind... How did she...

"Hahahaha—!" Joan of Arc [Alter] also laughed here: "Go north! Very good—"

With the Holy Grail in her body, her battery life is super strong. It was just dragged down by the serial battles all the time before, but now—

The magic power has recovered a lot, and the injury has completely recovered.

Noble Phantasm—

Can be used once.

"Roar—! My anger!"

Thus, all the hatred that has been accumulated until now burst out here along with the magic power!


"You are very noisy." Kurokawa Kazumi squeezed Gildre's head with one hand, and punched out from behind him.


Blood rained all over the sky.



"My saint..."

"Are you still alive like this?" Kurokawa Kazumi frowned, his body glowed like the sun on the ground: "Die."


As the eyes of the demon king Getia, what Kurokawa Kazumi sees, Getia also naturally sees.

The inexplicable breath followed the realization and wanted to infiltrate into this time temple.

However, at this time, this inherent barrier had a power that even he couldn't understand, and one of the rings in his hand shone slightly.

And so... the breath is gone.

"Solomon's ring..."

Is this the hidden power in it? It's just a pity.

There are only nine rings on his hand, the last one, because Solomon returned to heaven, whereabouts are still unknown.

During the three thousand years, he thought of countless ways, and used his clairvoyance to see the past, present, and future...to find that ring.

Only when all ten rings are in his hands can he truly hold that almighty power.

But... that last ring, no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find the slightest trace.

until now.

Now that the human rights have been burned, he still doesn't know where Solomon's ring is.

The ring itself has such and such performance.

"Flauros, please go." Getia called out to Lefe, this singularity is too dangerous...

Originally, he arranged as much as possible in each singularity to prevent Chaldea from finding the seat of this singularity. Although it was impossible to hide it forever, it could delay their steps.


Now he withdrew the barrier located on this second singularity.

It's too dangerous, this singularity can even rise to one of the most dangerous singularities this time—

The only thing that can be compared with it is the sixth and seventh singularity...

There, the two singularities that were already very dangerous, now...become even more dangerous, and Getia spent most of his time looking there.

in case.

There, there are two Beasts—


"Very good—this way the first singularity will be repaired!" Roman looked at the crowd who came back and waited, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Yes, everyone is very tired this time, so let's take a good rest." Da Vinci said with a smile.

However...Fujimaru Tachika and Mash glanced at each other. This time...it seemed that there was nothing wrong with them, they just went there for a walk...the whole trip, and took a look at the scenery of the sea.

That's probably what happened.

"You really should take a break." Roman rubbed his temples and said with a smile: "It's not just you, we also need to take a break..."

"Rest—? Is it no longer possible? Has it reached the limit?"


Roman turned his head quickly, and a familiar figure appeared on Sheba's display: "Rafe..."

"It's been a long time, Roman. I didn't expect you to be the coward who finally sat in the director's seat."

"No... that, it's just the acting director."

"Okay." Da Vinci looked at Leif and said, "Ah... Really, it seems that you have moved a lot, although recently I have tried my best to erase the traces you left , but... I didn't expect there to be residues!"

The Leif that appeared in front of him was completely a virtual image, just like Chaldea's.

Through Sheba, projected his own influence.

"Yes...is there something unexpected about the second singularity?" Holmes raised his eyebrows and said.

"...As expected of Holmes, I always thought you were very dangerous, so I transferred you to the Magic Association... But even so, you seem to feel that something is wrong with me, so..." Leif glanced at the staff in the room and said, "That's why so many people survived? Let me see... there are probably more than fifty?"

"Sixty-three." Roman gritted his teeth: "Some have gone to rest, and now there are only sixty-three surviving staff... because of your explosion."

Holmes blew out a smoke ring, and looked at Liangyi and Mi.

In the game, there are only about twenty people...

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